Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 191 Competition, Gambling

Liu Zhi thought for a moment, "... The destroyer came from the Tiger Wing Dynasty, came from the White Tiger Hall, and his cultivation was sporadic. Now he is a war slave belonging to Tianjuemen. The butcher is a murderer and a death row prisoner in Liangzhou Prison. His cultivation is about four stages and two stars. He was pardoned by King Liang and promised to win eight games in a row and let him go to the border city to join the army and get a chance to become a new person.

"Where's the demon refining?" Yun Zheng asked.

Liu Zhi tilted her head and said, "This... I only know that the demon refining is the king of Xiaoliang, and he has just emerged recently. He has won five games in a row before, and his cultivation is about three paragraphs, five stars and eight stars. It's not clear which martial arts sect he came from... The son hid this man very deeply.

Yun Zheng quickly smoothed his thoughts, stretched out his index finger and wrote on the table with tea: bastard - Hu Weitang, demon refining - the son of Liang. He patted Liu Zhi on the shoulder, "Master Liu, if you don't want your 15,000 notes to be in vain, go and check the relationship between them immediately, the sooner the better!"

"Is this really necessary?" Liu Zhi was still hesitating, "... I want to go after watching the bastard's duel against the destroyer, okay?"

"Go now! The bastard will win against the destroyer. Can't you guess the ending? Yun Zheng said seriously, "By the way, check the situation of off-site bets and the layout of on-site bets. The more detailed the better. Give you a quarter of an hour. If you can't do it, I guess you won't be the master of the beast mountain villa after today.

Is it so serious?! Liu Zhi was shocked and his heart suddenly beat wildly. Is this Master Yun's eyes so poisonous that he can even guess that he secretly misappropriated 20,000 bets outside the field with the reserve of the Beast Hall?

He calculated that he had bet a total of 35,000 bets on the hybrid, with a total of 3.5 million lower-grade ground crystals, which can be replaced with about 350 upper-grade ground crystals. This is not a small amount. The total reserve of Beast Villa in the branch of Liangzhou is only 500 high-grade crystals. I made a big bet on almost all the family's money. If you lose this game, not only will you be in trouble, but also whether your life can see the sun in the future.

Cold sweat flowed through the pores, and instantly soaked the front and back. Liu Zhi's smile stagnated, and the mood of watching the duel was all gone. He responded heavily, "Yes, I'll go right away. Mr. Yun, wait for my news." With that, he turned his head and quickly left the elegant room.

Han Yue was also scared by the solemn atmosphere just now and asked carefully, "...Well, will the bastard lose the last game?"

"I can't guess the final outcome yet," Yun Zheng shook his head and gently stroked her hair. "If I judge correctly, King Liang will definitely let the bastard die in the hands of demons. In fact, I don't think the lives of bastards and demons are important to him. What matters is how much he can win from this fighting skill."

"...Ah, won't our 50,000 crystals be taken back?" Han Yue snuggled in Yun Zheng's arms and frowned, "I don't want a bastard to die. Except for money, I think his background is quite pitiful..."

"In the end, it is still unknown who will kill the deer." Yun Zheng patted her on the back, reached out to take 300 high-grade ground crystals from the hidden ring and gave them to Han Yue, "Go, call the banshee to come over and bet another 30,000 bets on the bastard."

These crystals are all obtained by Yun Zheng from Chonghou in a cliff cave.

Ah? You are so rich!" Han Yue was first shocked by Yun Zheng's boldness, and then began to worry about the safety of these 30,000 notes. "Didn't you say that the final ending is unpredictable? Is this... too risky?" Although she sympathizes with the end of the bastard's life, she actually has nothing to do with the ice demon, but it's just the girl's sympathy, so after a while she is more concerned about these 30,000 notes.

Once a girl has a heart, she will become more realistic.

"If it really doesn't work, I'm going to take action." Yun Zheng said.

Han Yue was really scared. She hugged him and trembled slightly. "Yueer doesn't want you to have anything to do. Let's not press this bet. Isn't that much money enough? Besides, we still have Yunmeng in Hongye City. I'm afraid... Let's go."

"Stupid girl, I won't die." Yun Zheng picked up her face with a smile and kissed her gently on her cherry lips. Han Yue closed her eyes slightly and stretched out her tongue to entangled him. After a while, Yun Zheng patted her on the back, "Go ahead and call the banshee to bet."

"If only Grandpa were here." Han Yue blushed and was ready to call the banshee.

Yun Zheng said, "I asked him to go back. I guess he will be back in a moment. Don't worry, I have everything planned. Go and do your business quietly.

Han Yue answered and went to bet on the banshee spirit uneasily. In a short time, she completed the relevant procedures and ran back quickly to accompany Yun Zheng.

The time passed, and the preparation of the bastards and destroyers was nearing the end. Yun Zheng's eyes paid attention to the field, but the corners of his eyes glanced at the position of Yuwen Jiaya and the king of Liangzhou. Yuwen Pixian and the son of King Liang were not present, and they had not come back since they went out just now.

Yun Zheng clenched his fist fiercely, making his whole body full of strength. He felt this excitement before the battle, and there was a throbbing in his heart that was about to explode in the face of strong pressure. This would be a battle with all his strength, a big bet, and even a gamble on his life.

The opponent is the son of King Liang, and it may be Yuwen Pixian, the young master of the Yuwen family. If you win, you will not only gain great gains in this gambling game, but also become famous in Liangzhou City. This fame and fortune may come more quickly and more beneficial than Ziwei Dixing's talent.

More importantly, if you win, you will have the opportunity to decide the future of the ice demon bastard. With the popularity accumulated by the bastard during this period, he will certainly benefit a lot.

In the end, there will be a situation where you will become a sworn enemy with your opponent, the son of King Liang, but the chips you can rely on may be greater, and the Cloud League in Liangzhou will also have a place in the future.

But he was defeated. In addition to getting nothing, he was very likely to die in the fighting arena, but Yun Zheng was fully prepared and vowed to carry out this gamble to the end.


The huge gong in the field sounded again, indicating that the decisive battle between the bastards and the destroyers had officially begun. Nearly 100,000 practitioners in the field suddenly held their breath and stopped the noise, and the field suddenly became silent.


The sound of crisp chains.

Two martial artists in the fighting arena took off the chains locked by bastards.

The bastard exhaled gently, and his eyes finally withdrew from the far north. His gray eyes moved slightly, like a cold shot. The chill made the atmosphere of the whole fighting arena solidify.

The hybrid is about two and five meters tall, and the muscles are bulging under the gray skin of **, which is hard as if it were a weather-hard rock, full of strength. Like all the ice demon slaves Yunzheng has seen, he only has a leather skirt at his waist. His silver-gray hair spread his shoulders, fluttering in the wind and barefoot. The wild and violent tension was unscrupulously highlighted. Although he was bare-handed, everyone would believe that he was a crazy killing weapon.

Opposite him is the destroyer with four sporadic cultivations that have won four games in a row.

Although the Destroyer is a war slave of Tianjuemen, he believes that he has a high IQ and only exerts his power to where he needs it. Of course, he will not cause trouble for Tianjuemen, so Tianjuemen treats him more favorably. In addition to his different identities, his ordinary life is also the same. Ordinary warriors are no different. He thought that when he won eight games, he would have to think about whether to go back to Baihutang or not. Maybe it is not necessary to stay at Tianjuemen.

The destroyer is 19 meters tall and strong. A big bald head shines with oily light, and his upper body is also naked. The tired scars are gathered into a picture like the rough skin of an ancient tree. The huge steel nail mace dragged upside down, full of earth and stone fierce force, plowed the ground out of a ditch.

The murderous intention of the destroyer is obvious, wild and rough, full of the impulse to destroy everything. The four-pin weapon of the four big inscriptions seems to smash everything into pieces.

There are eight inscription masters who control the prohibition of the inscription array around the high platform, among which the highest cultivation is the five-level inscription master. The inscription master is responsible for providing the corresponding armor weapons to the naked duel warriors on the field. At this time, the five-grade inscription master asked, "Destroyer, do you need armor?"

"No! Leave that thing to the women, ah--" The destroyer roared wildly and walked towards the center of the high platform.

"Much, do you need weapons and armor?" The inscriptionist asked again.

The bastard shook his head slightly, showing a faint smile, and his posture was calm, showing a trace of elegance. At that moment, Yun Zheng felt that the bastard's temperament pattern was arrogant and confident, and he looked at the opponent in front of him like an ant.

The destroyer roared forward, and the giant stick in his hand danced wildly, smashing the bluestone ground on the high platform cracking one by one, and the strong waves rolling gravel flying across, and the momentum was also amazing. The supporters of the destroyer suddenly began to shout and arrogance.

"...This guy is terrible, bastard... can he do it?" The lay man watched the bustle, and Han Yue was a little frightened.

Yun Zheng said calmly, "The destroyer will die, and the bluff shows his inner anxiety. Under the seemingly calm appearance of the bastard, the cold murderous intention has made the destroyer unable to calm down."

The bastard still hasn't moved.

The destroyer roared all the way and quickly approached the center of the platform, and the bluestone ground was smashed by him. Kill him! Kill him! Such a voice resounded throughout the audience, and it was difficult to tell who was the supporter.

The hybrid moved.

Step by step, he took three steps in a row and was not far from the destroyer. The mongren's movements are light and fast, not as heavy and clumsy as the ice demons always have, but like a huge leopard, full of wild combat effectiveness.


The destroyer roared, raised a huge steel nail mace with both hands, and smashed the bastard's head fiercely. The body of the wolf tooth stick shines with a thick yellow light, but nearly a hundred steel nails shine with white blades. This heavy and hegemonic weapon actually focuses on the two kinds of martial power of Jinshi and Tuji.

The violent power impact converges into a crazy storm, which can destroy everything!

The hybrid did not see it, and the castration continued. The power frenzy caused by the huge steel nail mace instantly reached the body.

The bastard suddenly accelerated, and his body seemed to become a phantom. His left arm was raised, and the frost flew cold. The surface of his body formed a layer of crystal-like ice armor in an instant.

Ice! Ice demon is a natural stunt, but it is only available in a small number of ice demon bloodlines.


The whole high platform seems to tremble.

The steel nail mace hit the raised left arm of the bastard, and the light shone with a layer of ice splashed. The destroyer of the four stages of force was indeed powerful. But his powerful impact only made the bastard shake a little, but did not stop the speed of the bastard's rush forward.

In an instant, the bastard was close to the destroyer. His right arm was raised, and his clenched fist was shining brightly, like a huge ice hammer.

hook, slam up!

The huge fist covered with ice armor hit the chin of the destroyer.


A huge sound of broken bones came out, which made people's hearts tremble.

The body that flew backwards with the destroyer was sprayed with blood and broken bones. The huge steel nail mace and his body fell almost at the same time. The brain bone of the destroyer was smashed by a mongrel and turned into a corpse when he fell to the ground.

In an instant! Four sporadic warriors are so vulnerable in front of the bastards!

The huge arena was silent, paused, and then burst into thunderous applause!


I saw the reward of Brother Universe again. On a whim, this chapter was very smooth. At a glance, it was 500 words and sent together, which happened to constitute a complete chapter.

Collection, please accept it. The collection should be fierce, and the click should be accurate. You're welcome.