Angel War Soul

Chapter 387 Alone into the Holy Mountain

In the divine world, the Holy God Mountain, which symbolizes the strongest power, is one of the forbidden places where the Protoss stop here. Except for the goddess of light, no one dares to set foot on the Holy God Mountain at will. Even the guards of the temple who have guarded the Holy God Mountain all their lives have never visited the mountain thoroughly.

However, in such a dangerous and mysterious forbidden place, a weak woman in black and black hair walked on the mountainside, freely stepped on the golden dazzling stairs and slowly walked up.

In the majestic and sacred temple, the guards with golden armor suddenly widened their eyes, and divine light burst out of their sun-like eyes. They looked at the same place and left the place in surprise.

"Isn't the legendary temple guard good? Ha..." There was a trace of contempt in the pleasant voice, before the sound completely dissipated in the air. A few golden lights flashed, and the quiet Holy God Mountain suddenly became restless.

"What kind of person! Dare to break into the Holy God Mountain!" A earth-shaking explosion was like a huge thunderbolt in the sky. Five strong men with brilliant golden guns and two meters tall surrounded a woman in black who was half shorter than them and stood there coldly like a sculpture.

Looking at these five fierce handsome men, the very weak girl smiled indifferently, raised her slender and soft calf again and slowly walked up.

These people wanted to stop her when they saw that she ignored their existence. However, just as they were about to react, they found that their bodies were constantly calling, and they were acting against their consciousness and doing the opposite of what they thought.

A trace of thought quickly passed through their minds, and their pupils suddenly dilated, only to realize that their bodies were controlled by a force so strong that it could match the world. And the person with such terrible power is obviously the mysterious girl in black who can no longer be mysterious in front of him.

"Impossible! The guard of our temple is the closest to the blazing angel. How can't even a little girl be stopped!" The tallest angel with five pairs of wings behind him was extremely shocked. In any case, he can't believe that what happened in front of him is real, not an illusory dream.

The hidden power on the Holy God Mountain is not only their five ten-winged angels. As the most sacred forbidden place in the divine world, how can a sudden person swagger all the way in the mountains?

After the five of them were controlled, the hidden angels in the mountain immediately poured in from all directions. For thousands of years, the people who can make these mysterious forces come out do not exist at all. Today, this impossible thing has been completely broken.

"Moon demon, on behalf of the people of the divine world, I welcome you to the Holy God Mountain..."

"Goddess of Light? It is indeed the supreme god who can create heaven and earth. You must have found me when I came, hehe..."

When the moon demon heard the soft and soothing sound of the goddess of light, his face suddenly raised a smile.

Thousands of mountain guards surrounded her. When they heard the voice of the goddess of light, they resisted the impulse to take action and waited for the goddess's next instructions. In the Holy God Mountain, all fights are strictly prohibited. Unless the goddess is away, they will try their best to kill any fearless person who offends Shenshan.

"Let's go back. The moon demon has come a long way. We should welcome it with the highest welcome ceremony. Moon Demon, now the whole demon world is your most powerful. I don't know why you came to the Holy God Mountain this time?

The figure of the goddess gradually emerged in a golden light. Compared with the beautiful appearance of the little girl of the moon demon, the goddess is the perfect existence of holiness, motherhood, wisdom, beauty and so on.

Looking at the supreme god of the divine world, which is more powerful than her, the moon demon was also a little lost in an instant. "I heard that the goddess of light in the divine world is the most loving. I'm here this time. I wonder if you can do me a favor?"

"If I can do it, of course I will." The goddess smiled without hesitation, quietly looking into the moon demon's eyes and said.

"Well, I won't beat around the bush. The power of the demon world symbolizes death, while the power of the divine world symbolizes vitality. I don't know if Her Majesty can resurrect the dead?"

After saying that, a thick magic fog quickly condensed around her, forming a rectangle more than two meters long. Suddenly, she stretched out her slender white and tender jade hand with a sad expression and gently stroked the diffuse magic fog.

Through the faded magic fog, a gorgeous dark coffin appeared in front of the goddess.

"Will you come back to life? Is it Xiuton who is asleep here? Thousands of years, I didn't expect you to keep his body..." When the goddess saw the dark coffin, she also lost her mind for a moment and fell into the memories that were about to fade away.

"Yes, you still remember. Ha ha..." The sadness in the moon demon's heart can no longer be suppressed at this moment. Although the goddess in front of her is opposed to her, it is difficult to find another god who has experienced the same years as her.

In the memory of the moon demon, she fell in love with a blazing angel in the divine world. In the end, this love, which made the gods and demons hate and demons, ended in an extremely tragic ending.

Her Majesty the Goddess! Thousands of years later, the female demon still kept the body of the traitor of the Protoss to provoke. She didn't pay attention to the Holy God Mountain at all. She is obviously challenging our Protoss! Since she is impatient, let me get rid of her!"

Without waiting for the goddess to speak, a white figure suddenly burst out of the void and rushed straight to the moon demon.

Lutas! Don't be rude!"

Before the white figure touched the body of the moon demon, it was stopped by a blooming white holy flower. Even if he uses half of his power, he can't shake the blow from the goddess.

"Your Majesty, I wonder if you can help with this?" Moon Demon ignored a temple guard that would appear and continued to ask. Only the mysterious coffin in front of her can be so eager to make her a high-ranking demon god.

"Shuden is an angel in the divine world. If he wants to resurrect him, he only needs to occupy a fruit from the tree of life. However, the fruit of life is the only way to cultivate gods in the divine world. I'm afraid the gods will not agree easily..."

The divine world is dominated by the goddess of light, but the tree of life is protected by seven blazing angel guardians. The angels of the divine world were born from the tree of life. Every Protoss is qualified to enter the tree of life when it is affirmed by the guardian and goddess. Then after thousands of years of growth, he was finally given an angel's body.

Every thousand years, the tree of life can only give birth to 10,000 angels. These angels are used to resist the strongest force in the demon world, so as long as the strongest person in the Protoss can have the qualification to grant angels. And as a generation of demon gods, how can the guardians of these seven divine worlds agree?

"I am willing to exchange a thousand years of life for the resurrection of Shewton. At the same time, I will guard the divine world for thousands of years until the resurrection of Shewton. Your Majesty, do you feel the space of the divine world*?

The faint voice of the moon demon echoed in the mountain. At this moment, the angels guarding the mountain changed slightly, as if they felt something uneasy at the same time.

"I didn't expect that the demon clan would open up the space tunnel so soon. I have always hoped that the three worlds can survive peacefully, but this wish seems difficult to fulfill. Moon Demon, if you really do this, you may be able to touch the seven saints. A trace of melancholy flashed in the goddess's beautiful eyes, and then said.

"Her Majesty said this, just as if you agreed. Matthew will give it to you now. I'm waiting for the moment when you keep your promise. Look, I will fulfill my promise in advance!"

The moon demon decisively gave the coffin next to the goddess. She tore it fiercely to the void with one hand and saw a black space black hole being torn apart. She jumped and disappeared into the sacred mountain in the blink of an eye.

The War Angel Campaign was in full swing. On the high-profile ring, a bloody teenager stood upright and stared at the long-haired man lying on the ground with firm eyes.

The audience around them were roaring fiercely, hoping that the game would end immediately, and then cheered enthusiastically for the winner.

"Digart! Don't you look down on the Ainjueluo family? Didn't you say that our family has fallen? Stand up quickly! Let me see the way you laughed at me!"

With the bloody body, it can be faintly distinguished that the teenager who shouted crazily is the son of the patriarch of the Ainjue Luo family, Aiga.

"You... have you found the inheritance of the family... a token... asshole..." A weak voice came from Degas's mouth, his handsome face and a pair of angry eyes stared at Ega. It's a pity that no matter how hard he tried, his body lay on the ground unmoved, motionless.

"In this game, I solemnly declare that Aiga won! Let's all applaud and cheer for him!"

As the referee's voice fell, tens of thousands of people were brought into the unprecedented**. At this time, when people were involved in exciting scenes, several referees who presided over the competition looked at each other, faded in the air and mysteriously disappeared.

The westernmost part of the divine world is a large deserted area. At this moment, in one of the places, the rolling black fog turned into a demon with teeth and claws roared and killed to the east. As the strange and horrible demon approached, it was clear that a team of countless demons was rushing to the nearest Protos city to prepare for a bloody massacre.