Angel War Soul

Chapter 382 City of Light and Dark

Such a major thing happened in the Hill Empire, and the neighboring Leilin Empire is also carrying out a fierce campaign. Since the arrival of the Protoss on earth and left a very deep impression in people's hearts, those devout believers have wavered their faith in the light god in their hearts.

Especially after King Jeruz was seriously injured by the Protoss, he held a grudge against the superior Protos. As the lord of a country, even if he can't defeat the Protoss, he will not easily swallow this anger.

In the battle with Ling Lan, the church of the Leilin Empire sent a large number of believers. Before these believers returned, Yeruz vigorously ordered people across the country not to step into any other church, otherwise they would immediately go to prison.

After all, the Light God Religion is a huge organization that believes in the god of light on the mainland. If it is compared with the power of the country, it still cannot be compared with it. What's more, in the war with the demon clan, the number of these believers is also shrinking at an alarming rate.

The Kuhl City Church and the movement to blockade the religion of the Leilin Empire also reached Ling Lan's ears. After York became king, the first order was to make Ling Lan hereditary Duke and grant ten towns with a population of one million to his fiefdom.

The comfortable and bright sun shone on the crowded city of Kur, and suddenly there were 100,000 people with dark elements, and this small town was full for a while.

There are millions of people in Anqi City. They have got used to the magical environment and have gone out of this area. Unless you cultivate your fourth-order strength, you can stay outside for a long time.

And these 100,000 people have reached more than the fourth level of strength after unremitting cultivation, and most of them still have relatives, and their thoughts for more than a year can finally be realized today.

Over the city of Kuhl, there are several tiny black spots, which gradually magnify and can faintly tell that they are some human beings.

"Lord Ling Lan, I didn't expect that our wish could be realized so soon, and these poor people could finally see the sun again." Eric said with a happy face.

"I believe that they will be reunited with their families soon. When they are settled, there will be more than 900,000 people. This is just the beginning." Hailin is still a little sad for those who survive in the Eastern Continent.

"I have an idea. I want to vacate this city, use it all to settle them, and change its name to City of Light and Darkness. Now the influence of the Church of Light is gradually declining. I want to establish a new organization in the empire so that most people can practice the power of light and darkness. I believe that in the near future, we will develop to a level comparable to the demon world and the divine world. Ling Lan's eyes flashed with a firm look, which was his recent ideal.

Today, the mainland is divided into two opposing regions, and the eastern continent is not suitable for civilians at all. Such a large area accounts for nearly half of the whole continent. Ling Lan has almost mastered the secret of practicing dark magic, so if he can make ordinary people practice successfully, then the eastern continent will be used again and develop into a new world.

Everyone was deeply infected by Ling Lan's firm belief and prayed silently in their hearts that they believed that the desolate and dark eastern continent would soon show a vibrant scene again.

Time flies. In just one month, the Bright Church in Kuer City has been renamed the Light and Dark School and continues to be established in the rest of Lincheng. The students in these schools are all people who came out of Anqi City and practice light magic.

Ling Lan is determined to establish a new organization to cultivate talents who can cultivate the power of light and darkness. Relying on his support among the people, as soon as the school was established, many masters and strong people lined up to serve as teachers of the school for free.

At this time, Ling Lan was personally guiding Eric, Leah and others to practice the power of light and darkness in Anqi City in the eastern continent. He was about to go to the divine world, so he needed some teachers to stay in the school to teach, and Eric and Eric were the best candidates.

"I finally succeeded! Lord Ling Lan! Look, is this a light and dark ball? It's amazing that the two repulsive elemental energy of darkness and light can really form a new powerful force containing thousands. Moreover, I actually mastered it!"

On the tower of Anqi City, Eric stood up excitedly, holding a black and white elemental energy ball in his right palm, excitedly like a child.

"Congratulations, Eric. Your success has let me know that my decision is right. Not only can I master this power, but I believe it will be popularized soon in the future. At that time, people on earth will no longer have to be afraid of the divine world and the demon world. Ling Lan was also very happy. They stayed here for nearly half a month and finally succeeded.

Since he came here, Eric has desperately entered the realm of selfless cultivation. Being able to feel the power of light and darkness so quickly is inseparable from his efforts.

"Lia, I'm sorry to wake you up, hehe..." Excited Eric forgot that Leah, who was still sitting beside him in meditation, and touched the back of his head awkwardly.

Lia opened her eyes, her eyes flashed with excitement, and then looked at Eric, "Don't say that. I also succeeded in practicing, but a little slower than you. Look!"

Lia stretched out her hand happily, and a round black and white light spot slowly appeared in front of Ling Lan and the two of them, and then grew at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a blooming life, which was so magical.

"Congratulations, I didn't expect you to succeed at the same time. In the near future, you will be the great communicators of the power of light and darkness, and I believe that you will cultivate tens of thousands of talents in the future. Ling Lan looked at the light and dark energy ball in Leah's hand. The appearance of this growing energy ball symbolizes that the world will be more prosperous in the future.

"Lord Ling Lan, we will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"Well, me too!"

"Ha ha... Let's go. It's a new beginning when we go back."

Ling Lan said, and the first shot into the sky and quickly flew towards Kuhl City.

It is a very dangerous thing to go to the divine world. Compared with the demon world with some experience, Ling Lan is still in an absolutely unknown state of the divine world. Since the divine world can compete with the demon world for thousands of years, the power of these Protoss must also be very powerful.

However, the moon demon went together, which also added a lot of security to their journey.

After Ling Lan returned to Kull City, she looked at Dina, which was still frozen, and set out with Hailin, Moon Demon and Meng.

Bar originally insisted on going, but on the one's identity of the demon clan, he still needs to stay to protect Dina's safety. Although the demon clan withdrew from the world, they may come back again and need Barr to resist them at that time.

The entrance to the divine world is located near the sea area in the north of the mainland. The moon demon personally explored these days and learned about the mysterious connection channel. If Ling Lan must go to the divine world to get the water of the Holy Spirit and save his sister. Then no one knows the reason why the moon demon went forward.

Looking at her inadvertent eagerness and sadness, she also has a reason to go to the divine world.

In the endless blue sky, the figures of the four people of Ling Lan kept flashing and flying towards the north. The town below looks like small building blocks, constantly changing in front of their eyes.

Five days later, in a large primitive mountain forest, Ling Lan and others finally landed on the ground. It was the first time they had taken a break after flying tirelessly for so long.

"That's it. Let's take a break first and then prepare." When the moon demon came here, she turned into a thick black fog and suspended in the dense bushes to rest quietly.

Ling Lan looked at the scenery around them curiously, then found an open space and closed their eyes. They all know that the divine world is not a place to come and leave. Perhaps with their ability, they can run unimpeded in the world, but for the unknown divine world, it will certainly not be so easy.

It is said that the water of the Holy Spirit, a magical and rare sacred object, is only found in the Holy Spirit Pool of the Temple of Light. That is to say, if you want to get the water of the Holy Spirit, you must go to the palace of the God of Light and pass through the siege of the gods before you can come to the Holy Spirit Pool. As for whether it can get the water of the Holy Spirit, it is hundreds of times more difficult.

Ling Lan abandoned these thoughts that affected his mind and entered meditation. Gradually, the night passed, and when the next day, when the sun passed through the dense branches and leaves and shone into the woodland, they opened their eyes one by one.

The moon demon took them out of the forest, and outside the green forest was another world. In a huge open space, there are scattered white angel statues, and one of the altars full of vines and moss is even more attractive.

"This is the only way to go from the world to the divine world, using the power of the altar to forcibly open a space-time channel." The moon demon held a tooth-shaped black stone in his hand and gently placed it in the groove of the altar.

Ling Lan and all of them were silent and did not speak. The moment Black Stone touched the altar, they felt an uneasy and manic power coming from all directions.

Soon, a white dazzling energy ball condensed on the altar and gradually became bigger, devouring the dense green vines and other plants. The moon demon clothed a dark light mask, protecting everyone in it, calmly staring at the altar that had undergone great changes.

The strength of the moon demon's light mask boundary suddenly cut off Ling Lan's perception of the amount of violence just now. No matter how big the movement outside is, the boundary is as stable as Mount Tai.