Angel War Soul

Chapter 309 Mysterious Man

Half an hour later, a handsome teenager with evil came to the hall under the leadership of the guardian of the demon clan.

"Are you that weirdo? What's your name?" Ling Lan saw the strange man return to normal, and his current appearance was so contrasted that he almost thought it was two people for a while.

"My name is Cassie. Please teach me magic. I'm going to kill Miller!" Cassie's eyes were full of endless resentment and extreme hatred. His eyes were blood red and red, which was made like this by strong hatred.

Ling Lan could understand the hatred in his heart and asked again, "They killed your relatives?" So you want revenge?"

"Yes! I know you are awesome! You teach me magic, I kill Miller, and your life will be yours!"

Carthy's eyes emitted an unusually firm light, matched with his blood-red eyes. Even if Ling Lan saw it, he couldn't help but feel that he would definitely be able to revenge in the future. It seems that Cassie's resentment is a magical force that can change his future fate.

"Okay, let Dors teach you magic in person."

"Thank you!" Seeing that Ling Lan agreed, Cassie quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed heavily to him. From beginning to end, the resentment in his heart has not faded, and it has always been full of resentment against Miller and his followers.

In the evening, Dors came to Ling Lan's room, and Ling Lan would appear there at night, almost unable to thunder.

" boss, the blood demon confessed, but unfortunately he died in pain after a few words."

"What did he say?" Ling Lan asked curiously.

"He said that he was a member of the Sotantu family. There was a block hidden in the eastern continent for less than half a year. There were more than 1,000 of them, all of whom were blood demons. I have also heard of the Sotantu family. There are only more than 10,000 people in total. This time, there is a team led by a man named Imen hidden here. Dors told Ling Lan the information from the interrogation.

A surprised light flashed in Ling Lan's eyes and muttered to himself, "Imen, I seem to have heard this name somewhere. By the way, he was the one who competed with Artes when he went to open the treasure of the moon demon."

"Big boss, have you seen him?" Dors asked doubtfully.

"Well, they must have a purpose to hide here. In the future, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to go out of the city. Only your brothers can. Be careful that they hit us. We can't take the initiative to find them yet.

"You're right. We blood demons are the most difficult of the race in the demon world. As long as they become liquid, there is only a small gap in the eye of the needle to escape. A thousand of Yimen's men are blood demons. If they take the initiative to deal with them, it will be difficult to completely eliminate them. Dors analyzed that after he went out, he immediately gathered the brothers of the demon clan to keep an eye on the gate and watch the infiltration of the blood demon.

If he can manage these millions of people, Dors will really change from a small robber leader to the city owner. He will never relax this kind of thing that can stimulate his self-motivation.

In the western continent, after returning, Miller avoided the eyes of everyone in the church and turned into a remnant into white houses. He flashed into his room, quickly changed his burned holy robe, and then put on a brand-new one.

Miller thought that no one could detect that he had secretly returned to the church alone, but this time he was clearly seen by someone.


"Who is it?" Miller shouted angrily, and the voice outside sounded just as arrogant. He thought for a moment and opened the door suspiciously. Outside stood a handsome man who stunned him.

Miller's mind suddenly went blank, and the surprised, excited and embarrassed expression appeared on his face at the same time. If he were seen by his followers, he would be even more surprised and unbelievable.

"God!" Miller stiffened with excitement and said in surprise.

The man glanced into the room and stopped on the changed clothes. Miller quickly got out of the way. After the man walked in, he asked majestically, "What's going on?" Who did you get hurt by?

"It's a demon clan." Miller answered immediately, not daring to lie.

"Demon clan? Where did you meet?

"In Terry City in the eastern continent, I originally took the believers to remove the remnants of the demon clan. Unexpectedly, I met the young demon clan. I was accidentally burned by his black flame.

"There are demons there so soon! Humph! Tomorrow you take 3,000 believers to completely destroy them. I don't want to see you lose the dignity of my Protos!" The man who became a god contained suffocating majesty in his every move. Even Miller was so awe that he dared not say a word for fear of annoying this person.

After the man went out, Miller picked up the half-burned robe, and his eyes flashed with great anger!

Before dawn the next day, a secret team in white quickly ran out of the church and advanced rapidly along the magic boundary of the eastern continent. Miller took the lead. He hasn't slept well all night and has been thinking about how to recover his lost dignity. Ling Lan has been killed in his mind many times. At this moment, he can't wait to find Ling Lan immediately and smash him to pieces.

"Go in from here!" Miller commanded the 3,000 people behind him to follow up, and they were ready to enter Terry City, which was shrouded in magic. The black magic area exuded a gloomy and strange feeling. They leaned in white one by one, as if they had penetrated into the mouth of a huge monster.

"There is movement!" As soon as they entered, they heard a sound not far away. The neat team suddenly dispersed spontaneously and enveloped from every street.

Dozens of blood shadows shot out of the house and fled desperately to the south. They got into the ground and appeared on the roof to play with the believers who followed them.

Miller ordered the remaining 2,000 people to stay and wait for the order, but he chased with 1,000 people, and a life-and-death chase officially began.

In the strong magic, Ling Lan's body is undergoing strange changes. Black and white are changing back and forth on his body. He frowns and his expression looks a little painful.

"If the power of magic and light cannot be balanced, it will be painful. It is difficult for the two to offset each other." Ling Lan muttered to herself. This situation will happen when he stays in the magic for a long time these two days. At first, he was able to suppress it, but after two or three days, he couldn't.

The black and white wheel is not as useful to his cultivation as at the beginning, just like his pain at this moment, the light shining on the wheel does not work.