Angel War Soul

Chapter 232 Abyss Magic Roar

There were many tragic dead bodies in the city last night. The appearance of those people's death was extremely horrible. They were all hollowed out, and the broken flesh and blood mixed with blood all over the ground. The scene was extremely disgusting and shocking!

So far, this evil situation has occurred in 50 or 60 places in the three cities, and the church and the city guards are investigating. For a while, the city residents who had just felt that they had lived a good life for several years began to worry about their lives.

Anqi City Church, Robert came to Ling Lan's side happily early in the morning and said to him, "Lord Ling Lan, the soul killing organization dares not take over Kurba's business under the pressure of Lord York. Hahaha... How about it? I'm efficient enough!"

Is that right? That's good. The demon clan has infiltrated the city. I don't want to be distracted by this matter anymore. Thank you, Robert. This is your reward. Ling Lan smiled faintly and took out a gold card and handed it to him. There are tens of thousands of gold coins stored on it. For Ling Lan now, it is equivalent to a few gold coins when he was poor.

Robert took over the gold card excitedly. He looked happily and said, "Also, Lord York has put a lot of eyeliners outside Celine's church. If she takes any action in the future, we will all know as soon as possible. Kurtba didn't know what happened last night. Today, he seemed to be afraid to escape from the city.

"Oh? What's wrong with him?"

"I guess I'm scared! That boy's family business is about to be ruined, and I think he still has time to be arrogant in the future! Don't worry, Lord Ling Lan, I'm going to see where the boy has gone.

Kurba was taken by the guards to run out of the city, but because a large number of people died last night, all the gates were blocked and no one was allowed to enter or leave. He didn't want to reveal his identity to Selene, so he had no choice but to come back.

At this time, an excited figure ran over quickly, his heart beat faster, and his face turned red and gasped for breath. The man said to him tremblingly, "Lord Curba, Bishop Celine... said... he wanted to find you!"

"What? Where is she? Kurba had not recovered from last night's fear, and he was even more scared when he said so.

"Of course she... is in the church."

"I know, get out of here!" After saying that, Kurba turned his head and ran to the nearest alley, like a mouse crossing the street for fear of being seen.

"Where are you going?"


Suddenly, Kurba saw a strange woman with long white hair in the dark winter alley. Her bare feet and blood-red eyes were like a demon of hell, which really scared him very much.

Kurba's eyes widened and retreated, and his guards rushed in and pushed him behind to form a tight protective wall. Only then did he see that the man was Celine, the last person he wanted to see.

"Are you... Celine?" Kurba asked nervously uncertainly.

"Is Ling Lan dead? Isn't it?" Celine roared angrily, and her voice and temperament changed, becoming no different from the devil.

Kurba couldn't believe the facts in front of him. He shook his head vigorously and ran away.

"Ah! Ah! Ah..."

Kurba, who rushed out of the alley, heard screams stimulating his eardrums one after another. Needless to say, his men had been killed by the enchanted Celine. If he runs away later, maybe he will end up with the same situation as his men.

Dozens of eighth-strength guards have no ability to respond in Celine's hands. Her attack is simple and weird. She can break everyone's necks and break their hearts with just her fingers and speed.

A large group of city guards heard the screams in the alley and turned their heads and rushed there. They surrounded the alley and launched a fierce attack on Celine inside.

"Where are you going? Ah... I'm going crazy!"

Kurba ran desperately on the street like a poor beggar, and his men didn't come back. As early as a few days ago, hundreds of his men were taken away by the family. He didn't expect that there would be today. At this moment, he was alone and could not stop the pursuit of crazy Celine.

"Yes! Church! will kill me too!" Kurba held his head and huddled in the empty corner, trembling violently all over. "Well, I won't die... I won't!"

In Anqi City, white-clothed believers came and went to patrol the streets. After a month of training for the city people, almost all the people in the city are soldiers, and anyone has practiced magic or fighting skills of various departments. Especially what happened last night made them realize that disaster was coming soon. Only when they have the strength can they defend themselves and their homes.

A panicked man crashed into the crowded crowd in the street and screamed into the church in Anqi. The man's strength was not bad, and before the doorkeeper could react, he ran in.

Ling Lan, who stayed in the hall, heard the noise outside. Just as he was about to go out, he saw a group of people coming in with a man.

"Ren me go! I want to see your bishop! Do you hear me?"

"Your Excellency, there is a madman here who wants to see you. Please give instructions!"

"Is it Kurba? Go down!" Ling Lan saw the man's appearance and was really shocked. He didn't expect to see him here, and he still looks so pitifully strange.

"Lord Linglan! Your Excellency Bishop! I'm wrong, please help me! Woo..." As soon as Kurba saw the high Ling Lan, he suddenly cried bitterly and lay on the ground with an extremely sad expression.

Ling Lan saw that he really seemed to be crazy, so he couldn't help frowning and watching quietly.

After a while, another person broke in outside. Without saying a word, he kicked Kurba's raised buttocks and scolded fiercely, "Damn it! How dare you come here! I think you are impatient to live!"

Robert pointed to his face angrily and began to scold him. He looked for him for a long time, but he didn't expect to hear the believers that he came here. Yesterday, he had to find a killer to assassinate Ling Lan. Today, he dared to come alone, which surprised everyone.

Culba seemed to be really scared. He knelt in front of Robert and cried, "I was wrong! As long as you spare me, I will give you all the money I have!"

"Money! Humph! I'm not short of money! Lord Ling Lan is not short of money!"

"There are 80 million in here, I... I beg you not to kill me and let me live here..."

"I kicked..." Robert was about to beat him again. As soon as he heard the 80 million words, he immediately put away his raised foot and obviously fell to the ground. He grabbed the high-end purple gold card and suddenly smiled.

Purple gold card is not something that ordinary people can hold, especially in the purple gold card that can be used, there must and at least be more than 10 million gold coins, which is a symbol of a person's identity and status. As long as a person walks on the street with this kind of purple gold card, he will definitely welcome the envious eyes of passers-by.

Robert is not stupid. He knows very well what Kurba's family does, so he can't lift the little strength to beat and abuse Kurba in front of him now.

Ling Lan coughed twice as if watching a play, "Pu him up first. I still have something to do."

"Lord Ling Lan, then this purple gold card...haha..."

"You can use it."

"Really? Hahaha... You idiot, come here. Do you have anything valuable with you? Hurry up and hand it over!" Robert suddenly got nearly 100 million gold coins. He was so excited that he couldn't be excited any more. He showed his greedy and perverted eyes and stared at the ragged Kurba, and a pair of big hands kept swimming back and forth on his body, trying to come out some more treasures.

"None! No more! It's all up to you! Ah..." Kurba couldn't stand his perverted attack and shouted that he was about to collapse.

Fortunately, Ling Lan walked fast, otherwise the two people in this room would definitely disgust him to death.

At the junction of the Leilin Empire and the Hill Empire, there are countless peaks connected together to form a natural barrier. Above a sinister and bottomless canyon, a group of mysterious people in white are looking there with solemn faces.

The sky of the mountains is covered with dark clouds, and the dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker and almost overwhelmed in the mountains. The turbulent blue current is like a wandering snake, looming through the dark clouds. The roaring wind raged in the boundless sky, making a strange sound of crying and wolves.

"Pope, the creatures of hell are about to rush out! You step back first, and I'll guard here!"

"No, let's work together to stop the entry of demons! The majesty of the God of Light absolutely does not allow them to invade!" The Pope stopped an impulsive young man and said to the twelve envoys beside him. The entrance to the demon world is here. The Pope is responsible for guarding twelve divine messengers more powerful than bishops to prevent the crazy demon army from breaking into the world from here.

They have been here for about a month. Long before that, a large number of demon creatures sneaked out. In order not to let the creatures on earth be ruined, as a subordinate of the Light God, the Pope has the greatest responsibility to take the initiative to deal with the demon clan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom..."

There was a shocking sound in the abyss shrouded in black light fog, and the whole nearby mountain shook violently. Coupled with the rolling thunder in the sky, it is as if the end of the world is coming, full of a solemn and critical atmosphere.

"Gaga...Gaga...human world...human world...we are coming! Gaga..."

The harsh sound of metal friction came from the bottom of the abyss, and the devil's laughter echoed in the ears of the gods with the breath of charm and death. They knew that the demon army was about to rush out, which could not be changed. They had to form a powerful holy light battle array to suppress more demon creatures.