Angel War Soul

Chapter 184 Back to Home

At this time, the people of the Hill Empire came and went very lively. In more than a month, the day of the bishop's election, church members from all over the continent gathered at the church headquarters of the Hill Empire. The seven archbishops gathered there with their proud believers, waiting to go to the Holy Island together to elect a new bishop.

Ling Lan got the list document and read it carefully. Three days later, Eliphile, Megaye, Melant and others will go to Hill together. Ling Lan decided to leave alone.

He has not returned from the Hill Empire for several years. At that time, he had no choice but to. Now, he also has the ability to protect himself. Unless the archbishop's strength besiege him, he will not easily be defeated by anyone.

Elifield and Mgaya agreed to his decision, and he quietly left the church that night and marched towards the Hill Empire.

A person will travel very fast, and Ling Lan will have a powerful movement. Every time he moves, he can advance a distance of 10,000 meters. Compared with a simple flight, he can reach it in less than half a month.

Hill Church ushered in the busiest moment in decades. Kellins was busy welcoming guests from all directions. They were bishops of equal status to him. Behind each bishop was three or two proud disciples.

In the middle of the night, after finishing her daytime affairs, Kelings still looked at a document in her room, which recorded all the information about the believers under each bishop. As a bishop, like everyone else, she hoped that her people could be qualified for the position of bishop.

"Ling Lan!"

Suddenly, a familiar name came into her eyes, which was like a glowing object, which was extremely conspicuous for her not to notice.

Kellys lost his mind and muttered, "This boy really let Phil grow up..."

In a hidden basement, a dark shadow flashed into the dimly lit room. He put a letter on the table and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a while, a man went there, opened the envelope, and said in surprise, "Is Ling Lan back?" Great!"

Twelve days later, a white figure entered the gate of the Hill Empire, and his figure was very conspicuous in the city, because every member of the church on the mainland had come here in the past few months, and the pedestrians on the street and the guards guarding the city were used to it.

Ling Lan returned to Hill a few years later. As soon as he entered the city gate, his previous memories turned into pictures flashing in his mind from time to time.

In order to find a reason to kill him, Kellins and the king used Hailin's method of marriage to attract him. If it hadn't been for Eliffer and others, he would not have known what his future would be like.

"Go to Barr, Dina and others first!" Ling Lan quickly walked out of Eric's home according to his original memory. However, after several years of development, some places in this royal city have undergone great changes.

Aixiu's home, where Ling Lan lived when she first came here, became an amusement park and can no longer be found. He went to the second hiding place, where he was replaced by someone else. For a while, he seemed to have come to a strange place and could no longer find any memories and a sense of belonging.

"Yes! Holy Spirit College!" Ling Lan said happily and rushed there immediately. At that time, when they left the Hill Empire, Barr and Dina studied at the Holy Spirit College, where their lives would not be in danger.

The street leading to the Holy Spirit College was full of people in the evening. There were many students and pedestrians there. Ling Lan's body was like an illusory ghost and came to the gate of the college.

He didn't stay here for half a year, so he left. When he saw the school gate again, the cheers of the audience during the competition suddenly came to his ears.

Ling Lan recalled for a moment in front of the door. When he was about to enter the door, a man came from behind him. The visitor's eyes have been fixed on him, and he has clearly felt it.

Suddenly, the moment the man approached him, he turned around and stared at the man.

"Uh...Lord Linglan!"

The man shouted his name in surprise and stood in front of him respectfully.

"Who are you?"

"Lord York asked me to pick you up. Please come with me."

"You mean Uncle York?" Ling Lan frowned and asked disbelievely.


Seeing that the man's strength was so weak that he didn't even have the ability to attack him, he followed him skeptically to the door of an ordinary house.

After stopping there, the door opened automatically, and there were two weapon racks in the yard, as well as some crystal balls and other things.

"Your Excellency, please come in!"

After Ling Lan went in, he found that the place was still a little mysterious, just a small house, not like a place that could accommodate many people. Before he looked a few more, he came out of the house.

"Ling Lan!"

Before the man saw it, he heard the sound first. Ling Lan suddenly turned his head and saw a man looking at him excitedly and walked quickly.

I haven't seen it for several years, and the appearance of the person in front of me has not changed, but the momentum is completely different from the spirit. Ling Lan also greeted him excitedly and called Uncle York!

York is no longer as sloppy as he used to be, nor the head of the recovered mercenary regiment. Now he is in his thirties, with aura of restrained spirit and a sense of leader.

"Ling Lan, you are finally back! Ha ha, I asked Bal and Dina to come to see you!" York patted him on the shoulder and found that he had grown much taller and taller than him.

"Good! I miss them too. Are they okay?" Ling Lan couldn't help asking.

"I'm here, what do you think? Ha ha... Don't worry, everyone is getting better and better. It's because you are not around, which makes us miss you very much!"

"It won't happen in the future. When I become a bishop, no one dares to bully us!" Ling Lan's face couldn't help changing, and a divine light flashed in front of her.

"Well, you will definitely become a bishop! I'm very optimistic about you!" York encouraged him happily.

The two entered the house, and the people in the yard had left, leaving only the two of them in the house.

Ling Lan saw that the room was quite spacious, with wooden tables and chairs, doors and windows, and a few landscape pictures, which looked indifferent and elegant.

Ling Lan and York have not seen each other for several years. Although they have a lot to say, they forget or can't say it when they reach their mouths.

After a while, the door outside the house was opened again. Ling Lan looked through the window and found a young man and woman running in happily and excitedly.