The world is chess

Chapter 34 All are equal

Qi Guo. July 20th.

Candidates from all over the world have gathered in the capital, which naturally drives the business of many restaurants and inns in the capital. Of course, sometimes the pawnshop business will also boom. Many poor candidates are also overstretched when they arrive at the capital after the bumps all the way, and they can't afford to live in an inn or other place at all.

is located in the northernmost part of the capital, which is on the outskirts of the city. There are a large number of farmers. From mid-July every year, many candidates will enter here. They live in groups of farmers and do not leave until after the imperial examination. As a reward, those candidates who have a little money will be given some money, and those who have no money will help farmers work to offset the cost of three meals a day and accommodation.

Jiang Yifeng looked at the little money left in his purse and finally decided to walk to the north of the capital to find a farmer to stay. However, ironically, the young man who read a lot of poetry and books was the only road blind man in the world. Originally heading north, he finally walked to the Shenyue Palace in the southernmost part of the capital.

He looked at the extremely luxurious palace in front of him, and the three words "God Moon Palace" were written on the plaque at the door of the palace. The glazed tiles sparkled in the sunshine, and the scarlet palace wall seemed to be mixed with small gold powder. Even the palace is nothing more than that. Jiang Yifeng wanted to go in for a night, but he felt that just looking at the palace and knew that the people living in it were rich or noble. How could such a person take in such a person as him who had no * or money? Thinking of this, he could only leave in frustration.

"Young man, why did you come here?" The speaker is a man in brocade silk clothes. He looks about 60 years old and doesn't look like an ordinary person from his demeanor.

"The younger generation came to the capital to take the exam. I wanted to stay at the farmer's house in the north, but I didn't expect to go the wrong way." Jiang Yifeng scratched his head with some embarrassment.

"This one is in the north and the other in the south, so that you can go wrong?"

"Dissatisfied with this adult, the younger generation is born with road blindness."

"Haha, I'm neither a court official nor a prince. Why do you call me an adult?"

"Demanship and temperament, no matter how stupid the younger generation is, he knows that you must not be an ordinary person." Jiang Yifeng said, "It's getting late, and the younger generation will say goodbye."

"Wait." The man said, "Why don't you just live here?"

"No, the younger generation doesn't have so much money to pay." Although Jiang Yifeng wanted to live, he thought of the expensive accommodation fee and felt that it was better to go to a cheaper farmer's house for a few more hours.

"No money, let's go."


Following the man into the gate of the palace, Jiang Yifeng found that there was no imagined luxury in it, but it gave people a feeling of being in a paradise. The exquisite courtyard scenery seems to flow out of the painting, and the antique corridor seems to have a unique charm. Of course, what surprises Jiang Yifeng most is those cats that can be seen everywhere.

Some cats have been seen by Jiang Yifeng, but most of them are strange things that he hasn't seen: "Are you raising these cats?"

"No, they are all raised by the owners here."

"Aren't you the owner here?"

"Haha, no, I'm just a guest."

"I thought you were also the owner of this place, so is it okay for me to come in like this?"

"It doesn't matter. The owner here has gone out for a long trip and can't come back for a while. You can live here at ease.:

"Who is that teenager?" Jiang Yifeng looked at the teenager in white sitting on the corridor not far away.

"Oh, he is my nephew, his name is Qinger."

The teenager who had been sitting on the corridor saw someone coming over and jumped down, took a look behind Jiang Yifeng and ran away.

"How did he leave?"

"That child is a little afraid of people. It doesn't matter."

"Yes, what should I call you?" Jiang Yifeng asked.

"You can call me the prince."

"Ah?" Jiang Yifeng was stunned and said, "Wang Ye? So your surname is Wang?"

"When did you help me change my surname? Well, just call me Master Wang." King Jinheng said with a smile, "Let me ask you a question."


"What are you reading for?"

Jiang Yifeng thought what the problem was. He looked at the courtyard and said, "Of course, it is to get fame. This is something that a three-year-old child knows. How can you ask such an obvious question, Master Wang?"

King Jinzhen Heng sighed slightly and then asked, "What's the purpose of getting a reputation?"

"After getting the meritorious name, you will naturally be an official, otherwise what will you do if you get the meritorious name?"

"Have you ever thought about benefiting the people after becoming an official? After studying hard for ten years and being named on the golden list, he should be a good official for the people.

"The younger generation doesn't think so." Jiang Yifeng put away his original relaxed smile and said firmly, "Being an official may not be able to benefit the people."

"So what are you doing in your ten-year cold window? Is it just to get rich in the future promotion?"

"No, in fact, I don't want to get a reputation." Jiang Yifeng said, "Just because I promised a person that he must get fame every day. As for whether he is an official in the future, that's a matter of the future. Compared with the dark tide surging court, I prefer to fall in love with the mountains and rivers.

"Oh? "Do you want to get a merit but don't become an official?"

"Yes, this world is not the world I want, but I can't change it, so I can only think about the ideal beautiful world in my dream."

"What does the world look like in your heart?"

"There is no so-called monarch and no so-called nobility. Everyone is equal." Jiang Yifeng said, "Everyone is born equal. Why should they be divided into three or six nine? I hope that the monarch is elected by the people, not the current hereditary system, and I hope that those powerful people can be judged by the law even if they commit crimes. I hope that even women can study and become officials. I hope this is a world of open and free speech. We can boldly criticize the monarch's mistakes and freely choose what we want to do.

Do you know? One person said the same thing to you. King Jinheng said lightly, "That was a long time ago."

"Someone said the same thing to me? Who?"

"The first emperor."

"The former emperor? You mean the former emperor who was cruel and caused countless bloodshed. Jiang Yifeng said in a little disbelief, "How could that cruel monarch say such a thing? If he hadn't been pushed down to the throne, the people would still be living in deep trouble."

"The Emperor said that if he wanted to reform, there would be bloodshed. Many years ago, he told me that he wanted to create a world without war and everyone was equal, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.

"Have you seen the previous emperor?"

"The former emperor is my younger brother."

"Your brother? So, so you are the prince?"

King Jinheng smiled and said, "Yes, I'm King Jinheng."

"Your Majesty, the younger generation has just been offended. Please forgive me."

"Don't be so polite. There is no prince here. As you said, everyone is equal." King Jinheng said, "At that time, I couldn't understand why the late emperor had that kind of thought. When the late emperor just succeeded to the throne, he worked hard to reform the court, which was also regarded as a diligent monarch and loved the people. However, after a long time, the late emperor encountered great pressure from the royal family and the court. Later, I don't know what happened to the former emperor's temperament. Change, become extremely cruel. This may be the despair after the destruction of the ideal world..."

"I didn't expect that the previous emperor was such a person." Jiang Yifeng said, "Yes, is it true that King Jinheng has been placed under house arrest by the current emperor?"

"I'm willing to come here myself." King Jinheng said, "The court has changed, and I can only like you, fall in love with these flowers and plants. By the way, if you want to serve in the court, I can talk to the emperor for you. How about it?

"No." Jiang Yifeng refused and said, "I don't want to be an official. I just want to get a reputation with my real skills."

"Well, then everything depends on God's will."