Angel War Soul

Chapter 386 Status Change

With the ability of the two of them, as soon as they fell to the ground, they displayed a small boundary to block everything outside.

"Are you the patriarch of the Ainjuro family?"

"Nonsense! Boy, you are not from the divine world, and you are still holding the inheritance of our family! Say it quickly! Who the hell are you?"

"A long time ago, a great blazing angel led the elite warriors of the divine world and human beings to fight against the evil and brutal demon clan. At that time, he defeated the demon clan and fell in love with the beautiful princess in the world. In the end, he gave birth to offspring with the princess despite the opposition of the divine world. They also died tragically under the blade of the Protoss because of their union. Do you know this story? Ling Lan made a long story short, and at the same time, a dark red sword was held up by him and presented in front of the middle-aged patriarch.

"How do you know the secrets of the family? This sword... How can there be a familiar feeling..." When the middle-aged patriarch saw the black sword, a pair of deep eyes suddenly dimmed and fell into the past memories.

"The original blazing sword has become like this after being burned by hell. The once blazing sword, but the inherited sword of the family? And I am the descendant of Gabriel's blazing angel on earth.


Ling Lan's words exploded like a blockbuster in the mind of the middle-aged patriarch. He didn't expect to see Ling Lan, the descendant of the blazing angel Gabriel in the world. He also has the blood of Gabrell. Although Gabrell died tragically in the world, the divine world did not punish the family for this. Instead, it continued to develop. It was not until the end that the Einjuro family, which lost Gabre, became worse than the ordinary family.

"The sacred objects of the ancestors are in your hands. According to the rules of the clan, you are the real patriarch! I, Elbeth, welcome the patriarch!" Elbeth hesitated for a moment, and finally knelt down decisively on one knee and respectfully made a family salute to Ling Lan. As a patriarch for more than 70 years, like his predecessor, he has never really seen the blazing sword and the holy angel necklace. And these things are owned by Ling Lan at the same time. As a descendant of Gabbecca on earth, Ling Lan has an orthodox Protossian bloodline, so it can naturally be recognized by the family.

Elbas's sudden move surprised Ling Lan. He quickly picked him up and said awkwardly, "My patriarch, you can't say it. I just want to know the true origin of this necklace. Since this is really a family inheritance, I think I will return it to you.

"Return? No, patriarch, the holy angel necklace can't be shown at will, let alone return it. You are the patriarch of the Ainjuro family. I will immediately summon all the clan members to see you. Please wait a moment!"

Elbes has changed a lot, and this strong contrast made Ling Lan unreactable for a while. His strength is not much different from Ling Lan's. Naturally, he left easily and flew away far away.

The Aingoro family has lived in the holy city for thousands of years. Although they are in a state of decline, their financial resources and family property are still very strong. Because the idea of leaving the holy city was temporary, they also have several castle-style mansions in the holy city.

At this moment, Ling Lan and others are in a mansion in the north of the holy city. Elbeth did not joke with him. He invited Ling Lan there very seriously and gathered all the important people to announce this exciting event to them.

How many thousands of members of the Ainjueluo family look at the dense white man standing on the wide square in front of them. Ling Lan remembered the scene when she was in the church on earth.

These family members stood neatly and straight like a javelin. Countless pairs of divine eyes in the abyss are staring at Ling Lan. Even if they have very urgent questions in their hearts, they still stand there quietly, waiting for the patriarch Elbeth to speak.

Elbes stood on the high white tower with a high spirit and a heroic look. For many years, since he became the patriarch of this declining family, he has rarely stood so upright in front of other families.

Now, Elbeth is refreshed and excited as if he is dozens of years younger, just because he has found the family's heritage, the holy angel necklace. He pondered slightly, shining in his vicissitudes of life, and said confidently, "Members of the family, today I want to announce an extremely exciting good news to you! One of the three major families in the divine world, the Ainjueluo family is back!"

"Roar! Roar! Roar..."

"Ainjueluo! Ainjuro! Ai Yin..."

With Elbeth's excited cry, the thousands of white people below waved their arms and shouted, ** and announced the re-emergence of the family to the whole world. For hundreds of years, they have never been really knocked down in the face of the ridicule and slander of countless people. After the wind and rain, a new dawn has come. They have endured for so long to wait for today's arrival.

"From today, my Ainjueluo family will appear in the divine world with a brand-new face. We want everyone to see that our family is the real God of War! For this reason, we should sincerely thank one person, that is Ling Lan! It was him who brought back the holy angel necklace and found the inheritance of the family! With the Angel Necklace, we should let all those who have despised and laughed at us see how powerful our strength is. We are the most worshiped and respected warrior family in the divine world!"

"Ling Lan! Ling Lan! Ling Lan..."

The shouts of thousands of people shook the world, and everyone burst out all their strength and roared loudly. They hold the aura of the three major families in the divine world, but they have never enjoyed a trace of glory. Outside, they were ridiculed by people. They survived angrily, waiting for such a day! On this day, they waited!

When the shocking sound gradually subsided, Ling Lan couldn't stand the warm invitation of Elbeth, walked to the railing of the White Tower, straightened his robe, looked at the people below calmly and said, "As descendants of the blazing angel Gabriel, we all have the same bloodline. Today, the Holy Angel Necklace can be lost and recovered. When we return to the family, our ancestors must have guided us in the dark. I hope everyone can straighten up and proudly say our family name in front of people from now on. Instead of declining, we are accumulating strength to rise again! At the War Angel Campaign Conference, we are the most qualified family to participate in. We are bound to take this opportunity to announce the glorious rise of the Ainjuro family to the divine world!"

When the ** of the clan was mobilized again, Aiga, the only son of Elbeth, also stood beside Ling Lan.

Under the gaze of countless hot and firm eyes, Ling Lan held up the holy angel necklace with both hands and put him on Aigas's neck. At the moment when the necklace came into contact with Ega's body, the extremely powerful and surging holy power spewed out of the necklace and injected into his body. Compared with Ling Lan when he woke up before, the inheritance power obtained by Aiga this time has reached the peak limit that a Protoss body can withstand.

Although the power of inheritance is huge, this holy power can be completely absorbed in a comfortable process. Aiga closed his eyes and quietly bathed in the holy light, feeling the familiar unparalleled power from the blood of the family.

"Pear Elbeth, this time, do you believe that Aiga will win the top three in the conference?" Ling Lan smiled confidently at the other party.

"Ling Lan, you brought the glory of the family. I believe that not only Aiga, but also the family will kill a bloody road at this conference and shock the whole divine world!" Elbeth looked at Ling Lan with excitement. He repeatedly asked Ling Lan to be the patriarch of the family, but under Ling Lan's refusal, he finally gave up helplessly. However, he still decided to let Ling Lan be the honorary elder of the family and enjoy the highest treatment in the family to show his gratitude.

After the handover ceremony, the clan members scattered in the square rushed out of the castle excitedly and went straight to the registration office of the war angel election meeting. A few months ago, they didn't even have the confidence and courage to sign up for fear of getting more crazy ridicule after losing the competition.

However, if Eiga gains the inheritance power of the family, he will definitely wash away the previous humiliation and reproduce the glorious era of that year. They are going to announce to the people of the divine world that the Aingoro family has stood up again.

This busy day was spent excitedly in songs and laughter, and the next day was the opening ceremony of the War Angel Campaign.

Under the Holy God Mountain, it is surrounded by people from all over the divine world. They all want to get a certain ranking in this conference, so that they can become famous in World War I, or get the inheritance power of the goddess of Light and become one of the three families.

At this moment, Ling Lan is practicing in the secret room of the castle. As long as Aiga can win the conference, he can easily get the water of the Holy Spirit, so there is no need to break into the Temple of Light and forcibly seize it.

At present, the only thing to do is to wait and wait for the Ainjueluo family to shock the divine world in this competition.

Every time Aiga participates in a test, he will spread the news to the castle as soon as possible. Without the power of inheritance, his strength can easily enter the top 100. Hundreds of thousands of people attended the grand conference, and the opponents he wants to defeat every day are about three digits.

Time passed quickly in practice. In addition to Ling Lan, Hailin and the three of them were also warmly received by the Ain Jueluo family. In addition to the mysterious appearance of the Moon Demon God in the castle, Hailin and Meng also stayed here quietly and waited quietly.