The world is chess

Chapter 35 Unexpectedly

Yonghe Hall.

Mei Nianfa looked at Emperor Qi Tieqing's face and lowered his head slightly.

"Department of Criminal Justice, are you telling the truth?" Emperor Qi clenched his fist and said, "Is it the concubine Yuan who caused the queen to miscarry?" Or did you find a scapegoat for the job?

It seems that the emperor still has some pity for Yuan Concubine. Mei Nianfa thought to himself, is it really too risky? But the queen said that she had arranged everything, as long as she told Emperor Qi like this. Thinking of this, Mei Nianfa sighed helplessly.

"Criminal Division, how dare you sigh in front of me? Don't answer my question yet."

"Weichen was frightened. On that night, someone saw Yuan's maidservant's maidservant haunted in the Imperial Hospital, and Weichen also confirmed that the maid of honor had gone out of the palace to buy saffrons at a pharmacy called Xuanhutang." What Mei Nianfa said was told by Empress Renchen, but he didn't know how Empress Renchen knew these things.

"Is this true?"

"To the emperor, this is a true thing, and Weichen has another thing that I don't know whether to say it or not."

"If you think you should say it, just say it. If you shouldn't say it, shut up." Obviously, Emperor Qi was furious, but Mei Nianfa still decided to tell the matter so that he could follow the queen's plan step by step.

"Your Majesty, Weichen heard a news that the Finance Division had misappropriated the silver of the treasury."

"What?" Emperor Qi shouted angrily, "Who told you?"

"I want to talk to the emperor about the voice of the queen, so..."

"What does it have to do with the queen?"

"Yes, your Majesty. The Empress said that a few days ago, the Finance Department went to the Queen's Hall to give a brocade box to the Empress. When the Empress opened it, she found that it was a silver ticket of 500,000 taels of gold.

"Is there such a thing? Then why didn't I hear the queen talk about it?

"The Empress gave the silver ticket to Weichen." Mei Nianfa said, "The Empress said that she was just a prostitute and it was inconvenient to participate in the affairs of the court, so she did not dare to report it to the emperor before the matter was thoroughly investigated, so as to give the silver ticket to Weichen and let Weichen find out the matter and then report it to the emperor. After many investigations by Weichen, he learned from several people who guarded the treasury that the Finance Division had indeed taken 500,000 taels of gold from the treasury.

"Damn, damn..." Emperor Qi slapped the table heavily, "Thanks to me for trusting him so much, come and call the financial department to me."

Five days ago, Mei Nianfa had secretly visited Beitangqi, the financial department, and told him that the queen had known that Yuan was the murderer of the drug, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice had clear evidence. At that time, Wu Jinsongqi really had a dead heart, but Mei Nianfa's words ignited his hope for life.

"Lord Wu, in fact, there is no way to remedy this matter."

"Is there any remedy now?"

"Of course, the Empress said that as long as the adult is willing to give her 500,000 taels of gold, then nothing has happened."

500,000 taels of gold? That's not a small amount. Besides, how can I get so much money?

"Lord Wu, you are really joking. The whole treasury is under your control. Isn't there a lot?"

Wu Jinsong was so scared that he sweated and wet his back: "That's the emperor's silver. If it is misappropriated, once it is found, it will be a death penalty."

"But if what your daughter did is known by the emperor, it is also a death penalty."

", I can't do this." Wu Jinsong said.

"Your excellency, what's wrong with you? The emperor only checked the account book once in a few years. As long as you find a way to fill the hole in these few years, nothing will happen. My lord, this is the only vitality. You have to think about it clearly.

Although he knew that it was extremely risky, Wu Jinsong still followed Mei Nian's words. When Queen Renchen received the 500,000 taels of gold, he seemed to have taken a reassurance, but at the same time, he was thinking about how to fill the gap of 500,000 taels of gold. However, what Wu Jinsong didn't expect was that even his last life was cut off by doing so.

When Wu Jinsong received the edict from Emperor Qi, he did not know that Emperor Qi had known everything, but he was still a little uneasy.

Royal Garden. The queen sat in the gazebo and looked at Wu Jinsong, who was walking in a hurry in the distance, and a smile appeared on her face. Wu Jinsong will soon be eradicated from the court and disappear from the world with your daughter. At this time, no one thought that an unexpected thing would happen...

In the Yonghe Hall, Emperor Qi, who had been waiting for Wu Jinsong, waited for the news that the concubine was indeed pregnant.

"Your Majesty, when Dr. Zhu asked for Yuan's wife this morning, he found that she was pregnant." A palace man reported.

"What? Is Yuan's concubine pregnant? Emperor Qi and Mei Nianfa said at the same time.

Mei Nianfa never thought that Concubine Yuan would be pregnant at this time. I'm afraid that if the queen knew the news, she would feel that it would be a bolt from the blue. Since ancient times, pregnancy has been a gold medal for women in the deep palace. Yuan happened to be pregnant at this time, which undoubtedly disrupted their whole plan.

"Pregnant, Yuan is pregnant." Emperor Qi, who was still angry at the previous moment, couldn't hide his joy at this moment. "No, I'm going to see concubine Yuan."

"Your Majesty, but..." Mei Nianfa wanted to say what to do about the matter of the Yuan concubine putting saffron in the queen's fetal medicine.

"Let's talk about it later."

As soon as Emperor Qi left the palace, he met Beitang Qi. Beitang Qi looked at Emperor Qi with a happy face and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"You came just in time, Caidu Si, Yuan is pregnant and pregnant." Emperor Qi had forgotten what had happened before, "Let's go and go to see the concubine Yuan with me."

"Weichen obeys the order."

It turned out that the reason why Emperor Qi summoned him was because his daughter Yuan was pregnant, and Wu Jinsong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He had a feeling of dreaming that even if the emperor knew about it now, he would be lucky enough to escape. Sure enough, nothing in the world is more important than the pregnancy of the emperor's woman.

In the imperial garden, a maid of honor whispered a few words in Mother Shang's ear and then left. However, Mother Shang didn't know whether she should tell the queen the news. After all, Empress Renchen just miscarried.

"Queen, maidservant..."

"What's the matter, M Mother?"

"Concubine Yuan, Concubine Yuan is pregnant."

"What? What are you talking about?

"I told my mother that Yuan is pregnant."

Why did you get pregnant at this time? Empress Renchen suddenly realized the seriousness of the matter. If she could not eradicate the financial secretary and the concubine Yuan this time, it would be herself who would be eradicated. She knew that Mei Nianfa had reported to Emperor Qi about the misappropriation of treasury silver by the Department of Finance. If she stopped tracking it now because Yuan was pregnant, Wu Jinsong would definitely find that this matter was a trap set by himself.

No, absolutely not, such a thing can't happen. But what can I do? Now that Yuan is pregnant, do you want to kill the child in her belly? This is impossible. Why did this unexpected happen?

Looking at the almost twisted face of Empress Renchen, Mother Shang thought that her master was worried because of the miscarriage some time ago, so she said, "Empress, please don't be too sad."

"I'm fine, Mouran Shang, go back to the Queen's Hall."
