Angel War Soul

Chapter 183 Spirit of God

"Hum..." The two violently separated.

"It seems that I'm going to change my sword, haha..." Melante became more and more brave and very excited. He took off the white quaint epee on his back and put away the blue shining moon star sword.

Compared with the previous sword, the momentum of this white epee is more powerful and profound. As soon as Melland's hand was held on the sword, his whole breath became another feeling that was difficult to penetrate.

Finally took it out!

Ling Lan had been waiting for him to take out his white epee. He could see that the epee and his blazing sword were at least one of artifacts. The last time Melland did not use the sword because he didn't need it at all, and this time, Ling Lan, who returned from training, was strong enough to make him show his real box baby.

"What's your name for the sword?" Ling Lan was not in a hurry to attack and asked.

"The Spirit of God, the person who can use this sword, you are the first in the past two years, come on!" Melante put on a posture. He held a sword in both hands and forced him up with a few steps.

The heavy pressure made Ling Lan feel that his movements were a little slower than before. Before Melant came, he could exude such an amazing momentum. Ling Lan's fighting spirit was high, and dozens of swords of heaven crossed and pierced every place on Melante's body.

The spirit of God in Melante's hand waved a series of times, and the solemn white sword spirit collided with the magic sword and broke apart one after another.

"Merante took out the Spirit of God, and this battle has just begun."

On the high platform thousands of meters away, Migaya said happily with a smile on his face.

"The Flaming Sword, the Spirit of God, are all primary artifacts. Once the two swords are released, it's really expected to their next test." Alfill also stared at the two people in the ring, and didn't want to miss a wonderful picture without blinking.

The conversation between the two of them spread to the ears of the believers below, and they both cheered and discussed. Two artifacts appeared at the same time, which is something they have never seen in their lives, but now, it really happens in front of them.

Ling Lan and the two stared at each other attentively and could not hear people's conversations at all. Only when their mood is like water can they grasp each other's flaws and break through in one fell swoop!

"Water can defeat fire, next let's take a look at my original sword skills! "Mountains and seas!" Before Melant made a move, he also reminded Ling Lan that he stood on the edge of the ring and saw strange changes around him. The original space seemed to be distorted and blurred.

Ling Lan felt endless pressure rushing over from his side, and the blue mountain-like vast and spectacular picture appeared in front of him. The next second, Melland flashed behind him like a ghost.

"What a lot of pressure! God of holy war!" Ling Lan's body burst into a human-shaped holy light. On his head, the blue peak pressed down, trying to smash his body. His strength increased greatly by the blessing of the Holy Light, and he rushed up without fear.

At this time, the huge waves rushing from all directions are like roaring beasts and are about to devour Ling Lan. He is blocked in every corner, up and down, and there is no chance to dodge.

The magic boundary around the ring could not withstand the devastating blow, and gradually created cracks. Not only did Ling Lan feel the pressure surge inside, but also the ninth-order believers outside sweating on their foreheads.

Ling Lan's soaring power was used to maintain the oppression of the mountain. Just as the turbulent sea flooded him, several doors of heaven opened. Six identical heaven gates formed a hexagonal shape, protecting him in it, and the endless waves rushed up and rushed into the open holy door.

"It's not over yet!" Melante saw that his sword skills showed signs of being easily broken. His body appeared on top of Ling Lan's head. With a sword stabbed, he was about to pierce Ling Lan's head.

Ling Lan's heart tightened, picked up the Flame Sword and greeted him. At the same time, in the face of the great pressure of the peak and Melant, the moment he stabbed out the sword, his figure flashed and got out of here.

In the waves, his figure suddenly appeared in the air.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless rubble in the color-changing sky crashed down, and the cyan peaks exploded to bury Ling Lan.

A red light shattered the boulder and flew to Ling Lan's hand. He clenched his sword and suddenly shouted, "Rob the fire lotus!"

"It's not good! The boundary is going to be broken!" Migaya's tone was slightly panicked, but he said calmly. Before Ling Lan made a move, he expected what would happen in a few seconds.

Sure enough, with the birth of a giant fire mass, the fragile boundary finally cracked, and the magic fluctuated and stirred on the people watching nearby.

At that moment, it happened to be the ultimate magic of Ling Lan's fire system. A blooming flame lotus appeared out of thin air, extending within 500 meters, and the lotus flower was still shooting around at a faster speed.

How could the believers who watched think of this happening? They all opened their eyes wide in surprise and forgot to escape. Some people who reacted could not surpass the speed of the flames and were about to burn their buttocks and be surrounded by the fire.

The smashed mountain and stone light fell into the thick burning flames of the sky, like a stone sinking into the sea, disappearing silently and without a trace. When Ling Lan saw that the blooming flame lotus was about to cause a disaster, he quickly narrowed the scope and put away the increasing magic fluctuations.

Merante also flew into the air in panic at the moment when the boundary broke. Under the action of Megaye and Elifeld, the flame stopped abruptly and was stopped in an instant.

"Ah! Ouch..."

The panicked people who tripped and fell made a painful moan. Among the thousands of people, only the peripherals had nothing to do. The closer they were to the ring, the more embarrassed they lay on the ground one by one.

Ling Lan's standing ring has been destroyed. He smiled at the opposite Melante and walked off the ring together. This competition itself is a friendship and will not really distinguish between success or failure. Ling Lan met Melland's spirit of God and new sword skills, which also satisfied his small expectations.

Seeing that the believers were fine, Averyfield frowned slightly and walked to Ling Lan.

"Ling Lan, your progress is so rapid, which really makes me happy. In more than a month, it will be the bishop's election. Are you ready?"

"Of course, I will do my best when I come back this time!" Ling Lan said confidently.

"Well, with you and Melante, maybe there will be two bishops in our church, hehe." Elliefer showed a charming smile like a rare imagination.

"Kellys's men have a pair of sisters, Celine and Hailin, and their strength can't be underestimated." Migaya was in a wheelchair to remind everyone.

His words couldn't help but let Ling Lan fall into his previous memories.

After everyone said something, Ling Lan went back to rest. As soon as she came back, she had a competition with Melante. It was also time to take a break to prepare for the future bishop's election. The news of his and Melante's test quickly spread to the streets and alleys of the whole city of Lorraine. Suddenly, some boring people began to talk about the wonderful test between them every day, and this hot-blooded thing was used as a post-dinner talk.

A day later, in the early morning, Ling Lan, who was breathing fresh air outside, saw Lance and Elta walking out together.

After talking with the two, he knew that they were going to visit the royal city of the Leilin Empire for a while. Lance and Ling Lan were busy with all kinds of things in the elf forest and the orc empire all day long and rarely rested. And Lance became more and more inseparable from her and fell in love with her after the embarrassing and wonderful thing happened with Elta.

In recent years, their feelings can also be said to be indestructible. After all, they have experienced many moments of life and death together.

After saying goodbye to them, Ling Lan received an invitation from Megaya and went to his residence.

It's almost the day of the bishop's election. Ling Lan's own strength is guaranteed, but he knows nothing about who his opponent is.

In the quiet and elegant courtyard, Megaya is quietly watering the flowers. Every brick and tile here is designed by himself. In this church, the buildings and forests here are also a beautiful attraction.

"Ling Lan, you're here."

"Yes, Lord Migaya." Ling Lan saw that he was quietly watering the flowers, but I didn't interrupt.

"It's been so long, and it seems that it's only been a day. I'm very happy with your progress."

"Thanks to the heavenly magic given by adults, otherwise I wouldn't have progressed so fast." Ling Lan said modestly.

"Ha ha, good boy, if you get the sword, you will definitely do something in the future. Becoming a bishop is just the beginning. In addition to Melante, there are more than a dozen of your opponents. They are all talented and hardworking. Are you confident to win the position of bishop? Migaya turned around and looked directly at Ling Lan.

"I will!" Ling Lan said firmly, and several impressive figures suddenly appeared in his heart. Those people had relatives, friends, and enemies. His efforts were to protect his relatives and friends and block his enemies.

Mingaya nodded, took out a document and gave it to him.

Ling Lan took over and took a look. It said the names of each person who participated in the bishop's election, as well as their general strength and the church they belonged to.

With this document, I have a bottom in my heart, and when I really see each other, I won't feel sudden.

"Thank you, my lord. This document is of great significance. I will read it well."

"Well, in a few days, we will go to the Hill Empire together, and then to the Holy Island. Soon, there will be a few more rookies from the divine religion." Megaa closed his eyes and said meaningfully.