Angel War Soul

Chapter 139 The Realm of the God

In the forest that is about to dawn, the light of green life is like the sun, illuminating the whole forest in an instant. The shocking light rises to nine days, and all the trees are shining with new vitality under the light.

In a moment, the broken and broken trees and flowers were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The flowers bloomed colorful flowers, the grass grew strong, and the trees sprouted. The branches stretched out like a pair of tentacles to the companions around them.

The bloodthirsty dark elves who were fighting crazily, invisibly, were changed in the light of life. Their blood-red pupils gradually dimmed. Slowly, slowly, they put down their weapons and stood on the ground like wood.

The light of green life turned into auspicious clouds, floating in this incomparable forest. A crystal green rain quietly dripped down, activating the withered trees. Gradually, one drop, two drops, the bright sky, the heavy rain of life came down.

"It's so comfortable..."

Everyone touched by the light and raindrops sighed from the bottom of their hearts. At this moment, the murderous spirit in their hearts was all cleaned, and the rest was the beauty of life and the quality of the soul. All kind, friendly and pure emotions fill their minds. They forgot what the enemy is, what hatred is, and what killing is...

Ling Lan stood at the confrontation between the two armies. He quietly closed his eyes and emitted a faint holy light on his body. He was impacted by the power of the rain of life, and in an instant, his perception of hope was rapidly improved.

The battle between Syrneman and Mandekeza also reached the last moment. Neither of them could fight. Finally, Lance and Elta, who arrived, joined the battle circle, and Mandekeza laughed and disappeared.

After an hour of fighting, there were less than 20,000 dark elves left. Among them, Mandekeza's team was the most brave and almost completely destroyed. More than 30,000 people in Sylniman have now died more than 10,000. Moreover, under the infection and mutation of bloodthirsty potions, can they survive in the end? A question.

The raindrops of life lasted for more than half an hour. The power of the elf king was passing rapidly, and her face gradually aged, from a 30-year-old beautiful woman to a grandmother in her 70s.

Those mutant dark elves have returned to their original appearance, but they are still immersed in pain. At this time, with the disappearance of the green light, the holy light emitted from Ling Lan's body became stronger and stronger, and the angel's feathers kept floating and rising in the air, appearing in front of people from time to time. I don't know when six pairs of white and holy wings were born behind him, and his temperament was so peaceful and quiet. In this forest, it is like a dream environment at this time, which is so addictive and yearning.

"Mother! Are you all right?" Wendy cried bitterly and rushed to the elf king sitting on the branch. Her hands trembled and stroked the elf king's face. Her face was fine just now, but at this moment, heaven and earth changed.

The mother and son hugged each other tightly, and the warm and touching scene made the elves shed crystal tears sadly. The forest is quiet, full of sadness and heavy atmosphere.

"Child, this elf forest will be handed over to you in the future. You must shoulder this great responsibility."

"Mother! I can't leave you, no! You won't die, you won't!" Wendy was already sobbing, and the crystal tears wet her beautiful face. She tried to be strong, but she couldn't do it at all.

"Child, be strong, I will always live in your heart!" The body of the elf king gradually dissipated and turned into a little light of life. The green and bright light was dotted, like the firelight of a summer night, flying away from Wendy in groups and flying towards the super ancient tree in the city.

Wendy reluctantly followed, and then those loyal people also sadly followed the Queen's footsteps and chased them into the city.

More than 20,000 dark elves gradually woke up under the washing of Ling Lan's words of blessing. Sirniman looked at her people safe and unharmed. She cried with excitement, and a drop of crystal tears of a generation of queens flowed down like this.

The power in Ling Lan's body has passed away. The blessings of 20,000 people made him feel unprecedented pressure. As the elves woke up one by one, they looked at Ling Lan with emotion and silently prayed to the sky. The pious faith flew out invisibly and all flew to Ling Lan.

Ling Lan, who was about to support it, was about to give up. Suddenly, his strength was slowly stable. Finally, he was still slowly recovering. He felt the power of gratitude of the dark elves. The bottleneck of healing magic suddenly broke through at this moment. He understood the mystery of his firm heart, and finally, a mass of holy light suddenly lit up. It flashed by and hit the whole forest like the destruction of the universe.


The uncontrollable Ling Lan looked up at the sky and roared. The strong power of faith made him break through the obstacles, and the power of his light increased a lot. In his body, the surging magic was so comfortable that he was completely immersed in deep excitement and forgot everything around him.

"At a young age, you have the strength of the Dharma God, and there are really many talents." Sirneman watched Ling Lan's outbreak excitedly, and her people were saved by him. She has regarded Ling Lan as a small benefactor in her heart.

"Ling Lan, congratulations, it scared me!" Lance also sincerely blessed him.

"Thank you, how are the Elf King? Let's go and have a look." Ling Lan suddenly found that the army of the Elf King had left for a while, and he had just heard Wendy's crying.

Ling Lan hurried to Moss City through the dark elf army that showed admiration for him.

At this time, Moss City was already crying, and the soul of the Elf King was integrated with the super ancient tree and completely disappeared. However, the ten-thousand-year-old wood has radiated new vitality and many countless new buds. Soon, more houses can be built on this super ancient tree and give the elves a new home.

Wendy knelt in front of the elf temple. Above the temple, there was a green light source. The subjects kneeling at the root of the tree could see that the elf king's figure loomed in the light source.

"Son, I'm not dead yet. My soul will always be with you. Get up and don't let the enemy have the opportunity to take advantage of..." The elf king's loving voice echoed around the whole super ancient tree. When those grieving subjects heard her familiar voice, they all raised their heads very excitedly with crystal tears. Looking at her affectionately.

Ling Lan, who came here, was infected by people's emotions and stood there quietly, praying silently for the Elf King.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning illuminated the super ancient tree. The elves came out of their grief, and the strong sleepiness made them all return to the camp where they were stationed and take a temporary rest.

With the permission of the Elf King, Sirniman can freely access Moss City, and she is now talking to the soul of the Elf King at the green light source.

From now on, Wendy will be the new queen of power!

Last night's tragic war brought all Mandekaza's people to Sirniman. With the consent of the Elf King, she let her army pass through Moss City and move northwest of the Elf Forest. Moss City is the only smooth road to the outside world. Tens of thousands of elves, if they go over the mountains, it will be extremely hard.

"Wendy, congratulations, Your Majesty the Queen of the New Elf Forest."

"Ling Lan, don't say that. This is what the mother has to decide. Although she doesn't have a body, her soul is still there. I don't have the ability to take the position of queen."

"Wendy, as the daughter of Her Majesty, you need to be strong. I believe you can do it." Ling Lan talked to Wendy in the hall. Without the hall of the Elf King, Wendy only has Ling Lan, a friend who can open her heart to chat.

"Thank you, Ling Lan."

Outside the temple, in the forest thousands of meters away, there is a row of dark elves walking on a spacious road in the hot sun.

They are all the children of Syrneman. In order to prevent some of these tens of thousands of people from suddenly mutiny or something, they can only line up and slowly pass by Moss City.

The army of the Elf King is all stationed in the city, killing the past teams. Although it is like dealing with prisoners, Sirniman has been very grateful to the generous Elf King.

It takes at least a day and a night for so many people to walk. After those dark elves passed, they went straight along the mountain road and went all the way west to open up a new beautiful home without war.


In a trial field under a ten-year-old tree in Moss City, a stump more than one meter in diameter was broken. The stump was smashed by a black light bullet. Looking along, an elf girl was touching it lovingly with a long black and red bow.

"Awesome! The power of the divine bow is really extraordinary!" Ling Lan clapped his hands and cheered. He specially trained with Wendy on the trial ground today.

"It should be said that my strength is strong!" Wendy glanced at Ling Lan and said happily.

"Oh, haha, Princess Wendy is right. A good horse with a good saddle can only be worthy of the princess."

"Brother Ling Lan, you don't have to call me princess. These days, I feel that you have helped me a lot. I will feel very strange if you call me that." Wendy suddenly put down the bow, turned her tone, and lowered her head and said.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Wendy." Ling Lan aggravated the accent of the word Wendy, and her complaint warmed his heart with a faint sense of comfort.