Angel War Soul

Chapter 210 Magic Flame Shell

In the dead of night, several giant red machines were escorted by thousands of soldiers to the tower on the gate of Anqi City. The renovated tower is extremely strong and can make 5,000 people stand on the tower at the same time without crowding.

These red giant machines were transported from the royal city of the Hill Empire a month ago. Their name is "Magic Flame Cannon!" As a super-large magic war weapon, the power of the magic flame cannon is unstoppable. Only five magic flame cannons can be launched at the same time to destroy a small city within 10,000 meters away.

Of course, this magic flame cannon is powerful, and its shell is its Achilles' heel weakness. There are only a thousand firestone mines found in the whole Tianchuang continent, and few of them have been excavated in the long river. Therefore, the magic flame cannon, a shocking weapon, has also been put on hold for a long time and can no longer be thrown into war. Among them.

However, the firestone mine dug by Ling Lan and York is enough for five magic flame cannons to fire a total of 500 shells. The power of these 500 shells can destroy one tenth of the continent, which is powerful enough to shock anyone.

Ling Lan only made 30 magic flame shells for York's men, and the rest of the firestone mines were still in his ring. His purpose was only to scare the Dom, so he would not take out all the ores to avoid unnecessary and unexpected trouble.

The residents of the three cities did not hear a little news about the coming of the war, but the soldiers in the city moved on the streets in the middle of the night, and the noise made by tens of thousands of people was enough to make them feel dangerous.

At three or four o'clock in the morning, the church in Sga was brightly lit. Not only did the magic lights not turn off all night, but most of the people did not sleep, including their bishop, Celine.

A team of red-dressed believers hurried through most of the church and came to her hall.

"Your Excellency, I have something to see you!"

"Come in." Celine's assistant opened the door and ordered.

A kneeling believer ran into the hall anxiously and said to Celine, who held her high cheeks and closed her eyes, "Your Excellency, I just got the news that Anqi City has brought five magic fire cannons overnight and is preparing to be placed on the tower."

The voice of the believers was very clear in the hall in the middle of the night. Celine suddenly opened her eyes, and then her eyes condensed into a little and slowly said, "Magic flame cannon? Is this news worth your nervousness? This is used to deal with the savages of the Dom, and it's still worth being happy for me!"

Yes! Yes! Your excellency is bothering you.

"Recede." Seeing that she closed her eyes again, Celine's assistant quickly drove away the kneeling red-clothed believers.

In the dark and horrible mountains, the fire on a high platform is bright, and the flaming flame shakes left and right with the breeze, still burning very vigorously.

On the high platform, a nine-foot-long giant roared like thunder and gave a pre-war speech. Thousands of fully armed soldiers lined up neatly, waiting for his orders.

Next to the team, dozens of teams ran quickly and advanced into the huge cave ahead. From the sky, they are like a team of ants, sinking into the bloody mouth of the monster.

The pressure of the army made the atmosphere in the mountains extremely heavy and depressing. The sentry in the mountain had already found at least tens of thousands of Dom soldiers and marched down the mountain overnight, ready to launch a fierce attack on Anqi City before dawn.

"Are you all ready?"


"Sh louder up! I can't hear you!"


On the high tower, Calette and Luzka stood excitedly in the strong wind and shouted at the thousands of soldiers beside them.

Five magic flame cannons are around them, standing upright against the black mountain stretching thousands of miles in the distance.

The white moon is covered by dark clouds, and there is darkness between heaven and earth. Only the fiery red flame cannon still emits a faint red light in the dark.

Next to each magic flame cannon, there are 20 strong soldiers constantly filling high-quality firestones. The more firestones there are, the more powerful a magic flame cannonball will be.

At this time, Ling Lan was in Dom City, and the defensive battle of Anqi City was handed over to Calette and Luzka, as well as York's men, Mochi. He hid in the dug dark road and always paid attention to the movements of the Dom soldiers who entered it.

The heavy footsteps gradually became louder and louder. Ling Lan instantly moved out and saw that the Dom soldiers in black flood armor were about to come to him thousands of meters away.

Two hours ago, thousands of craftsmen who dug holes for more than a year were brutally killed by the Dom people. Ling Lan and others took this opportunity to open the passage and seal the original ladder.

They are now waiting for the vast army to advance and follow their passage to Dom City.

Sga City is full of Celine's eyeliner. For absolute concealment, Ling Lan and York discussed before deciding to put the passage in Dom City. As long as the Dom people go to the ground, they will be guided through a gate, which is the city of Sga.

At dawn the next day, it had just dawn. Except for Suga City, the residents of the other two cities heard shocking shouts and explosions. Those earth-shaking sounds came from Anqi City. Hundreds of thousands of Dom soldiers who rushed down the mountain approached the gate of Anqi City and launched a silent war for a year and a half.

Only one magic flame cannon was fired for the time being, and when the Dom people piled up at the foot of the mountain, a magic flame cannonball destroyed their 100,000 troops. This magic flame shell completely deterred the enemy, and the rest of the Dom people were brave and lost their burning fighting spirit and morale when they first went down the mountain!

In a dense forest on the outskirts of Dom City, a strong and tall black armored warrior suddenly gushed out. Their number accumulated more and more, like an overflowing spring, soaring at a rapid speed.

"Where is this? Segus? Why is it different from last time? Saruman grabbed the thin Segs and roared angrily.

"Put down, it's safe here. When there are more people, you will rush out. If you are in the city, you will be found as soon as you come out!" Segs angrily broke off Saruman's rough hand and shouted with a red face.

What's going on? No, the channel has changed, and I should have thought of it!

Saggs thought anxiously that Saruman saw that he was reasonable and did not embarras him any more. Indeed, there is no one in this dense forest except trees. There are more and more Dom soldiers coming up, and there is still a lot of time to adjust.

Hundreds of scattered people in white approached the dense forest intentionally or unintentionally. They turned their backs to it and slowly approached.

"That's the church! Leader!"

"Saruman, take people first and kill all the people of the church, regardless of the old, weak, women and children!"

"Yes, Lord Elonke! Brothers, come with me! Kill those soft bastards!"

"Kill! Kill it! Kill..."

"It's not good! It's Dom people! Go back quickly! Hurry up!" The man in white who found a movement behind him dispersed in panic and ran to the city like a bird and beast. Outside the dense forest, the army in red, which had been hidden for a long time, sharpened their knives and stared at the Dom soldiers who rushed in without noticing them.

When the Dom soldiers rushed up from the tunnel one after another and filled the whole forest, each leader took a team of thousands of people and attacked the city murderously. For a moment, the land of Dom City trembled slightly.

The news of the appearance of the Dom people was quickly spread to every corner of the streets and alleys by the people in white, and even the city of Suga immediately responded and gathered a large number of believers and city guards to support.

Zman's resistance alliance first fought with the Dom people. He believed the news in the diamond box and had already sent all the alliance members in Dom City to stay here waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

The city people who have been bullied for decades have a strong hatred. Compared with ordinary foreign believers and city guards, they can all exert twelve points of power!

The Dom people did not expect to meet the red-dressed resistance again that made them suffer a great loss last time. However, they came to slaughter everyone they saw. No matter what force they met, they were the inevitable enemy of their trip!

"I have to go back and report it quickly. This matter is too strange. It must have been fooled!" After the Doms acted, Seggs took the opportunity to run out. They only cared about the action and forgot his existence, so he was able to leave.

"Where are you going, Segs?"

Suddenly, five people appeared from outside the dense forest, led by a fat man, staring at him with a bad smile on his face.

"Who are you?" When asking this question, Segus had already guessed that the change of direction must be related to the fat man in front of him.

"Do you want to know? I'll tell you when you follow me, haha..." The fat man waved his hand, and the other four quickly formed an encirclement, surrounding Segs.

It's useless to say more. He looked around and launched a fierce attack on a weak-looking man.

"Boom! Boom!"

Before Segus moved, he was hit by five fierce burning high-temperature flames. The thick flames made his whole body full of burning. In a moment, a lot of sweat oozed from his body.

"Fire Dharma God!"

Suggs shouted in surprise. What he didn't expect was that these five people were all fire magic gods. He had grown so big that he had never seen the magic gods like magicians. They came out casually. They were all a group. He is also a fast god of war, but in the face of the attack of the five magic gods, he doesn't think he can escape from their palms.