Angel War Soul

Chapter 209 Before Action

"That's true, and I almost neglected it." Ling Lan thought to himself and said.

"Ha ha, it can control other people's hearts. This kind of skill can kill people without blood, and can also sow discord and listen to news. If you use it well, it will help you a lot. If you don't use it well, it will be destroyed in your hands, so I have to be careful everywhere.

Yoke called those women's subordinates who learned the art of love "Love" as a dark part of the latest cultivation. He will slowly choose the right person and make this mysterious organization bigger. He is not only the head of the mercenary regiment, but also the leading behind-the-scenes commander among the major chaebols of the Hill Empire. The number of other industries is so large that he sometimes can't even explain it clearly.

The first action of the "Love" department used all the people. In order to ensure the perfect implementation of this plan, York did not allow any mistakes. If it fails, Anqi City will face the attack of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Dom troops. At that time, even if they can resist it, it will turn the city into another terrible scene.

After Ling Lan and York separated, they went to Lincheng, Dom City. He wants to see the situation of the people there in person. In order to compete for human resources, Celine ordered her men to preach as early as a month ago and let the people of the city go to live in Suga, on the premise of becoming loyal believers of the church.

If Ling Lan hadn't stopped it in time, maybe Celine would have built another church branch in Dom City. At that time, it will be completely late.

"In order to make everyone have a warm and happy home, as long as you join the church in Ska City and become devout believers. The bishop is kind-hearted and will subsidize at least 50 gold coins to each family according to the number of people every month. Come and have a look!"

"Bishop Celine showed great mercy to save the suffering masses..."

"With so many people preaching, her movements are really fast enough." Ling Lan came to the center of Dom City, where there were several white believers standing on every street. Bored people gathered next to them, some watching the bustle, some doubting, and more trusting them very much.

There is no natural environment barrier between Dom City and Suga City and Anqi City, but there are two gates. A long time ago, these three cities were integrated, but with the change of the times, they split into three and became like this.

Ling Lan quickly walked around the street and walked into a dense residential area. He walked along the house number inside and saw a door sign marked "74". He directly opened the door and walked in.

At midnight, the mountains outside Anqi City are like a sleeping lion, facing the dark and pressing of the town.

In the endless and dangerous mountains, dozens of long lines of people and horses gathered together and entered a tunnel like a big black mouth. There is no dark light around. If it hadn't been for the various noises synthesized by this dense person, it might not have been really imperceptible.

"Saruman, are you sure this passage leads to Anqi City?"

"Lead, don't worry, I went to see it last night. If you don't believe me, you can go and see it later. Anyway, there is still one day left before the attack."

"Okay, that's what I'm looking at!"

"Leader, leader! Damn, don't believe me!" Saruman left as soon as his leader said he would leave, completely ignoring his feelings. His leader did that, and it was clear that he didn't believe him.

This is near the Dom base camp, and no one knows about tonight's action except themselves. On the outskirts of their base camp, there are still dozens of tribes that have lived in the mountains for hundreds of years. With their guard, no one can enter or leave here at will.

Overnight, Zman's resistance alliance headquarters is headquartered in Sga, but he also organized more men in Dom City two months ago, under the banner of killing Dom people. In these three cities, no matter where you go, there will be hot-blooded people coming to come.

"Lord Zman, someone sent a box that said it was an important item given to you."

"Take it." Zman took the cube box wrapped in red cloth and immediately lifted the red cloth.

"Wow..." The gift man suddenly couldn't help opening his mouth with his eyes shining, and his pupils glittered, reflecting the changed box in Zman's hand.

"Diamond! No wonder it's a little heavy." Zman was also really shocked by a diamond box, which was solid, as big as his two palms. Just selling it is worth tens of millions or even billions of dollars.

"Your Excellency, let's go down first."

Seeing that the servants who sent things hurried out, Zman carefully looked at the valuables in his hand. This diamond box had never been seen before. Such a pure and large diamond could be sold to his organization as an emergency.

"Is there anything else in it?" Zman shook gently and faintly heard the shaking sound in the box. He broke open the diamond box with all his strength and saw a thin piece of gold in it, which was engraved with a few lines of small words.

"Please be prepared for the enemy in the city tomorrow." Zman read those words, and he fell into meditation, thinking about who sent it and the authenticity of the information. It doesn't look like a trap..."

Dom City is still a prosperous and lively scene. The residents of the city will not know that an earth-shaking event will happen soon, and those who are about to cause trouble are ready to move. As soon as the time comes, they will act immediately.

The church in Anqi City, the church in Ska City and the Red Resistance Army in Zman are all secretly arranged in order to thoroughly implement the long-brewed plan until dawn tomorrow.

"Lord Ling Lan, before dawn tomorrow, I will break through this five-meter-thick earth wall and connect with the Dom passage. At that time, their army will rush in and not think about the direction of this channel.

"Well, you and Uncle York are both smart and hope this action can be foolproof."

"Lord Linglan, please rest assured that the workers who dug holes were under our control, as well as the Dom fighters in front of us. We also placed brothers pretending to be believers on the ground to guide the Dom people to directly attack the city of Ska. At that time, it will definitely surprise the Suga City Church! Hahaha..." The excited demonic sound echoed in the narrow hole, hitting Ling Lan's ears all the time.

Ling Lan is checking the dug channel in the cave at this time. In more than a dozen hours, thousands of Dom fighters will appear here, rushing to the ground along the stairs.