Angel War Soul

Chapter 369 Sky Battle

Without the dozens of four-wing angels and the pursuit of Dicas, Andke and Diga have greatly reduced the pressure on Ling Lan, and they don't have to worry about defeating them.

"Ling Lan..."

"Hmm?" Ling Lan didn't expect someone to call his name, and the distant and heavy voice seemed to be made by the white tiger beast.

"Are you calling me?"

"Ling Lan, who holds the key of the moon demon, can't imagine that you are a human with bright power..."

"Ling Lan, you are indeed a traitor to the divine religion, and you actually know the white tiger beast in the demon world!"

At this time, Andeko, who caught up, shouted angrily and once again grasped the strong evidence of Ling Lan's collusion with the demon world.

"I went to the demon world to find my brother Barr, but thanks to the magic given to me by Lord Moon Demon, I found him in the demon world." Ling Lan said gratefully that the white tiger beast was so big that he couldn't see whether the moon demon was on its back or not.

Andeko was ignored. After chasing him for more than an hour, he was already full of anger, but now it all broke out.

A shocking divine power burst out from Andeko's body and swept the whole world. As he was about to take action, a pair of eyes bigger than his body suddenly stared at him.

"You said your brother's name is Barr, the blood demon who was lucky to get the ghost blood? Is he your brother?" The voice of the white tiger beast came from the body again.

Ling Lan heard its surprise and guessed that he knew Barr and even came into contact with it.

"Yes, have you seen him? How is he doing now? Ling Lan asked eagerly that he had no time to look for him for so long after returning to the demon world.

"It's unforgivable that you ignore the existence of the two of us!"

Suddenly, the anger in Andko's heart broke out in an instant, and his back suddenly changed six pairs of fiery red angel wings. At the same time, his transformed flame gun fiercely stabbed Ling Lan and Hailin behind him.

"Ling Lan, your brother is doing well, great... But this harsh noise makes me very irritable!"



Just as Ling Lan felt the danger and pulled Hailin away, the figure of the moon demon suddenly appeared from the back of the white tiger beast. At the same time, the eyes of the White Tiger Beast shot out two silver laser beams and bombarded Andeko.

Diga sensed the arrival of the pillar of light and immediately let Andeko dodge loudly.

This series of reactions was completed in a second. The two beams were so fast and powerful that they knocked Andeko out with one blow. He was just rubbed and couldn't withstand the terrible power.

"Moon Demon! Aren't you hunted down by Death in the demon world? Why did you come here? Can't you beat Death, so I want to come to the human world to avoid it. But you only deserve to hide here!" Diga pointed to the seemingly small moon demon on the back of the white tiger beast and shouted.

"You burning bird know a lot. It seems that you are destined to leave you here today, hehe..." The cold laughter of the moon demon was like throwing people into the ice and snow, and his body and soul feel extremely cold and piercing. It's just her laughter, which can make such a strange feeling.

"Retain me? I'd like to see who retains whom. Humph! The god who leads the divine world can't kill you, a woman who can only run for her life!"

"Diga, even the goddess of light in your divine world dares not speak like this to the demon god. The pride of your divine clan is actually ignorance! Suffer to death!" The white tiger beast also burst into anger.

The moon demon came to the human world because of earth-shaking changes in the demon world. At the beginning, the moon demon launched a devastating blow to death, arousing the light of the blood moon and destroying almost all the creatures on the dead mountain. At that time, Ling Lan and Barr were on the top of the mountain and robbed the ghost blood of countless demons.

This earth-shaking blow planted seeds for death's revenge on the moon demon. A few months later, a suddenly born genius in the demon world, the son of death, is the embodiment of death's resentment. As soon as he appeared, he announced the enemy of the moon demon in the demon world.

"Look! The white tiger beast is attacking Lord Tiga!"

Dikas and dozens of four-wing angel warriors caught up at this time. They happened to see the huge white tiger beast stretching out its claws and patting fiercely to the small and its nail-sized Diga. That very ordinary action made the huge white tiger beast have the momentum to destroy the world.

"Haleyn, let's avoid it!"

Ling Lan originally wanted to think about how to make Yuemo fight with Diga and Andeko, but now, without saying a word, these sworn enemies launched a desperate attack on each other.

The moon demon sat on the back of the white tiger beast as stable as a mountain, closed his eyes with contempt, and did not take the battle seriously at all.

Traitor Ling Lan! Let's see where you are going!" Dikas, who occupied Bhat's body, did not dare to join the battle with the White Tiger Beast. He suddenly turned his eyes to Ling Lan and Hailin. He shouted and rushed to Ling Lan with disdain.

"It's you. I thought you couldn't catch up, but I didn't expect you to give up! I didn't kill you at that time, and now you take the initiative to come to the door, so don't blame me for being rude!"

Ling Lan held a black flame sword and cut out more than a dozen swords in an instant. The black sword light was a terrible black flame fire. At this time, Dickass thought that he could not defeat Ling Lan, but he had rushed over and could not turn back to escape.

Dozens of black flames rushed to the groups of four-winged angels next to each other. They dodged nervously, but they did not expect that the black flame would spread into a flame covering the sky and chased each of them in an instant.

"Hailin, kill them first and then deal with Andeko. If you don't kill them today, they will never stop!" Ling Lan knew that Hailin was softer than him and rarely killed him. However, Andko will never let them go, so they can only take this opportunity to kill them first.


Haline looked at the ten angels. Andeko's strength was comparable to hers. If she wanted to kill him, it was not something that could be done in a short time.

When those angels saw Ling Lan and Hailin coming to chase them, they both proudly and nervously lowered their speed, and hesitated not to face them when charging.

"Ah! Ah..."

As long as Ling Lan's black flame is touched by a star, it can devour an angel in an instant. After the flame just dissipated, three or four angels were slightly unnoticed and burned by the black flame.

At this time, Ling Lan clenched the black flame sword in one hand and held the black and white wheel in the other. The black flame on the sword and the holy light pillar attacked at the same time, and any attack can kill an angel warrior.

"Get over and kill them, and then hide, you will all die!" Andeko roared angrily. He watched the angels retreat and scattered in the distance in the attack of the pillar of light and the black flame, and his heart was uncontrollably angry.

"Faling and burning the waste!"

"Trial reincarnation!"

Ling Lan and Hailin launched a powerful attack on the surrounding angels, and saw a roaring fire rushing at them in an instant. At the same time, under the holy light in the sky, sharp light guns fell like a meteor shower and chased the angels.

Ling Lan dodged into the fire and saw the angels stabbing the black flame sword in his hand. His teleportation technique is more silent in the vast sea of fire, and the black sword in his hand is an excellent assassination blade.

Even if those angels who can feel the danger react quickly, they can't avoid the ubiquitous fire and Ling Lan's raids around them.

In just one minute, three or four angels killed more than half of them. Andko and Dickass kept chasing Ling Lan and Hailin, but they couldn't save an angel's life.


The roar of the white tiger beast is more shocking than the thunderstorm on a rainy day. It is too big. Although every blow contains the power of landslides, it still failed to hurt Diga.

"The moon tiger turned into a human form, and the two of them chased after..."

The voice of the moon demon sounded in the consciousness of the white tiger beast, and her body disappeared out of thin air, and the next second appeared on the left side of the white tiger beast.

The waves shot by the white tiger beast shook Diga, and his body was suddenly shrouded in a huge black fog, and then quickly shrank.

Thirty or forty four-winged angels were all killed. Ling Lan turned around and stared at Dikas, who possessed Bach's body. Just now, all the angels he stared at were killed in the next second. Dicas was watching, and now that he was targeted, he immediately felt a sense of death being targeted by death.

"Andeko God! The crime committed by the traitor Ling Lan is unforgivable! Use your strength to destroy him!"

"Dicas, it's your turn." Ling Lan raised the corners of her mouth and smiled faintly at him. At this time, he has become a state of magic, and his heart has naturally become a little more murderous than when he is in a bright state.

"Don't come here!"

The psychological defense line of Dicas was completely destroyed, and Ling Lan's image had become a bloody demon in his eyes, rushing to him with a fangs and a fang-filled smile.

When Andeko saw that Ling Lan finally rushed over at this time, he shouted and stopped in front of Dikas.

"Go to hell! You traitor, evil!"

The dazzling holy light burst out and swallowed the whole blue sky. In the thick light, the illusion of a twelve-winged angel emerged from the clouds and waved the holy sword to Ling Lan. At the same time, the shining holy light turned into countless flying needle-like light, surrounding Ling Lan from every direction.

This pure light attack is ubiquitous and can produce the most powerful attack on people in the shortest time. The powerful pressure shocked Ling Lan and greatly reduced his speed.

"Light and dark stars, absorb all the holy light! Andke, even if you stand here, Dicas can't escape the fate of being killed by me!"