Angel War Soul

Chapter 381 The New King

In less than one-tenth of a second, subtle and imperceptible changes have taken place in the surrounding space. Ling Lan held a sharp sword that reflected the sun in his left hand. The sharp tip of the sword was only a millimeter away from his abdomen. If he tried a little harder, it would pierce his body. His hands slowly oozed a little red, and even with his current physical strength, he was injured by the blade without paying attention.

"Gun back your sword! Die!"

Ling Lan's reaction time took only one second. When the opponent's sword stabbed him, he exerted the strongest space magic, distorting the time and space around him.

Within that second, the other party's body was completely fixed, and he could only watch a black sword pierce fiercely into his chest.

"Selen, it's completely over." Ling Lan's face showed a cold look. He didn't expect that Selen's vitality was so tenacious that he was injured when he was seriously injured. However, this kind of thing will never happen again. The black flame sword inserted into Selen's chest burst out a black flame and devoured his body in an instant.

"It's not over yet! Destroy time and space!"

Just as people stared at Selen's body being burned quickly, another white light flashed in an instant and rushed to Ling Lan with an extremely powerful power to destroy the world.

At that moment, the light of the sun was affected by the strong fluctuation, and people's eyes could only see a large area of water-like traces.


With the loud sound of earth, people were completely awakened, held their breath, and looked nervously at the amazing scene in the sky.

"Miller, have you also learned to sneak attack? The first time you take action, you can understand the essence of the sneak attack. It is indeed the son of God, hehe..."

In the sky, Selen's body was not even scum left under the impact of black flame and golden holy gun. The sharp tip of the gun is more penetrating than the sword of Selen.

However, Miller still couldn't see his imaginary picture. Ling Lan's right hand tightly grasped the tip of the shining gun. In front of him, a colorful circular disc blocked the puncture of the tip of the gun, making him stand there without danger.

Miller put down his arrogant self-esteem and made a must-kill blow, but the fact in front of him was that he didn't want to see. He and Selen had agreed to attack Ling Lan together. When Selen attracted all his attention, Miller could even directly penetrate the holy gun through Selen's body to kill Ling Lan. . However, all his actions ended in failure.

Complex emotions flashed through Miller's mind for only a second. He was excited to kill himself on the spot to preserve his last trace of arrogant self-esteem.

"Everything is over, leave this world with your last arrogance. Holy Pillar of Light!"

Ling Lan's eyes flashed with anger, and he grasped Miller's long gun tightly, making him unable to move. The black and white roulette that protected his body also shot a dazzling circular beam of light as he spoke, instantly devoured Miller's body.

Tens of thousands of people looked up at the unforgettable scene in the sky with great shock. Selen and Miller died one after another, leaving no trace of their bodies. Light God also suddenly lost two deeply cultivated purple archbishops.

Time seemed to be fixed at this second, and the figures in the palace remained motionless.

Gradually, I don't know how long it has passed, and Kubat, who was sad and angry, wanted to cut himself, was stopped by Eric and others and tied up firmly.

At noon, the news of Kubat's capture spread all over the royal city. Those who have not yet escaped from the city dare not approach within 10,000 meters near the palace. This news was deliberately spread by York's mercenaries in order to gather the people in the city back so that they will no longer be afraid of the future.

Kubat was arrested, and those organizations that could compete with his power were also greatly damaged in the war with him. Although the rest of the small organizations also dreamed of becoming kings at this time, they knew that they could not do it with their ability, so they could only think about it.

The former imperial relatives were killed by Kubat. Recently, the demon clan has run rampant on the continent, and the imperial army has lost less than half of its strength. Tens of thousands of General Lion's soldiers were destroyed by the magic flame shells. At this time, the whole Hill Empire can no longer find a candidate to be king.

A few days later, all the wounds on Ling Lan's body healed, and her strength returned to 90% of the peak state. Recently, all the information from outside has reached his ears. He knew that although Kubat had been captured, the king must be selected as soon as possible, otherwise the empire would fall into a more chaotic situation again.

The headquarters of the Torch Mercenary Corps in Wangcheng, Ling Lan, Hailin, York and others sat in the conference hall to discuss the next thing. In the spacious hall, more than a dozen people sat quietly without saying a word, and the atmosphere seemed very quiet.

Ling Lan looked at the crowd and found that most of them were looking at him, so he stood up and broke the tranquility in the hall.

"The Hill Empire has become like this, and I think we should all contribute part of our strength. In order to prevent chaos everywhere, I suggest that a new king be elected immediately to redevelop the Hill Empire into the strongest country on the continent and recreate the glory of the past. And the best person in my heart is Uncle York! The torch mercenary regiment covers most of the empire and is deeply supported by the people. The country can't be ownerless for a day, so I hope Uncle York can stand up and lead the imperial people to a better and happier road.

Ling Lan's words made people's eyes shift to York's face. If you want to be a good king and lead one side, the first condition you need is people's hearts. In the hall, only Ling Lan and York are capable and meet this condition. Ling Lan pointed out that he hoped York would stand up, so it was very likely that York would be the future king.

"I agree with Ling Lan that Uncle York can develop the Torch Mercenary Regiment to such a scale and win the hearts of the people, so it is not difficult to manage the empire well." Hailin smiled and said in the second speech.

"I also agree with Lord Ling Lan's decision." Eric continued in a loud voice.

"I never wanted to be a king in the past. My goal in my life was to defeat the Dodd family and develop the Torch Mercenary Regiment into the first mercenary regiment in the empire. My dream has almost come true now, and it's time to rest. However, as everyone is worried, the country cannot be ownerless for a day. I decided to let the mercenary regiment spread the news all over the country and try to make every city owner choose a candidate who wants to be the king. During this period, I will repair the palace as soon as possible for future kings to live in.

"Yorker, you can't give up this great opportunity!"

"Yoch's head..."

"No one needs to persuade you anymore. When the election results come out in a few days, there will be a new king. It's useless to say more. Let's break up the meeting."

In the dissuasion of several mercenaries, York strongly refused and decided not to discuss it.

At noon when it was sunny, Kubat, who had been imprisoned for three days, was looked at by people's eyes on the street. The golden armor he was wearing was stained by countless rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves in a blink of an instant, and he could not see the bright and dazzling colors.

Although the previous king was also a damn master in people's hearts, his image was suddenly much higher than him. People who returned to the city one after another hated Kubat even more. Kubat, who was supposed to be taken to the center of the city for execution, was surrounded by a sea of people and scolded him, but he died in half an hour.

After all the things were dealt with, Ling Lan, Hailin and others rushed back to the city of Kuhl. In Ling Lan's heart, there was always a wish that had not been achieved, that is, the resurrection of Dina. If you want to get the water of the Holy Spirit, you must go to the mysterious divine world. He has to deal with human affairs as soon as possible, and then go to the divine world with Hailin, Moon Demon and others.

The torch mercenary regiment was so fast that it took only five days to recycle the letters of Hill's city owners and put them in the headquarters of the royal city. York finished reading those letters, and there was only a difference between the votes that supported Ling Lan and him. That is to say, the city lords in the empire also want him to be the king of the new empire.

Since it is the heart of the people and the expectations of the people, York will no longer refuse back and forth. Half a month later, the renovated palace. Important figures of the empire gathered there to watch York's accession to the throne.

On this day, every corner of the royal city was full of people, and almost everyone knew the high reputation of York. With him as the new king, the empire will surely rise rapidly to several heights.

Under the enthusiastic attention of those princes, nobles and rich celebrities, York wore a handsome golden robe and walked on the bright scarlet carpet. Next to him was Relean, who also showed a noble and elegant atmosphere.

"Welcome the king and queen to the throne, the salute sounded, and played music!"

In an eye, the ministers standing neatly on both sides of the carpet knelt down respectfully and watched York walk into the magnificent and brand-new hall.

In the sky, countless fireworks and lights depicted by gorgeous magic lit up the whole palace and filled people's sight.

On this day, the Hill Empire celebrated the whole country, and hundreds of millions of people were immersed in this beautiful day, praying and blessing, hoping that the future would be more beautiful and harmonious.