Angel War Soul

Chapter 310 The Power of Light and Darkness

"Forget it, stop first." Ling Lan stopped practicing and slowed down for a while. His stubbornness would only make him more uncomfortable. He hasn't been back to church for several days, so he plans to go back and have a look.

Ling Lan flew west from no one outside Anqi City. Ten thousand meters away, the sky there was white, in sharp contrast to the darkness around her. As long as he enters the white world, the magic in his body will retreat and turn into a bright power.


Ling Lan entered the line where the power of light and magic merged, and he felt some strange changes in his body. This time, he turned around again and stopped on the black-and-white line to quietly feel the strange feeling.

Slowly, Ling Lan unconsciously practiced again. He found that his light power could not suppress the leakage of magic, and could only show the state of the demon clan. But now, the strange feeling is getting stronger and stronger. He seems to see countless thin black and white lines drilling into his body from the air, and his pain is thus relieved.

Ling Lan closed her eyes and felt it with her heart. The subtle changes can only be perceived in this kind of mind without distractions. He seemed to understand something and suddenly couldn't remember anything. He wanted to find the fleeting feeling and gradually forgot the existence of time on this line. There is no concept of time at this moment. He doesn't know whether it is night or day outside. I just want to seize the inspiration that may break through earlier.

Outside Anqi City, a black demon team was walking on the street. They pulled several carriages, and the speed seemed to be a little slow.

"Alas, every three days, we have to go out to transport food. We don't even have a livestock, so how many of our brothers will be beasts?"

"Hahaha...Tas, when the rescued people practice hard, we will let them work in the future. We just need to watch!"

"How long will that take? But it's quite good to think about it. There are a few subordinates who want me to use it. Haha, it feels good!"

Several demons with empty cars in their hands are going out. There are dozens of teams carrying food and water every day. They only use wheels once every three days to serve millions of people in the city.


"Listen? What's the sound?"

Suddenly, even if they talked and laughed loudly, they heard a shrill scream in the distance. They are used to working, and they are nervously overwhelmed when they hear that scream.

"And you two! Go to hell!"

Two blood lights were stabbed into countless blood spots by a gunshot and scattered into the sky. When the demon clan saw a man with three angel wings behind them, he seemed to see them. Countless white believers rushed around him, which scared them all of a sudden.

"There are still more than a dozen people there!"

"Kill them all!"

Miller chased several blood demons for more than an hour. He wanted to give up several times and stop chasing. But those blood demons were obviously provoking him, and he absolutely couldn't stand it. So, take a thousand believers until they are killed. Now, he saw more than a dozen other demons, and the anger in his heart was aroused again, and it was necessary to smash them into ten thousand pieces to vent the anger in his heart.

Thousands of white believers rushed over from the ground, under the roof and streets in all directions, and dozens of people fled for their lives with a "wow" scream. In less than a moment, hundreds of silver guns stabbed them one by one and blocked them into a bloody humanoid hedgehog.

Those believers who gasped desperately saw that all the demons were dead and lay on the ground. They could no longer care about the dignity of the sacred church and just wanted to breathe a few breaths of oxygen.

"Get up and go back quickly!" Miller suddenly had an ominous feeling at this time. When he chased these blood demons before, he thought they had a conspiracy. Now, when he calmed down and thought about it, the feeling of being calculated became stronger and stronger, which made him feel deeply uneasy.

When the believers saw Miller and ordered them to get up and go back immediately, the voices of lamenting spread all over the streets and alleys, scolding him in their hearts.

"C Close the gate! Close the gate!" A dark shadow ran desperately to the open city people. When the guard of the city saw him, he didn't react for a moment and didn't know what he meant.

In the Church of Anqi City, Dors saw the escaped man and heard him say what had just happened. He couldn't help but feel cold behind him and stood up uneasily and angrily.

Miller thought they had killed everyone, but they were still run away by a man and told Dorss the news. They did not continue their search, but immediately turned back. If they move forward tens of thousands of miles, there will be very incredible discoveries.

Dors ordered the whole city to be on alert. He personally took Dikka and Hal and their good brothers to Ling Lan to discuss.

And Ling Lan was still there to meditate. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and shouted excitedly, "I finally found it!"

Ling Lan gently pointed forward with her right hand, and a black glow shot out with white light, disappearing at a distance of less than 100 meters. That strange beam was the inspiration he had been looking for for several hours. He can no longer feel the pain caused by the repulsion of the two forces in his body, because he has discovered the secret of the real fusion of the two forces.

The line where Ling Lan's magic merges with the power of light is a new force. Although this power is difficult to detect, Ling Lan could feel it a long time ago, but she never cared about it. Now, he not only finds, but also solves the problem of power repulsion in his body.

"I didn't expect that magic and the power of light could really be perfectly integrated. There is darkness in light and light in darkness. In fact, both of them are indispensable. It's like solar energy illuminating the earth, but there are always shadows that can't be found. After dark at night, a little candlelight can also illuminate the way forward! This is the new power of light and darkness!" Ling Lan said excitedly and pushed out a palm again, emitting the light of black and white. The strange light touched the solid ground and made a deep pit appear strangely on the ground without the sound of explosion.

"Big Ling Lan! Boss Ling Lan! Where are you..."

"Doles!" Ling Lan was happy and heard several voices calling him. He got up and looked at it and saw a figure flying from the sky towards here.

"Big Ling Lan!" Dors found Ling Lan flying up and passed over excitedly. He told Ling Lan about the matter and asked him to make a decision.

Ling Lan couldn't help showing an angry expression when she heard that the freight team had been killed by Miller.

"How do they know we're here? Terry City is at least 100 million miles away from here.

"Yes, I remember. Tass, who escaped back, said that he first saw two blood demons killed by them, and then they happened to see Tass and rushed over to kill them all. These beasts, huh!"

"Do you remember that we saw the blood demon at the beginning? It should be their conspiracy. You go back to guard the city first, and I'll find Uncle York to transfer some people.

Ling Lan and the two immediately separated, and Doles called Decca and the others back to guard the town.

The 50,000 mercenaries in York have left 5,000 people with the blue believers since they rescued people a few months ago. Ling Lan went back and transferred them out directly and went to Anqi City. As soon as the 5,000 people arrived, Ling Lan sent Dors and others to search for the nest of the blood demon. These 5,000 people were human beings and could not stay in the demon-rich city for a long time, so they were not suitable for search.

Dors and five or six hundred demons dispersed along Anqi City for a carpet-style search. After the 5,000 people were transferred, Hailin and the believers were curious about what had happened. In the end, Ling Lan told Hailin the secret that had been hidden for a long time.

Hai Lin heard that the millions of people saved had the power of the demon clan and were practicing the magic of the demon clan. She did not show the anger that Ling Lan thought. On the contrary, she still cares about their lives and wants to see them.

Ling Lan did not agree for the time being. After separating from her, he also joined the search for the blood demon's nest.

Miller returned to Terry City with the thousand exhausted believers, and saw that the remaining two thousand believers were almost half less. One of the vice-bishops explained the situation to him. Half an hour after Miller left, hundreds of blood demons came to attack them.

When the archbishop saw the blood demons sneaking away immediately, he ordered the person in charge not to chase them. However, another archbishop didn't listen to him and took a thousand people to hunt down the blood demon.

Until now, five or six hours have passed, and they have not returned.

"Bastard! Damn demons!" Miller cursed angrily. He almost never cursed and rarely got so angry. But in the past few days, his mood has never calmed down.

"Regardless of them, go back!" Miller will not save his commanding subordinates. This is a violation of the order and should have been punished. It's their luck to live, and they deserve it when they die.

The archbishop got used to Miller's temper and went back without saying a word with the believers who were about to rest. And those who followed Miller, who were tired and dizzy, cast pitiful glances at the vice-bishop's team with great envy.

Ling Lan mainly focuses the search site in the mountains and forests. Those blood demons lurked here before the mainland changes, and should not be in the city. Therefore, he only searched carefully in the mountains and forests in the city and flew north along the mountains he saw one by one.

After more than half an hour, the day passed unconsciously. The dark city became darker, and the outline of the city was blurred and could only see a little bit. Ling Lan lowered down and galloped all the way close to the house.

"Is there a sound?"

There will be no one in the empty city. You can only hear the sound of the wind roaring by, and a trace of sound will become extremely clear in Ling Lan's ear. He hid his breath and touched in the direction of the sound.