Angel War Soul

Chapter 203 Roaring

"Ah... we still... want to ask you? Dare to come... our... territory, hum! Wait to die!" Is stared at Ling Lan fiercely. He can't get up on the ground now, and he is still full of tenacity.

"If you don't say anything, you won't leave." Ling Lan took another step closer and was about to insert his sword into Dante's body. At this time, Is roared on his side, and an amazing force soared. His whole body muscles bulged and his mouth was wide open, like a fierce lion.

All these changes were only in an instant. Ling Lan's sword was still in mid-air and was ready to stab it down. Is rushed and hit Ling Lan fiercely.


The thunderous roar of the beast shook around. Ling Lan blocked Is's impact with his sword, but was also knocked out by the great force. At the same time, the deafening sound wave also roared in his ear, and his strength was instantly drained and hit the deep pit unresponsively.

"Bum! Bang!"

The explosion of the ore sounded, and the ore on the edge of the mouth of the cave shattered one after another and fell into the cave.

Is, who had just launched a full blow, rushed to the mouth of the cave again and wanted to die with Ling Lan inside.

At that moment, Xiao Zi opened her mouth full of sharp teeth as quickly as she could and bit her calf.

Is, who couldn't stand the severe pain, grinned in mid-air and fell to the ground powerlessly.


Ling Lan was buried by gravel, and his surroundings were dark. He also felt a hot wave around every inch of his skin, especially his ears were so shaken that he could not even hear the sound.

"Dant, kill him!" Is, whose calf was purple and swollen, turned his head and shouted at Dante, who had not yet risen on the ground. His blow just now had exhausted his strength. If his attack was successful, he might really die with Ling Lan. However, he was stopped by Xiao Zi at the critical moment. He had no strength now and could only give hope. Dante not far away.

Dante tried to raise his head and looked at him responsibly, "Is, I... I'll take you away. That boy is so powerful that we can't beat him at all!"

"You fart! You timid waste!"

When Xiao Zi saw that the two of them were performing a bitter drama, she resisted the impulse to vent and quietly ignored them. It knew that Ling Lan was fine for the time being, and Ling Lan also told him not to do it first.


The pile of gravel began to shake under the huge force. Is and Dante looked nervously at the deep pit, and Ling Lan was about to come out.

"Is, if you don't leave, he will come out!" Dante's face turned black and he pulled Is with blood on the corners of his mouth, but he was tired and He didn't cooperate. Therefore, his actions have no effect at all.

"Uncle Is!"


A loud shout was drowned out by the louder explosion, and the shaking gravel smashed on the surrounding ground like a rainstorm.

Ling Lan teleported to the ground in the distance and saw a large number of people rushing here at a glance. Those people were led by a young man, who looked a little like Iss. There were 20 or 30 people in the crowd, all with huge axes, hammers and other domineering weapons.

"Uncle Is! What's wrong with you? Who hurt you? Look, I won't split him!" The man said nervously and picked up a huge hammer bigger than his head. The handle of the hammer was as thick as his arm and looked very horrible.

"Ital, take your uncle with you. We are in trouble."

"Old Dante, you are a loser. With me and my brothers, what's so terrible! I'm a fierce man!" Ital held up the hammer and roared with his head straight. His appearance looked extremely tall in front of the brothers behind him, and they all looked at him with admiration.

"Have you finished?" Ling Lan came out of the darkness. The injury he had just suffered was almost healed and he could not feel the severe pain, but none of these people noticed him.

"Who are you? It's you who hurt Uncle Is!" Ital glared at Ling Lan, pointed to his face and roared.

"There is no one here except me."

"Haha... are you alone? What are you bragging about? Report your name. I never kill a nameless soft egg!" Ital looked up and laughed together. He couldn't understand how one person could defeat Iss and Dante, but there were dozens of people he led, and he was not worried at all.

"You hear me clearly, my name is Kurba." Ling Lan paused slightly when she spoke. Xiao Zi pricked up her ears to listen, but almost fell down. It didn't understand when Ling Lan changed to someone else's name.

"Brothers, dismember this idiot named Culba!"

"Ignorance and fearlessness!" Ling Lan stood still, and the light power of the surrounding space soared. The thick holy light lit up the dark night sky. Dozens and hundreds of white swords of heaven showed traces. The sharp blade and fluent sword body showed its lethality.

Before the dozens of people rushed over, they were surrounded by the sword of heaven that shuttled and shot in an instant. They had never seen this strange light magic. They all gathered nervously and protected their bodies with weapons back to back.

However, their defense is useless. They only hear "Ah!" Ah!" The screams of the ground continued, and the bright red blood splashed and sprayed, making the red soil on the ground look brighter.

Dante couldn't bear to close his eyes and didn't want to see the tragedy happen again. He reminded the impulsive Ital, but the other party didn't believe him at all.

Ital's arms and legs were full of deep flesh and blood. He knelt on the ground, and his heart was extremely complicated and chaotic.

"I'll spare your life. Get out of here."

" the hell are you!" Ital shouted in horror. His current appearance was completely different from before. The arrogant and arrogant appearance just now could not be found at all, as if he had changed his soul.

"Ital, you still talk so much nonsense. If you don't leave, I'll take Is ahead." Dante also ignored Itar. As long as he could live, he would not say more. He hugged the unconscious Iss and walked down the mountain with difficulty step by step.

When Ling Lan slowly raised the divine sword in his hand, the red sword was beating with hot flames, and from time to time the flames emitted a burning force, hitting the frightened souls of dozens of Itar and other people.