Angel War Soul

Chapter 121 Rescue

"I just learned about it. I'm so sorry to involve you and everyone." Wendy lowered her head shyly. She felt guilty, but she was also helpless.

Ling Lan thought about her abnormality not long ago and said, "It doesn't matter. Then I'll go first. Be careful."

"Hey! Ling Lan, I'll go too. Everyone can take care of each other. If you don't let me go, I will feel very guilty. Wendy looked at Ling Lan with her big eyes.

"Well..." Ling Lan looked at the hundreds of guards next to her and hesitated for a long time.

Ilray beside Wendy said worriedly, "Princess Wendy, how can you go? Leave this matter to your subordinates. You'd better go back with them immediately.

"I said, no. Ling Lan, let's go. Wendy said firmly that she ignored Il Lei and her subordinates' worries about her and pulled Ling Lan out of their sight.

Seeing that she insisted on doing so, Ling Lan sighed in her heart and walked forward.

More than half of the elf team with only 200 people left was dismissed by Wendy. In the end, only ten strongest elf guards around them followed them.

In order not to be noticed by the enemy, they all walked slowly in secret.

The nests of the dark elves are built on the ground. In nearly a hundred years, they have gradually come out of the ground and opened up new homes in the cave. In order to make the old enemy elves disappear in this natural forest, as soon as they see the elves, they will immediately take their lives and never be soft.

The crowd ran around for a long time, and then took a short rest on the edge of a cliff, which was surrounded by a big mountain, and the stronghold of the dark elves was probably around.

Wenti asked five of the elves to guard out to find the hidden places of the dark elves, and they took advantage of this time to rest.

Wenti seldom took action in front of Ling Lan. On the way, he was still worried about her safety at all times. Unexpectedly, Wendy's strength was much stronger than those guards, and she was second only to Ling Lan's female elf among the crowd.

Ling Lan and they squinted on the tree for a while. Soon, the sky gradually dimmed, and the elves who went out to investigate also returned safely.

One of the elves respectfully walked to Illei and whispered something to her.

After listening, Il Ray nodded and conveyed it to Wendy.

Ling Lan always closed her eyes, but he could clearly understand the movement around him that the dark elf's cave had been found.

"Ling Lan, let's go now. The enemy's cave has been found."

"Princess Wendy, are you really going?" Ling Lan stressed again that if Wendy was not a princess, he would not have worried about this.

"Don't worry, I will never bother you." Wendy said firmly.

Under the lead of the elf guards, they quickly followed the steep peaks to a valley, where the mountains were dark and there was no light at all.

They climbed over a cliff and saw the dark elves in the dense grass.

In front of a cliff, two dark elves in black leather armor are hiding in the stone cracks, guarding the gate of the cave. Ling Lan and the others squatted in the place where they could see the backs of the two of them.

After careful investigation, it is obviously impossible to rush in through the main door. There are only eight of them, which is not enough to see.

Ling Lan quietly climbed along the mountain wall to directly above the gate. Finally, he found a snake hole in a grass. From the shallow snake hole, he could see some of the situation inside the cave.

"Look, we're going in from here." Ling Lan said gently to the people behind him. He stood up, and Il Lei also lay there and looked carefully.

"This hole is so small, how can we get in?" Illei asked Ling Landao puzzledly. She took out the arm she had reached in, and the black leather armor was covered with traces of dirt. Only one snake can get into this small hole.

"It doesn't matter. Let's try." Wendy came over, quickly meditating, and then magically drilled out a growing vine from the soil under her feet. It quickly swam to the mouth of the cave like a snake and got in at once.

A vine continued to fork through the hole, grew up, and finally completely covered the mountain wall.

"Well, as long as we break the mountain stone, we can go in."

"I'll do it." Ling Lan released a black hole of only half a meter. In the strong tearing of the black hole, the weeds, gravel and soil were all sucked into the black hole in less than a moment.

After cleaning, only the hole was the magic vine released by Wendy, which was as thick as a bucket. After Ling Lan was invisible, the first one jumped from the moved hole.

All this went quietly. Ling Lan hid and jumped down from a high altitude. At his feet, two black-robed elves were stationed there. He fell to the ground, his hands came out, and two holy light bullets accurately hit their faces.


With two soft sounds, the two guards hit their heads on the mountain wall behind and suddenly fainted.

After receiving Ling Lan's signal, Wendy pulled a vine down, and then all the elves grabbed the vine and came to the hole.

The bright fire lit up the things in the cave. On both sides of them, there was a wide passage. They were blocked here and very conspicuous. Ling Lan walked towards the hole on the left, and suddenly, a slow sound of footsteps reached his ears.

A patrol team appeared in Ling Lan's sight with good equipment. They were only more than 40 meters away from his position. It was difficult for him not to disturb them to leave.

"Xiao Zi!" Ling Lan quickly communicated with Xiao Zi with consciousness.

"I'm here."

"To poison them all, speed up."

"Good!" When Xiaozi received the order, she flew to the sky happily and swooped down the top of the dark cave, spewing out a large area of colorless poisonous fog like a fighter.

As soon as the frightened patrols took out their weapons, they were smoked to death by deadly poison gas.

"Dong! Dong!"

Eight bodies lay all over the ground, and Wendy and the others heard the noise and rushed over. Ling Lan threw the elves into a cave not far away, and then took off all their clothes.

There were exactly eight black robes, one by one of them. At the intersection in front, Ling Lan and they moved separately to find the place where Lance was imprisoned.

Where the hidden firelight can't be found, there are many elf guards hidden. Ling Lan easily bypassed their sight in the condition of stealth. In order to detect his stealth, he needs to be at least a little different from his strength.

Ling Lan walked unimpeded in this cave. Along the way, many patrol elves passed in front of him without noticing his presence.

When he saw food and plates slowing down in a spacious cave, he was encouraged by Xiao Zi to sprinkle a few bottles of unknown colorless and tasteless poison.

"Hahaha, poison them all then!" Xiao Zi's excited voice echoed in Ling Lan's ear.

Ling Lan was also excited, and then he suddenly stopped, "There is a voice, don't talk." He heard a very vague sound coming to his ear, which was sometimes indistinguishable. He quietly left the spacious cave and went outside.

An underground dark river lies 100 meters away in front of him. There is a small bridge built on it, and the sound of the river is ringing. In this dead cave, it can be heard clearly.

Across the bridge, the light there was brighter than in front of Ling Lan. He walked to the small wooden bridge and trembled, and then he teleported to the opposite side.

"Wow!" An excited voice sounded at Ling Lan's seaside.

Xiao Zi flew out excitedly, flashed into the hole on the left, and disappeared.

Ling Lan followed it and saw several large boxes of glittering jewelry and weapons and equipment in the ordinary hole.

This is the dark elf's arsenal. The shelves on both sides are full of weapons and equipment. In several boxes on the ground, there are valuable gold coins and jewelry.

Before Ling Lan met, he took the opportunity to put a few boxes of jewelry into his space ring. He was just full of treasures that were about to overflow. In less than a moment, there was only a bottom left.

"Your Majesty, when will you launch an attack on Moss City?"

"Go!" Ling Lan heard a fierce angry voice from a distance. He heard it clearly this time, and the speaker was not far from him.

Ling Lan came out of the arsenal and leaned against the opposite mountain wall.

"Hmm! What's your hurry? I have my own opinion!"

"I seem to have been discovered by them. If you don't do it, I will be in danger!"

"Don't worry!"

That's Sylph's voice. Ling Lan distinguished the source of the sound, and his heart was shocked. Then, he moved forward cautiously.

At the corner, he held his breath and stretched his head out.

In his sight, he could see the body of a male elf. Although the man turned his back to him, he still recognized that the man was Sylph at a glance.

Ling Lan suddenly withdrew his head. He felt that the woman beside Sylph was not simple. Just by distinguishing from the breath, the woman should be the most powerful leader in this cave.

"Brother, Illei is calling you!" Xiao Zi said with spiritual communication.

Ling Lan turned around and saw Illei hiding under the small wooden bridge and wading to him.

They stayed in the cave for nearly half an hour, and Ilre and the others found the place where Lance was imprisoned. Under her leadership, Ling Lan and the others all gathered together to save Lance.

The place where Lance was imprisoned is in a deep cave, where there are many connected passages. It is very difficult to save him. Those dark elves who had stood guard were all silently knocked down by them and replaced by themselves.

Only Ling Lan and Wendy quietly groped in.