Angel War Soul

Chapter 202 The Mine Robber

Ling Lan is tireless and digging sweating. The angel phantom has been summoning until the sky gradually darkens, and his excavation work is still going on.

"It's so boring..." Xiao Zi was observing all around in the first hour, and the second hour was a little relaxed. This was the sixth hour, and its eyes were almost sleepy.

The roar of the mountains is louder at night than during the day. After the treetops on the moon and the red pyrolite mines are excavated, they look particularly dazzling in the dark.

From the bottom of the mountain, the top of the mountain emits a bright red light, like a ruby, attracting people's attention.

"Look! That's where Ritter's tribe is surrounded by rich mineral deposits.

"Let's go up and have a look."

Two strong figures drove quickly under the moon. Suddenly, they looked at the top of the mountain with a little surprise and looked at each other.

"Dant, there is a sound on the mountain, do you hear it?"

"I hear it, come on, Is, maybe someone."

"Brother Ling Lan, you are coming down from the mountain!" Xiao Zi suddenly flew up and saw two strong figures in front of it, getting closer and closer.

It flew into the ore dug more than 100 meters deep in panic, looking for the trace of Ling Lan.

Ling Lan heard the shout above, and he immediately stopped digging and looked up.

"Brother Ling Lan!"

"I'm here."

In the thick fog, Ling Lan's body was blocked by the rising fog, and Xiao Zi did not find it for a while.

"Two people came and were outside."

"I know. Don't make a sound now." Ling Lan took the time to rest and dug for nearly ten hours. His arm was sore.

"Someone has dug it. Go down and have a look!"

"Wait, I can't see the bottom of this hole. The other party's situation is not clear. Don't be reckless!"

"What about that?" The relatively simple-like people ask the humanity around them.

"Dig some first and give it to Elder Egger, and then bury the people inside alive."

"Well said, Is, look at me."

The Dom people named Dante punched the firestone mine under their feet and heard a "boom" sound, and the cracks kept ringing. Countless cracks spread around with his fist as the center. Soon, the broken ore fell to the bottomless bottom.

Dante put his hands in and lifted a five or six cubic meters of firestone mine and was about to throw it down.

Ling Lan heard the conversation between the two of them and hid at the mouth of the cave. When the stone mine fell down, he took advantage of Dante's roar and suddenly moved out.

Dante didn't notice that someone flew out of the hole. He raised a large ore again and smashed it down fiercely.

Is next to him also came over with him and slammed the stone down.

"Hahaha... It's so funny! Two idiots!" Xiao Zi couldn't help laughing when she saw that they were so stupid.

Ling Lan clenched the divine sword in his hand and drew a sword on the back of the two of them. In an instant, the firelight suddenly appeared, and the powerful sword light was like a thin crescent moon, which was about to cut off their lazy hips and split them in half.

At that time, the alert Is roared, and he looked back quickly. The sharp sword light had hit his waist and hit him firmly.

The hot sword light hits them, which can not only make them feel the unbearable pain of cutting, but also with a terrible burning sensation.

No matter how fast their reaction is, they can't beat the speed of the sword light.

Is and Dante screamed, their feet off the ground and fell into the deep pit dug by Ling Lan. At this time, Xiao Zi flew over quickly and sprayed a thick poisonous fog at the mouth of the hole.

Is and Dante never thought that Ling Lan would be so powerful that they would appear behind them unconsciously. They had already been beaten with a sword. Coupled with Xiao Zi's horrible poisonous fog, they rushed out of the bottom of the cave.

Ling Lan did not continue to attack. He didn't think it was strange to see that these two were both Doms.

"Is, did he beat us just now?" Dante looked very strange when he saw Ling Lan just looking motionless. On the contrary, he made Dante feel more nervous.

"Nonsense! You're stupid, it's not who he is!"

"Cough... This toxin is so strong. I feel like a needle in my body, and there are tens of thousands of bugs biting. Let's withdraw first."

"Get out! You rubbish, you were just attacked by him just now, and the two of us can't beat him!" Is roared, and the shocking sound hit Ling Lan next to him with a strong sound wave.

Ling Lan protected herself with a light mask and isolated herself before the sound wave hit.

Like Dante, Is and Dante had no weapons and rushed directly to Ling Lan with his strong fist. This was the first time he had seen this primitive play. However, as soon as he saw the dense fists falling like rain, he knew that the two were not as easy as he thought.

Dante and Iss put Ling Lan in the middle. Their strength is great, but their speed is much worse than that. Ling Lan doesn't give them two chances to get close at all. He can move 500 meters away with a teleportation, and his magic can be attacked from far and near.

"Xiao Zi, attack from behind."

Ling Lan said in his heart that he attracted Dante and the two. The black hole and angel phantom presented a strong wall, so that they could not rush over for the time being.

Little purple is so small that it is only the size of a human's palm. In the dark, it flashes by. Even if you stare at it with your eyes open, you can only see a dark shadow.


A black and purple poisonous fog sprayed out along Dante and Is's head, and they were instantly shrouded in a poisonous fog, and they could not even see their bodies.

Where did the two of them notice the trace of Xiao Zi? The strong nasal gas was sucked into their lungs and immediately had an effect.

They have been poisoned just now, and now they are immersed in poison gas. Unless they are covered with poisoned blood like Xiao Zi, they will die.

A violent cough sounded from the thick fog, and two figures suddenly jumped out and fell to the ground and rolled painfully.

Xiao Zi's poison can be instantly fatal to people below the seventh level of strength, while Is and Dante are not dead yet, obviously reaching the strength of about the ninth level.

"Who are you two?" At this time, Ling Lan walked over and asked them that his sword was in his hand and could get rid of them at any time.

Looking at him slowly coming, their eyes were blurred and almost couldn't see clearly. Their hearts beat violently, and the indescribable pain gathered together, making them want to hit their heads on the rocks and end as soon as possible.