Natural dull young master

Chapter 38 Know

When I heard the rapid shout, I was stunned for a moment.

I haven't heard someone call my name like that for a long time. In Pengcheng, Li Tian often called me "nerd"; Mo Xian always used "you" instead of calling me by my name; when the princess saw me, "good child" was the opening phrase; most of the others called me princess.

If it hadn't been for this familiar call, I would have forgotten my name. I almost forgot that once, someone would call me "Ranran~".

I was a little unbelievable. I opened my eyes wide and looked back slowly.

What came was a huge stone and the panicked face from the cracks.

It's like a movie that slows down the process, and every move unfolds clearly in front of my eyes.

That's a wooden stewor!

A sense of inexplicable melancholy appeared in my heart.

In the end, it's not stupid...

I closed my eyes with some disappointment. The wind with the oncoming stone came to me, and I could even smell the earthy smell on the stone and the unique coldness of the stone.

"That's it..."

Just when I thought I was going to be hit by a stone on the head, I found that my foot was smashed.


When I was hit by a stone in the foot, I subconsciously bent down and reached out to rub the wound on my foot. My teeth trembling and my mouth cracked, but I couldn't make a sound.

It really hurts!

I grinned with pain, and the afterglow glanced at the thin monkey who had just taken a stone to knock me out. At this time, he was subdued by the wooden stewor who was rushed in time.

The wooden stewor tore the clothes on the thin monkey's body, tied the thin monkey's hand, and by the way, he tore off the excess part from the thin monkey's body and stuffed it into his mouth in the thin monkey's resentful eyes.

"Princess, are you all right?"

The wooden stewor did all this and looked at me worriedly.

I looked up at the wooden stewer and was in a trance.

It's obviously not the same person. Why do I see Dumb's shadow in him...

Inexplicably, I stretched out my hand and touched the wooden stewer's face.

The wooden steward's eyes flashed and took a step back. A circle of blush appeared on his dull face, and the voice sounded so simple that there was no characteristic:

"Princess, Miss Li's place..."

When I heard it, I was thrilled.

By the way, Li Tian hasn't solved it yet. He quickly turned his head and looked at Li Tian. At this time, Li Tian had an absolute advantage, and the man in the white robe suppressed had no power to fight back. He retreated frequently. On the contrary, Li Tian was so excited that he kept laughing.

"Li Tian, the girl, is still shouting so loudly when she fights."

I shook my head gently. Fortunately, it is relatively remote here, and there is no one nearby. Those talented people who travel together are most gathered in front of them. I'm not afraid that Li Tian will be found out when she shouts.

However, this is not good.

"Wood stewor, go and do me a favor."

Turning my head and pressing the complexity in my heart, I said indifferently to the wooden stewor who stood aside, although he was my subordinate, who had no subordinate characteristics at all.


The wooden stewor answered and dodged and came to the white-robed man with a sad face. Before he could react, the wooden stewor put a knife on the white-robed man's neck.


The one quickly withered on the ground.

"Wh, it's really boring!"

Li Tian looked at the wooden steward in surprise, then clapped his hands, came to me boldly, and patted me on the shoulder:

"Idiot, that's good. I didn't expect you to put down a man!"

I grinned and rubbed the place where Li Tian didn't know how to hit me, and secretly curled my lips.

"This girl doesn't really think she is a chivalrous woman. She was so bold that she almost knocked me down..."

After complaining for a while, before I could turn around, Li Tian suddenly came to my ear with a mysterious face and whispered:

"Dumb, I found that the wooden steweller you brought is very neat and doesn't look like a subordinate at all!"

I gave Li Tian a blank look. People with bright eyes can see it. Do you need such a mysterious thing?

She saw that I was not very interested. She pinched me and stared at me:

"Dead nerd, have you discovered his secret a long time ago?"

Li Tian's pinch was not very strong this time. I guess there was a thank-you element. I was dull and did not respond.

Joke, what do you want me to respond to? I exposed my horse's feet before. If I were saying something more normal, Li Tian didn't know what would happen to me. I don't do anything that is detrimental to my interests.

Holding Li Tian's "one-mindedness" will only pay attention to the fight and ignore the fluke of my abnormal performance just now. My face is still dull.

Obviously, I think things are too good.

The next moment, Li Tian threw me a blockbuster and thundered me from the outside to the inside.

"Nerd, in fact, you are all disguised, aren't you?"

My stiff body dared not look at Li Tian for fear that she would find out my embarrassment.


"Don't say that." Li Tian interrupted me and took my hand with tears, like aggrieved kitten:

"I know that you have your hardships, so I don't blame you if you hide it from me."

My stiff face softened a little. He took a look at Li Tian with a little relief.

"I didn't expect that Li Tian, a girl, is quite reasonable. She knows that she is considerate. Sure enough, this friend is not wrong."

I thought with joy in my heart.

But before I finished praising her, her next sentence returned everything I just said to me.

"Actually, as mentioned in this novel, you specially sneak into the royal palace for someone to be a nerd, right?"

Li Tian looked at me expectantly and said a little seriously.

I was stunned.

Oh, my God, where is this?

"Okay, I know. Don't hide it anymore. With such a good relationship between us, I won't tell anyone casually."

Seeing that I didn't answer her words, Li Tian thought I didn't believe her, so she quickly patted her chest and looked at me with a righteous face.

Suddenly, I really wanted to pry open Li Tian's skull. Let's see what her brain is structured. Why do you think so inexplicable?

More, it is glory.

Originally, I thought how considerate and understanding Li Tian would be. She didn't go to ask me these secrets, but she didn't expect that she just inquired about my secrets in another way. Moreover, the means have gone to the next level, but it's just a little rough.

It seems that Li Tian has learned a lot these days.

I half squinted my eyes and said faintly:

"It's nothing, I just don't want to make trouble."

Since it has been seen through by Li Tian, there is no need to cover it up. If Li Tian will say something to others, I can't control it. The worst thing is that this news has spread to more people, so that more people can guard against me and talk about me.


dragging the long ending, Li Tian nodded calmly.

After all, she is a young lady of a big family. Although she has experienced few things, it doesn't mean that she doesn't know anything. On the contrary, she knows a lot about the inner courtyard of the deep house, just as if she didn't know.

This is also a kind of cleverness of Li Tian. Live in a relatively clean world. Use jump and heroism to enjoy her less and less unbridled time in the general's mansion.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. This is also a secret between us, right?"

Maybe Li Tian knows that what bothers me is some troubles after not pretending to be dull. He said to me with a serious face.

"Hmm!" I smiled faintly and nodded.

"Yeah, I finally have a secret from you." Li Tian took my hand happily, and there was a trace of joy in the corners of her squinting eyes, and said:

"I've told you so many secrets, but I only know one of your secrets. What a loss~"

Li Tian suddenly changed his face and looked very depressed, as if he had been treated unfairly.

I only looked at her with a smile.

Half a year of getting along, I have long known some of Li Tian's little actions, and I know that this is just her casual complaint.

Therefore, I responded to Li Tian casually, part of my mind, and paid attention to the movement of the wooden stewor.

At this time, the wooden stewor tied the three disciples together. After packing up, he stood at my head with a dull face and did not interrupt Li Tian's complaint to me.

I patted Li Tian's hand and signaled to talk about it later. Li Tian closed her mouth cleverly, glanced curiously at the expressionless wooden steward, moved her eyes and looked angrily at the three people who were tied up. He turned his head and looked at me, gritted his teeth and said:

"These three, I don't want to let them go easily!"

I nodded.

"That's for sure. Send it to the government later."