Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 190 Session 7, Heterods vs. Destroyers

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But this exception has never happened, because no ice demon slave has ever won five games in a row. By the time the bastard won the sixth game, his popularity was unprecedentedly high, and with the strength he showed, most people believed that he could win eight games in a row.

Freedom seems to be just around the corner. But some people are still worried that the bastard, a bastard abandoned by the cold ice demon tribe in the far north, has gained freedom. How can he survive in the Zhongtian continent dominated by human practitioners?

Will anyone give him the respect and treat him like a human practice?

Or, he was free after winning eight games, but he still couldn't survive in Zhongtian, so he had to become an ice demon slave again and be enslaved until the same tragic end as his peers?

Almost everyone is optimistic that the bastard can win eight games, but no one is optimistic about his final outcome. Some people have begun to plan to buy it from his current owner at a high price after the bastard gains symbolic freedom after victory. In the arena, he is definitely a brilliant diamond, which will bring great benefits in the future.

Yun Zheng is also considering this problem. What attracts his attention is not the great harvest that can bring, but more the calm and indifferent temperament of the hybrids that attracts him. He can conclude that the wisdom of the hybrid must be far beyond his peers. He must have a lot of stories, and Yun Zheng has this intuition.

Yun Zheng wanted to deal with this matter. In fact, he found the same sense of loneliness as himself from the bastard. It was precisely because of this resonance that he had this impulse.

The seventh scene, the bastard vs. the destroyer.

The martial artists in the fighting arena shouted through the inscription array, and the sound shocked the whole audience and shocked the group.

This is the seventh game after the bastard won six games in a row. If he wins, he will immediately usher in the eighth game that will determine his fate. If you fail, or if you are injured, you can't fight the eighth decisive battle. For bastards, the end is one word - death!

In Zhongtian, there is no right of the ice demon man to speak. He can only obey silently and spell out his own dignity in an extremely limited space.

The Destroyer is a four-stage sporadic martial artist. He was born in the White Tiger Hall of the famous martial arts of the Tiger Wing Dynasty. He was defeated by the disciples of Tianjuemen in a battle with the border city of the Yunyi Dynasty and became a prisoner. Finally, he was transported to Liangzhou by Tianjuemen and became a cold-blooded killer on the fighting arena.

In the arena, there is a conventional iron rule: as long as a slave can win eight games in a row, he will be free. Therefore, here, the destroyer and the bastard are a fate, but his ending is hundreds of times better than the bastard. If he wins, he can return to his hometown and enjoy his dignity as a warrior again.

White Tiger Hall, a famous martial arts family, ranked fifth on the list of dragons and tigers in the middle sky, and is the largest martial arts sect of the Tiger Wing Dynasty. The Destroyer came from a famous family and had a little prestige before the defeat. This time, he has won four games in a row, and today is his fifth game against the bastard. In the first four games, his opponents were shreed to pieces by his powerful attack, which was unbearable.

There is a fair law in the fighting arena. Of course, the basic cultivation of the life-and-death duel is arranged on a horizontal line, and the difference is not too much, which also makes the effect of the duel scene better.

The end of the replay of the first six duels of the bastards made the practitioners in the field really excited. Then came the destroyer on the stage. This guy is a big bald head, more than 190 meters tall, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist, a face full of flesh, fierce eyes, and a beard like a steel needle. He was naked, as strong as a rhinoceros, and the scars on his body were crisscrossed, like old bark.

The destroyer dragged a huge thick stick full of steel nails upside down, and began to roar in a field, sitting on the opposite bastard with various provocative gestures and cursing. The bastard stood there as usual, with gray eyes looking into the air and the far north, as if he had seen the destructor's provocation. The destroyer himself was despised, and he was enraged, furious, and made more angry curses and actions.

But Yun Zheng felt that the destroyer was not despised. He was more directly ignored by the bastards. In the eyes of the bastards, he seemed to see the vast ice field in the far north. His heart seemed to have flown away early.

The atmosphere in the field became warmer, and supporters from both sides began to shout "Kill him!" Kill him!" Abuse each other and throw things at each other. But the bastards are more powerful and powerful.

Han Yue called the beautiful and sexy banshee spirit. This female spirit was frightened by the situation of being insulted by her own kind just now. As soon as she entered the elegant room, she avoided the fat willow branches far away and carefully walked to Han Yue's side. Yun Zheng and Han Yue couldn't help laughing at her behavior.

Liu Zhi laughed angrily, "Hey, little goblin, do you think my speech and behavior are a little similar to that dead demon?"

The banshee held Han Yue's sleeve in her left hand, first nodded in panic, and then shook her head quickly, which made everyone laugh. Han Yue pointed to the bastard in the field, "I'm going to bet on him this time, 500 bets."

Hanyue has now won a lot in a row, with 50,000 crystals, and she decided to put all her on the bastards. But the little demon shook his head apologetically, "I'm sorry, Miss, the opening of this scene has been closed, and I haven't accepted the bet for a long time."

"Why?" Yun Zheng is curious.

Liu Zhi took over the topic, "I don't want the limelight of the first six games of the bastards to be too strong, resulting in a 10 to 1 odds against the destroyer. So, everyone was still optimistic about the bastard, and almost 99 bets were placed on him at a hundred bets, which made the arena terminate the bet early. Otherwise, the son of the world will not die."

"Isn't this cheating!" Han Yue was very disappointed and pouted in anger.

Yun Zheng said, "This is also normal. If he doesn't control the risk, he will have a golden silver cave, and it's not enough to compensate."

"The fighting arena is his family, of course, for whatever he wants," Liu Zhi was not angry and spoke strangely. He continued, "Miss Han Yue, you have to quickly suppress the eighth scene of demon refining. If you delay it again, I'm afraid it will also be closed in that mouth."

"Yes, yes, yes, full pressure, 500 bets." Han Yue quickly handed over 50,000 crystals to the female demon and hurriedly went through the formalities.

Liu Zhi put down the teacup in her hand and gave Han Yue a thumbs up. "High-sighted, red luck, dare to let go, a real heroine."

"Where is it?" Han Yue was a little embarrassed to be praised, but he took Yun Zheng's arm and said, "He gave it all. I'll help him win more."

"For you, don't give it back to me." Yun Zheng pinched her face with a smile, held her with his right arm and gently stroked her between her waist and buttocks, feeling the breath of youth.

"Hey, Mr. Yun, don't be so greedy. If you are in a hurry, I'm going to move this goblin's idea." Liu Zhi said exaggeratedly that he was about to pounce on the banshee and ran out like a frightened rabbit. It made Yun Zheng and Han Yue laugh. The old god said, "I'm bored. I'll go out for a walk." Stand up and turn around and walk out of the room.

"In the eighth game, I made 500 bets on the bastard, three for one, Mr. Yun, don't you bet on playing? I think Miss Hanyue is lucky. She is sure and can't make a mistake. Liu Zhi asked with a smile.

Yun Zheng said, "Master Liu, you have more than 500 bets, right?"

"Huh? How did you see it?" Liu Zhi was shocked. He stood up and came over and whispered, "Master Yun, as your friend, let me tell you, I still have 15,000 notes in the name of the Beast Hall. Why, does Master Yun think it's risky?

Yun Zheng restrained his smile and said, "I've been thinking about who owns the arena?"

Liu Zhi said, "Master, I didn't tell you a long time ago that the son of Liang Wangfu in the fighting arena accounted for 60%, and the other major sects were divided into 40%."

Yun Zheng smiled and said, "Who owns the game?"

"The son of King Liang. Do you suspect that he will do tampers? Liu Zhi casually said, "I have arranged people to observe secretly, and King Liang has also invested a lot on the hybrids. And he also said that if the bastard can win eight battles, he will make an exception to recruit him into the mansion as a guard. Can such an obvious situation be turned over?"

"Be careful to make the ten-thousand-year-old ship, the more obvious the situation, the easier it is to overturn the ship." Yun Zheng stood up, walked to the elegant stand, and looked at the bastards and destroyers who were preparing in the field. In ten minutes, the battle will begin. Yun Zheng continued, "Master Liu, have you checked the bastards, destroyers, demons, and butchers?"

After the bastard fights against the destroyer, it will be the battle between demons and butchers. If there is no accident, the bastard defeats the destroyer and will definitely usher in the last battle. Demons and butchers, whoever wins, will be the opponent of the last battle of the bastard.

Demon refining and butchers, the majority of practitioners are more optimistic about demon refining.

"Of course, I have checked. How can I forget this kind of thing?" Liu Zhi asked back that Yun Zheng's doubts about him made him feel a little ashamed. He continued, "The bastard is an ice demon from the Arctic region. Although he is a bastard, it can't hide the fact that he is an ice demon. He was expelled by the same kind and was captured by a warrior pioneer group waiting there as soon as he crossed into the northern border of the dynasty. Later, it was resold to Liangzhou several times, and now it belongs to a small martial arts school in Liangzhou. Hey hey, although this small sect also has the words 'Hu and Tang', it is 108,000 miles worse than the 'White Tiger Hall', which is the fifth in the cloud list.

"Well, continue." Yun Zheng nodded and carefully tasted the three words "Hu Wei Tang".

Liu Zhi turned his eyes and called Yun Zheng as a follower at present. He was slightly resistant, but quickly adjusted his mood. In front of him, Mr. Yun is an unrivaled genius, and his future achievements must be unlimited. What's wrong with being such a follower?