Angel War Soul

Chapter 231 The Night

A black cloud covered the light of the moon. The sky over the church was dark, and the light gradually faded away, as if it had reached a dangerous situation.

Celine sat there motionless, her eyes were lax, as if she had lost her soul. One hand of Kurba gently kneaded her delicate hand, and he saw that Celine did not resist, let alone show anger. He smiled proudly in his heart and slowly stretched out his other hand. He held his breath, his eyes flashed with greed and excitement, and approached Celine like a thief. Kurba sucked his nose hard, and a girl's fragrance was sucked into his body, making his turbulent heart suddenly shake, and he couldn't be more happy.

At this time, the necklace on Celine's neck suddenly burst into a dazzling light. In an eye, there was a strong wind outside, and the black wind was raging and blowing into the empty hall.

Celine is still silent like a mute. When Kurtba was blown by the cold wind, bursts of cold chills hit his body. He trembling and didn't care about the strange changes just now. He didn't know why he was so bold. His idea at this time was to walk into Celine and into her heart that she dreamed of day and night.

Celine's face was filled with a faint black fog. The fog rotated left and right slowly penetrated into her body like a living thing, and the necklace given by the goddess on her neck also became dull, like scrap iron.

Kurba stood behind her. He licked his dry lips and gently and slowly kneaded her fragrant shoulders. Celine's body suddenly shook, and then turned her head.

"Is I beautiful?" Celine looked at the fast-pounding Curba with her intoxicating eyes. Her voice came from her red little mouth, which was charming, cold, and directly hit Kurtba's heart like a dream.

Kurba couldn't help it, and then burst into a beastly roar, picked up the petite Celine and walked towards the bedroom**. His slightly fat body seemed to have been injected with new strength, and he easily took a few steps and threw Celine into **.

There was a hot flame in Kurba's eyes. He was so anxious that he took off his clothes in three or twos. Celine was not only not angry, but also lifted the skirt of the white holy robe, revealing a pair of white and straight **. She held her cheek in one hand and threw a provocative wink at him.

Outside the hall, there was no extra white-clothed Buddhist. The surrounding world is quiet, the dark clouds in the sky change, and the covered silver moon appears from time to time, making the earth look more and more strange.

After a while, a loud and excited moan gradually came from the hall, and no one knew what was going on inside. In the sky, silver snakes shuttled through the black clouds. Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded and bombarded the whole earth.

"Ah! Ah..."

Kurba jumped down from ** with his bare body and sweat all over his body. He roared with fear at the top of his voice. **'S Celine is also naked with a seductive, tender and white jade body, but at this time, her long hair is scattered, her silver teeth are exposed, and a pair of changeable big eyes penetrate the strange light of blood red, especially one of the white arms has a dazzling black scar.

Kurba's waist was scratched with dozens of ferocious and eye-catching blood, and he ran out of the house like running for his life.

On this dead night, more than a dozen bodies lay on the church square in Anqi City. The busy white believers were quickly cleaning up the scene, and a large number of city guards galloped towards the east. The sound of horseshoe trampled the ground, and hundreds of people on the whole street were chasing, as if chasing Looking for the prisoner.

"Robert, have you found out what organization they are?"

"It is a soul killing organization, the number one killer organization in the whole continent. As long as they receive the business, they will carry it out to the end. Even if the people of the organization are completely destroyed, they will not give up the task and destroy their reputation for hundreds of years.

"Then there's nothing we can do?" Ling Lan stayed in the bright room and asked Robert next to him.

"This...or why don't we go to their headquarters and let them dare to be arrogant again! Or we also hired them to kill Kurba, so that their employer will not continue to assassinate you.

"That's a way. That's it. Fortunately, you went for a walk." Ling Lan frowned slightly and thought for a moment to say.

"Haha, Lord Ling Lan is joking. I'll do it now!"

Ling Lan knew that there would be killers coming tonight. He contacted the city owner in advance to ambush a large number of city guards. The believers in the church were not vegetarian and were on standby at any time to hang all the killers who came here. However, what he is unhappy about is the endless killers, who always have to distract themselves from them. Moreover, the number of killers will only increase and become more and more powerful.

The frightened Kurba ran desperately from the church to meet his mansion. He ran bare on the street in the middle of the night and was seen by hundreds of city guards passing by. At that time, he was so angry that he almost wanted to hit his head to death.

As soon as Kurba returned to his house, he surrounded him and protected him from anyone. He was afraid for most of the night and closed his eyes extremely tiredly until dawn and fell into **.


"Who?" In the spacious room, a man in black looked at the white fat man who suddenly woke up and said nothing.

Kurba has nightmares and can't fall asleep at all. He heard the noise and sat up in horror.

Mr. Kurba, our organization has decided to give up your employment agreement. This is double compensation. Goodbye."


As soon as the mysterious man in black finished speaking, he threw down a purple gold card and disappeared into the house like a ghost.

Kurba hasn't reacted yet, and he can't even hear his words clearly. He picked up **'s card and shouted out in fear again with trembling. He promised Celine that he would let the killer of the Soul Killing Organization kill Ling Lan. However, this card clearly proves the fact that Ling Lan has not been killed yet! And what's more frightening is that the number one killer organization in the mainland actually took the initiative to breach the contract and did not hesitate to compensate double, almost 100 million gold coins!

This fact is unacceptable to Kulba, and what he did last night is still vivid today. If Celine knew, she would never let him go. When the guards outside heard the abnormal movement, they rushed in nervously and took him out of the house quickly.