Angel War Soul

Chapter 140 Heart of Life

"In the future, I will call you Brother Ling Lan. I heard that you have reached the realm of Dharma God. At this moment, your life expectancy can break through human obstacles and have a life expectancy of at least 300 years."

"Ha ha, yes, this is indeed a happy thing. However, the Elf King and Queen Sylman, as well as the Dark Holy King, are much better than me. I think the realm of Dharma only touches me to a new field, and it is a starting point for the initial level. Ling Lan was not as excited as Wendy. He thought that the Dharma God was the most powerful existence of human beings, but after so many things, he had long known that human beings could eventually become gods! This short life of 300 years is inconspicuous at all in a long time.

"I heard from the Queen Mother that the new realm of human beings is divided into heaven, earth and Xuan. It is said that human beings who transcend the heavenly level will truly become gods who can create life. With the mother emperor's life span of a thousand years, she has only reached the mysterious level. Brother Ling Lan became a magic god when he was only 17 years old, and he could step into the mysterious realm in less than ten years.

Is that right? Even so, the strength of two people with the same realm will be different from heaven and earth. Ling Lan did not believe that his strength would break through so quickly. The further he went, the more difficult his growth would be.

"Don't talk about it. I'm 100 years old now, and I only know the seven-level wooden magic." Wendy looked at Ling Lan enviously, but said complainingly.

The life expectancy of elves is the longest, which has nothing to do with their final cultivation. Even ordinary elves are born with a life span of five or six hundred years. Although their lives are long, the Creator is fair and their reproductive ability cannot be compared with that of human beings.

The average life expectancy of ordinary human beings is about 100 years, but the number of human beings is dozens and hundreds of times that of elves.

The 100-year-old elf clan has intelligence and strength equivalent to about 156 years old.

"Ha ha, don't be greedy for practice, just let nature take its course."

"Huh? My mother asked me to have something to do, Brother Ling Lan. I'll go first. Wendy suddenly frowned slightly and then said goodbye to Ling Lan.

She can hear the call of the elf king in her heart, and only she can hear that voice.

Wendy's hurried departure made Ling Lan follow him out of the trial field. He just wanted to say his plan to leave, but before he could say anything, she was gone.

Wendy, who stayed in the temple, then invited Ling Lan, Lance and Elta.

Ling Lan, who didn't know what was going on, thought that the dark elves were going to attack here again, so they gathered everyone together with a little solemn emotion.

Ling Lan, Lance and three others sat in the huge temple, and Wendy sat on the flower chair where the former Elf King was sitting, quietly without saying anything.

"Ling Lan, Lance, Elta, welcome you all again..." The voice of the Elf King clearly echoed in the temple.

Everyone couldn't help looking left and right. The Elf King himself was not here.

"I asked you to do me a favor this time. Wendy is still young and needs the support of everyone. In order to give her enough strength, I decided to give her the heart of life so that she can have a strong strength to defend the whole forest of elves..."

"Don't worry, Queen, we will definitely help you." Ling Lan was the first to say.

"Elta and I can do it, Your Majesty, let me know if there is anything to pay attention to." Lance shook his head, and he felt very uncomfortable with this solemn and serious scene.

"Well, thank you very much. I hope you all keep the temple, and I will integrate the power of the heart of life for Wendy..."

As soon as the voice of the Elf King disappeared, Ling Lan and others guarded the gate of the temple. At this moment, there was not even an elf on the super ancient tree, all of which were stationed on the grass to prevent anyone from walking into the temple.

Wendy closed her eyes calmly, and suddenly, a green light curtain rose around her body. She was protected inside, and no air or energy could enter through the boundary.

In front of her head, a green ball of light suspended there, emitting a soft green light. In the round light curtain, the energy of the heart of life burst out, and Wendy's figure suddenly disappeared and integrated into the green world.

Even if Ling Lan and others stay at the door dozens of meters away, they can deeply feel the vibrant breath of life, symbolizing that if the heart of life of nature and life merges and absorbs with Wendy, then her power will rise directly from the seventh level to two levels, reaching the level of the same Dharma god as Ling Lan!

Probably everyone was fascinated by the gorgeous scene in the hall. An elf bodyguard came from the winding branches, but they didn't notice it. It was not until the elf bodyguard was approaching and walked to the door of the temple that Ling Lan suddenly turned around and stared at the mysterious uninvited guest in surprise.

"Who are you? Stop!" Ling Lan said coldly, his body exuding a murderous atmosphere and glared at the other party.

Lance and Elta also turned around nervously. He summoned the big snake Xiaohei and blocked the door of the temple.

"Ha ha, did you find out too late?" The ordinary-looking elf smiled faintly, and his voice was hoarse and low, with a cold smell of death.

"You are..." Ling Lan frowned. The dark atmosphere on the other party had made him realize that the evil power was very powerful, and just the leakage of power could make people uncomfortable and breathless.

"I'm here to get the heart of life!"

The other party's voice suddenly increased by a few decibels. With a wave of one hand, his body was covered by a black fog. Then, he turned into a black elf and rushed to the hall in the blink of an eye.

"What a fast speed!" Ling Lan only felt a figure passing by him, and the strong wind blew up his robe and cut a few small cracks. Just passing by him has such a powerful power.


Lance's big snake flew up fiercely and rushed into the hall. Its body was extremely huge, and the empty temple made it possible to stuff its whole body. It could not exert its greatest advantage in it at all. Moreover, it was also a sacred place of the elves and could not be destroyed casually.

The enemy chose to appear at this time, which was premeditated. He rushed straight to Wendy, who was protected by the boundary, slapped it out and patted the solid boundary with a few spreading cracks.

Without waiting for the enemy's second attack, Ling Lan was already in front of Wendy. A strong holy light burst out from his body, and the sword of heaven hidden in the light frequently flashed from the enemy's back. In an instant, dozens of pieces could fly out, forcing the other party to hide in the distance. Flash.