Angel War Soul

Chapter 370 Nightmare Family

While Ling Lan spoke, the black and white wheel had been aimed at Andeko. Andeko had also seen the power of the beam of light emitted by the wheel. Even if his real body came, he did not dare to stand there and take a hard time.

Andko reacted quickly and flashed to one side for fear of being hit by the beam of light. Ling Lan was only used to scare him. At this time, although the whirlpool blocked the blow of the angel illusion splitting the mountain and river, it could not stop the holy light flying needle all over the sky.

Ling Lan once again displayed five light and dark vortices in a second to protect his front, back, left and right, and the bottom, forming a square airtight whirlpool. All the needlemang were sucked in by the high-speed rotating whirlpool half a meter away from Ling Lan, and twisted into debris into the whirlpool.

Countless needles hit a thin layer of whirlpool fiercely, making a click sound. Finally, the whirlpools are all connected together and wrapped in the shape of a round ball to completely cover Ling Lan in it.

"The fusion of light and darkness, the power of the world, meet gods and kill gods, and destroy heaven and earth!"

Ling Lan injected powerful power into the whirlpool again and exploded. A huge light mass in the sky scattered and absorbed all the holy light. The violent explosion made a loud noise comparable to thunder and lightning, constantly deterred everyone's body and mind.

Ling Lan's figure turned into a black line and flashed behind Andeko.

"Black Yan Yan Yan!"

Rolling, in the dark sky, several dark fires grabbed Andeko like the tentacles of the devil. The violent shock continued. He didn't see Ling Lan dodging behind him clearly, but he also felt the danger. When he was about to dodge, he was still stained by a star of black inflammation and burned on his arm like fire oil.

"Dish it!"

Andeke shook his arm disdainfully, and the black flame that could burn everything was dispersed in an instant. This scene made Ling Lan stunned.

"Andke, this was originally your spiritual split, but I was wondering why you were not as good as Tiga? Ha ha... Erase your spiritual memory, but it can directly catalyze a human body into a divine body and gain infinite light power. Andke, are you right?"

The moon demon watched quietly. The battle on both sides seemed to her like a child playing, which could not affect her at all. Her deep and strange eyes were full of playful smiles, and she looked directly at Andeko with an angry expression.

"You're right, but do you really think you will do that? Are you waiting for someone to arrive? If you were okay, you would have taken action against me. You are standing here now, it must be because some big enemy is chasing you! Humph! You don't think I can see it!" Andeko's psychological defense is so strong that it is several times stronger than his strength. Although he is just a split now, his divine pride will not be weakened by the weakening of his power.

"Spiritual split? Erasing memories can turn people into gods? What does this mean? Ling Lan listened to the moon demon's words and whispered doubtfully.

"Ling Lan, your sister Dina is saved. As long as you catch Andeko's split and implant it into Dina's body, you can completely purify the demon heart in her chest, and also integrate the light power of the spiritual body with her body and turn it into her own strength."

While Ling Lan spoke, the voice of a familiar girl sounded in her mind. The next second, a lovely girl fifteen or sixteen years old suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Dream? Are you awake? Ling Lan said in surprise when she saw Meng in front of him.

"Well, after sleeping for so long, my strength has almost recovered. It's time for me to take revenge." Meng's eyes stared at Andeko motionless, as if he had known each other very early.

"The nightmare family! There are still people who survived!" Andeko's body suddenly shook, as if he saw something that scared him. His arrogant expression did not show such negative emotions, but now it was obvious.

"Andeko, you remember it clearly. For hundreds of years, I have been trying to avenge you day and night. I didn't expect that I really met you today. Ha ha... Although it's just a split, killing you first can also eliminate my temporary resentment!"

"Andeko, you have so many enemies. I wanted to dirty my hands to kill you, but now it doesn't seem to be necessary at all." Yuemo smiled coldly and turned his body. In the distance, a black was approaching, and the outline became clearer and clearer.

At this time, the white tiger beast turned into a human form and fought with Tiga. And Decath and Andeco on this side face Ling Lan, Hailin and Meng at the same time, as well as the most threatening moon demon. The ending is obvious and very clear. Unless he escapes desperately, the result will be one word, death!

"Someone is coming over there!"

Dicas nervously pointed to the opposite side. At this time, not only he, but also everyone felt a pressure that was no different from the moon demon. Just in the blink of an eye, they saw that the approaching object was an extremely dark magic fog.

"Moon demon, do you want to escape from the fate of being killed by me when you escape to the human world? Ha ha... You are so naive."

Before the person arrived, the voice came first. The man's harsh voice, which seemed to be a beast, made the person who heard it suddenly felt an extremely strong feeling of depression. The pain that could almost pull the soul out of the heart, like the meaning of death.

In just one sentence, there is such a powerful power of soul attack, which makes everyone present can't help but want to see what kind of horrible appearance the visitor looks like.

For a few breaths, the magic fog suspended above their heads and slowly came out of two dark shadows from it. Everyone raised their heads and stared to see carefully.


Dikas was screamed by the strong magic spirit, and he didn't dare to look directly, let alone see their appearance.


Ling Lan shouted excitedly again. It was a dream just now, and now it is Barr. Almost at the same time, he met a very familiar person and a close relative.

"Big brother!"

In the two dark shadows, the slightly shorter man standing behind also shouted in surprise. As soon as he couldn't help coming forward, he felt the depressing spirit from the man in front of him and stood still.

"Bar, do you ask a human to call big brother? Ha ha... Don't talk nonsense, kill the moon demon first."

"Yes, Death!"

Barr bowed his head respectfully and said, and then stared at the moon demon below.

"Kill me? Did I die so easily? A dead man who is not naive!"

These seven or eight strong men from the three worlds are gathered together, even on the battlefield. As soon as there are many people, the relationship between everyone will become very delicate. Maybe the opponent who was still a sworn enemy will unite together the next second.

"Moon demon, don't run if you have the ability. Let's fight to the death here. Let's borrow it today to reveal who can kill whom!" Barr pointed to the moon demon and shouted, and a strong hegemonic atmosphere burst out, rolling up a gust of wind and blowing towards the crowd.

"Then come on, you have too much nonsense..."

"Dikas, do you want to run away?"

At this time, Dicas, who had the worst cultivation, could no longer withstand the great pressure of spiritual power, and could no longer care about the pride of the Protoss born that day and quickly fell to the ground.

Andeko next to Dicas roared angrily and turned into an invisible powerful force to hit him.

"Your Excellency, I... Let's go... Leave the green mountains and don't worry about firewood. This is the resentment between them. It has nothing to do with us, Lord God." Dicas showed a pleading and sad expression, and his eyes were tearful.

When Andko saw his appearance on Bachate's body, his uncontrollable anger burst out and stretched out his hand to condense a red flame gun and shot at him.

"The majesty of my Protoss is inviolable, and you don't deserve to be a member of the Protos!"


Facing the red light gun, Dikas didn't even have the power to dodge. His body was directly penetrated by the light gun, and the human flesh and blood were shattered in mid-air, and his abdomen turned into a huge hole.

" don't...go, just like me...the end..."

Dicas's voice became more and more blurred as his body fell, and finally completely disappeared in front of everyone and fell into the desert full of yellow sand underneath.


The battle between Barr and the moon demon has begun. Dozens of bloody demons flew out of the rolling magic fog, and their mouth full of fangs surrounded the small body of the moon demon with a disgusting smell.

They dare not approach within kilometers, even if they are thousands of miles away, they can hear the deafening sound of the devil's roar.

"Andko, Dicas was killed by you, and now it's your turn! Since you want to stay here, let me fight you fairly alone!"

"Come together. Even in the face of millions of troops, I, and I have never frowned. I haven't paid attention to you people."

"You, a person who can only sneak up on others, deserve to say such a thing? Andke, it's time to settle your hundreds of years of hatred with me!" Meng looks more angry than Ling Lan. She has always been very mysterious. No one knows what race he is and what his purpose is. And her performance today clearly shows that she has a deep hatred between her and Andeko.

"The remnants of the nightmare family! I will even kill you today. Come on! The spirit calls!" The phantom gun in Andke's hand raised his finger to the sky, and a beam of light shot into the vast clouds. In an flash, the thunder rolled and burst out a earth-shocking roar.