Angel War Soul

Chapter 122 Self-investment

In a dark corner, two elves wrapped in black robes walked in. The two of them were sneaky, and their eyes looked back with an evil look, holding a small black bottle in their hands.

"Elta, you're about to die, but let's complete our two brothers before that, hahaha..." The wild laughter sounded from one of the black robes. He opened the bottle cap and fell into the mouth of a tied woman.

"You two bitches, stop!"

At this time, on the cross beside him, a tied man roared at them.

"If you call again, I will kill you first! Our brothers let you watch a lively performance, which is cheap for you!"

"Haha, brother, hurry up first, I can't wait, hahaha..."

"Beast, how dare you!" In the corner, the tied female elves stared at them coldly. Her tone was like her outside, so cold that it was difficult to look directly at her, but the more beautiful she was, the more it would arouse a male sense of conquest.

After Lance was brought back by the female killer Elta, the two of them were directly tied here. The queen in the cave did not believe Elta at all, because she had been caught by Lance. Even if she captured Lance, she could not escape the fate of being killed by the suspicious Dark Queen.

"If you dare to touch her, I will definitely smash you into ten thousand pieces!" Lance roared angrily, and his voice shook like thunder in the cave. The two guards saw that he was so excited and quickly blocked his mouth with a piece of cloth.

Elta, who had a toxic attack, was uncomfortable and unable to speak. Her cold and beautiful face had oozed a small sweat. She gently opened her sexy and charming lips and gasped.

"Hey... It's so beautiful. I dream of sleeping with you. Today, the queen said to let you die, which will complete me!" A thin elf took off his black robe, his eyes glowed excitedly, and he reached out and touched the lost Elta.


Lance tied a hemp rope tightly. He struggled fiercely on the cross. His face had become red due to the surge of qi and blood. The blue veined neck and angry eyes all showed his boundless anger.

"Brother, don't untie it!"

The impatient thin elf untied the rope tied to the female killer. At this time, the brother in front of him walked over nervously to persuade him.

"What are you afraid of! Her toxicity has begun, and she has no ability to resist at all! She is thinking about sleeping with me now. Hahaha..." The thin male elf drooled from the corners of his mouth excitedly. Elta's dressed body was already as white and tender as if he had been striped, making his blood swell.


Elta, who was leaning against the wall, suddenly stretched out his hands, and a cold light flashed. The male elf's neck was cut open with blood, grew his mouth in shock, and his eyes bulged and lay on the ground.

His brother saw this sudden scene and was about to shout. A figure flashed by, and he suffered the same fate as his brother.

"Well...well..." Lance tried his best to make a sound. After seeing Elta kill the two quickly, he looked at him again.


Before Elta's will was completely lost, she flew over with all her strength and cut the rope that tied Lance away with her sharp nails.

Lance, who broke free from the bondage, threw away all the thick ropes and went to check Elta's situation. At this time, she was so hot that she couldn't help tearing her own clothes.

"There is no one in front of us. Let's go faster!" Ling Lan always felt a little uneasy. He just faintly heard a scream. He accelerated his pace anxiously and looked deep.

"That's it." Wendy said to Ling Lan.

At this moment, there is no way in front of the two of them. There is a big hole on the wooden ladder, on which there were two guards standing just now, but now there is none.

Wenti told Ling Lan what he knew. After Ling Lan learned about it, he asked Wendy to wait and groped up by himself.


The most primitive voice echoed in the dark hole. It was a woman's heavy gasp. Ling Lan didn't sound like the kind of injured breathing, but as if she was...

Ling Lan stretched out his head and looked into the cave. There were two motionless bodies on the ground illuminated by the dim yellow light. His eyes moved forward along the body, and the two white bodies kept rolling and tearing on the ground. The scene was very fierce and powerful, which made Ling Lan angry for a moment. Surging up, I can't help avoiding it.

"What's going on?" At this time, Wendy, who had waited for a while, also came up. She saw Ling Lan lying at the mouth of the cave strangely and did not move, and she also looked into the cave with great care.

"Don't look!" Ling Lan shouted to her in surprise. He wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

Wendy's curious eyes first widened, followed by a trace of doubt. Slowly, a red cloud flew on her face. Suddenly, she screamed "ah" and scared away from the mouth of the hole like a ghost.

"Wenti!" Ling Lan hurriedly stopped her and then pulled her. Her cry made the guards come here nervously.

Suddenly, in the front of the passage, a majestic queen was coming this way quickly with several people.

Illei hurried over. When she ran, she forgot that this was someone else's territory, and because she was too worried about Wendy's safety. When she ran to Ling Lan and the others, she only saw Wendy being half hugged by Ling Lan like a frightened deer.

What's going on!

Ilray thought in her heart, "Princess Wendy, have you found Lance?"

"Report, someone is coming!"

When Ling Lan didn't know what to say, she heard the elf guard's hurried report that there was no other way out in this channel. If she wanted to get out, she had to break through.

"What? What should I do?" Wendy's IQ has dropped a lot by Lance's fiery scene, and until now, she still looks shy and embarrassed.

"Everyone is behind. I'll stop them. You go first later, understand?" At this time, Ling Lan stood up. They all took risks to save Lance. Now that there are difficulties, he is the first to stand up to protect them.

The loud footsteps were getting closer and closer, and Ling Lan had heard it clearly. He looked at the cave above, where there was still a momentary gasp.

"What about Lance? Take him with you!" Illei said strangely to Ling Lan. Seeing that Ling Lan and Wendy were very strange, she hurried to the entrance of the cave alone.

"Don't go there, wait and talk about it." Wendy stopped her and didn't want her to see the hot bloodshot scene again.

"Princess Wendy, what the hell is going on?"

"People inside, surrender immediately, or we will set fire to burn you to death!"

Just as they were about to speak, a huge threat came from the distant passage.

Ling Lan moved forward invisibility, and the elf guards behind him stood in front of Wendy and were always ready to fight.

"People inside, surrender immediately, do you hear me!"

At the entrance of the cave, more than a dozen dark elves were standing and shouting inside. In front of them, a tall and cold-looking queen was blocking the entrance of the cave with evil spirits.

Ling Lan saw the most threatening queen from afar. He clenched his fist and moved forward step by step.

Suddenly, the queen's eyes shot at him. Even if he was hiding, the woman's eyes stabbed his body like a sharp knife.


A strong wind suddenly blew in the calm hole, and the lights on both sides were extinguished in an instant. The dark elves standing together tried their best to block their eyes with their hands.

Ling Lan released two huge black holes in a row, and the actions of the dark elves were temporarily restricted. Then, the flying sword light flashed in the hole, and those dark elves who could not dodge at all had to be touched by the neck by the lightsaber and died on the spot.

"Who is it? Looking for death!" When the Dark Queen saw that the enemy took the lead in attacking, she suddenly became angry and took out a purple staff to cross the black hole and rushed over.

Black smoke wrapped around the dark queen. As soon as she appeared, Ling Lan's body had nowhere to hide. Even if he was invisible, he could be clearly detected by her.

"Don't hide!" The Dark Queen pointed to Ling Lan with the strange staff in her hand, and saw a strong magic turned into a ferocious demon with her teeth and claws, and pounced on Ling Lan.

He was locked by the strange and murderous demon, and his body was as cold as if stepping on the ice.

The black magic gas dispersed in the hole, covering the whole hole, and Ling Lan could not rush over at all.

Wndi, they pestered Ling Lan and the Dark Queen for a while before they came late.

Behind them, the well-dressed Lance fell into a coma on his back, and Elta, who was covered in sweat, was standing weakly.

"None of you want to run! Ah ha ha..."

The evil black magic fog of the Dark Queen is everywhere, rushing up to all of them like a flowing river. In the distance of the cave, there are many dark elves coming here.

"I'll block her, and you can rush out together!" Ling Lan shouted, and he turned into a dazzling white light to break through the obstacles of the black fog and suddenly hit the dark queen.

She sneered, her body flashed, and she gave Ling Lan a head blow.

"Isn't this the daughter of the Elf King, Princess Wendy? You are throwing yourself into the trap!" The Dark Queen saw the nervous Wendy surrounded by thick fog, and her cold and white eyes swept away to everyone's faces with extremely horrible cold light.