Angel War Soul

Chapter 120 Suspicion

This sudden change made the elves who paid attention to the outside not react in time. When the female killer disappeared with the unconscious Lance, they quickly caught up.

"Brother! There is a group of black enemies in front!"

Ling Lan hid on a treetop. When he was about to chase the female killer, Xiao Zi said to him in surprise, and then hurried back with her wings fling.

As soon as he turned his eyes to Xiao Zi, he saw a hot flame ignite the whole forest. In an instant, the huge fire spread over.

"You take the princess to retreat!"

Ling Lan shouted loudly to the unknown elves behind him. He used five black holes to connect them to stop the attack of the fire.

At this time, from the treetops above their heads, the army of dark elves rushed towards them from the top of the forest.

"Cut down the trees!"

Ling Lan's hands flashed quickly, and countless sharp angel swords roared by. No matter how thick the trees touched were cut off, and countless sword lights formed an inaccessible sword array around him. In an in an flash, the lush trees fell to one by one. This place will be suppressed soon.

"Protect the princess to leave!" As soon as Sylph saw the dark elves appear in his sight, he didn't even have any fighting spirit and immediately ordered everyone to retreat.

Ling Lan was at the forefront of the team. At this time, he had been entangled by dozens of elf swordsmen and could not evacuate for the time being.

" hiss..."

Xiao Zi leaned on her favorable body and unexpectedly sprayed the powerful poisonous fog behind those dark elves. In a moment, they smelled the poison gas and immediately turned purple on their faces in pain, cracked countless wounds all over their bodies, and died abnormally in pain.

"Brother! Run!"

Xiao Zi shouted anxiously to Ling Lan. Sylph withdrew with the elves team. Only Ling Lan was left alone. A large number of dark elves had rushed over, and the fallen trees sealed all the roads around him.

The dense arrows were intertwined into a net of arrows with nowhere to hide, which shot in through the cracks in the wood. Ling Lanhu's body shook and suddenly burst out a holy light from its body.


The squeezed trees and the arrows shot in were lifted by the boundless fierce waves. A sacred angel illusion waved the holy sword in his hand and stabbed all the enemies around him to death under its sword.

Ling Lan's body is very small compared with this five-meter-high holy angel. Under the protection of the angel phantom, he ran away to the distance.

The afterglow of the angel shocked the army of dark elves. After five seconds, after the angel phantom faded and disappeared, Ling Lan had long disappeared.

According to Xiao Zi's memory, Ling Lan galloped all the way along the dense forest to find the evacuation team. Sylph ran so fast that it disappeared in just a few minutes.

On a high ground that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, Sylph's team is guarding there, anxious Wendy looking into the distance on a hidden branch, waiting for Ling Lan.

"You don't have to look for it. They can't come back." Sylph seemed to have changed his face and said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Wendy was very angry, and Sylph's behavior made him dissatisfied. He only cared about his own safety and did not regard Ling Lan and Lance as companions at all.

"With so many enemies, he can escape alone, Wendy, don't forget the purpose of our coming here."

"Hmm! I really don't understand why the mother emperor handed over the team to you, a cold-blooded man!"

"We are here to find the heart of life. Those two human beings are outsiders, and you are not afraid that they will betray us!" Sylph roared angrily, and he rarely lost his temper with Wendy.


"Who is it?" Sylf looked to the left with special vigilance, where a white figure suddenly pop out. On his body, a few eye-catching blood stained the holy robe, which looked very ferocious.

"Ling Lan!" Wendy jumped excitedly and excitedly to the branch in front of her, and Ling Lan came back safe and sound. She was the happiest of all.

"Hmm! A bunch of bastards! Brother! Let's stay away from them!" Xiao Zi suddenly flew out to prevent Wendy from approaching further. Even Xiao Zi couldn't get used to these elves.


Wendy was shocked by Xiao Zi who rushed over. She turned around with high difficulty, jumped on the tree trunk below, and looked at Xiao Zi puzzledly.

"Xiao Zi, stop!" Ling Lan scolded it, "I'm sorry, Princess Wendy."

"Ling Lan, I'm so sorry that we left you alone." Wendy lowered her head in shame, and her face turned pale red because of shame. "Let me bandage your wounds." Wendy saw that Ling Lan looked a little embarrassed at this moment. She immediately took out a medicine bottle from her arms and gave Ling Lan medicine.

Sylph saw her very close to Ling Lan and massaged her delicate jade hands back and forth on Ling Lan's arms. Suddenly, his resentful eyes were about to spit out a huge anger.

"Kaka..." He clenched his fist angrily, and the sound of the bone clearly reached far away.

Ling Lan was originally very embarrassed and wanted to give in, but as soon as he saw Sylf's angry and jealous look, he suddenly showed a comfortable expression with pleasure.

"Don't move, the wound is still bleeding." Wendy, who was focused on dressing, washed Ling Lan's wound with water, and then poured out a few golden medicine from the bottle in her hand.

A white roll of paper suddenly poured out of the medicine bottle. Wendy didn't care, but carefully crushed the pill and applied it evenly to Ling Lan's wound.

She gently massaged her hand on Ling Lan's arm. The worried look and nervous expression were seen by Ling Lan. At that moment, he suddenly had an impulse to kiss. Wendy's beauty completely integrated natural tranquility and comfort, which made people never forget it at a glance.

Wendy's careful care made the elves guard around her salivate. She is the daughter of the elf queen and the future elf king. At this moment, she is actually treating injuries for a human like a little daughter.

Those elf guards will envy, not to mention Sylph, whose lungs are furious. The more tender and slow Wendy's movements are, the more painful his heart is as if he was pricked by a needle.

Ling Lan was embarrassed by Wendy. He awkwardly waited for Wendy to tie the last gauze into a bow, and then the short process was over.

"All right."

"Thank you." Ling Lan looked at Wendy's sweet smile and was a little intoxicated for a moment.

"What is this?" Wendy felt something in her hand. She spread out her hand, and the rosy hand was a rolled note.

She opened the note with several lines of small words that were difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. After reading the content, she suddenly turned to Sylph and showed a shocked look.

Wondy's extremely short expression was clearly seen by Sylph. He looked along her hand, and a piece of paper had become debris, floating in the air and falling down.

"What's wrong?" Ling Lan noticed her strange expression and asked with concern.

"Oh, it's okay." Wendy's expression became complicated and doubtful. She lowered her head and walked slowly to the side alone.

In the past two days, they have encountered two attacks. In this favorable terrain, they all lay down to rest and slowly recover their combat effectiveness.

Wondy was still in a bad mood accompanied by Ilray. She looked at Sylph from time to time, and also looked at Ling Lan.

Ilrey asked her from time to time, but she couldn't ask anything at all.

After an hour, Sylph, who was equally emotionally complex, left here with two elves for convenient reasons.

A quarter of an hour later, Wendy suddenly stood up and said, "Everyone is on my orders, Eli. Take a few people to Hilf immediately. The rest of the people, leave with me!"

The elves present looked at Wendy. She was holding a green wooden necklace around her neck. The necklace emitted a faint green light and looked like a token engraved with the words of an elf clan.

"Princess Wendy!" Illei stood there puzzledly.

"Immediate, do you hear me? This is Shenmu Order!" Suddenly, the necklace in Wendy's hand was shining, and Illei immediately disappeared into the forest with a few elf guards.

The rest of the elves followed her to evacuate quickly. In less than a minute, there was not even a figure in the forest and became empty.

In the slow march, Wendy said nothing anxiously. After a while, several elves rushed out from behind them, led by Ilrey who had just gone out.

"Princess Wendy, Captain Sylph is missing! The entourage was also killed, I don't know..." Illei reported what she investigated.

"Never mind, let's go quickly!"

"Princess Wendy, I have something to say." At this time, Ling Lan, who was beside them, opened her mouth and said hesitantly.

"Ling Lan, what do you want to say?"

"I'm going to save Lance, so I'm going to withdraw from this team." Ling Lan said his purpose and looked firmly into Wendy's eyes.

"Ah?" Wendy was stunned for a moment, and then she suddenly thought that Lance had been captured by a female killer. "I'm sorry, I almost forgot. I'll save him with you!"

"No, you have to find the heart of life, and there are enemies waiting for an ambush in the dark, which is a very dangerous thing." Ling Lan persuaded that he didn't want to leave, but Lance was also his companion anyway, and he must save him.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, there is no heart of life here at all." After Wendy finished speaking, she turned her head apologetically. She didn't want to see Ling Lan complaining about her.

"What?" Not only was Ling Lan surprised, but also Illei and the guards around her were puzzled.