The world is chess

Chapter 147 The Forgotten Corner

Land. Because the weather was extremely cold, the ten years of heavy snow did not have much impact on them. However, Emperor Lu has become silent since ten years ago and does not believe in any court ministers. Even his favorite Prime Minister Liu Jie has been impeached outside politics. However, for Liu Jie, he wants to stay away from those right and wrong, because over the years, he hopes to find his son Liu Zi, who is far away in the State of Qi. Chen, and the moon that I haven't seen for many years.

It's just that although he has been impeached outside politics, he is still the prime minister of a country, so he can't leave at will.

If Emperor Lu still has a little trust in someone, then Qin Muye should be one. This extremely dark-skinned man was originally regarded as a laughing stock by people all over the world, which stemmed from the fact that his mother's skin was darker than him.

However, as Emperor Lu gradually handed over his real power over the years, his value naturally rose. Naturally, I turned a blind eye to that irrelevant dark skin.

After the death of King Rong, Princess Shuning became the concubine of King Rong, but her title has not changed. Concubine Ye and Concubine Xu were also beaten into the cold palace with their old age. Of course, it is unknown whether there is any credit to Concubine Ning, but one thing is very certain is that King Rong really likes Princess Shuning from the State of Qi very much, although it is not beyond words.

Royal Palace.

Concubine Ning sat in the exquisite courtyard and looked at the dazzling winter sun. The yard was overhauled a few years ago. Because Concubine Ning liked the exquisiteness of the State of Qi, King Rong sent a painter to design the appearance that Concubine Ning liked, and then let the craftsmen transform it.

Boil this pot of wine on a small copper stove on the stone table. Due to the cold climate, Ning Fei has also learned to drink over the years. Don't get drunk, just click and stop. The changes ten years ago disrupted all her plans, just as she did not expect that Lu Guo would suddenly emerge a god who claimed to be Beitang.

"A person sitting here drinking?" King Rong walked silently to Concubine Ning. At this time, King Rong's face was more resolute, and it seemed that he had not lived an easy decade.

"It's too cold." Ningfei said, "I always thought I could like the cold here, but in fact I was wrong."

"Do you want to go back?"

"I want to, but I hope you can dominate the world and take me back." Ningfei said, "Big brother doesn't know where he went, so it's a lie to say that he is not alone."

"Don't worry, I will definitely give you the whole world." King Rong stroked Concubine Ning's smooth cheeks. He was used to seeing those obedient women, so when the woman from the State of Qi appeared in front of him for the first time, he knew that he liked her. That kind of hidden ambition and calmness no matter what happens make King Rong feel that it is enough to have her in his life.

"World!" Ningfei had these two words in her heart when she was very young. She always hated why she was a princess and a concubine. If you are the direct prince, then you can go to the political stage.

No matter how incompetent a man is, women can only stand by and stand by. This is the law of the State of Qi. After her father, Qi Yu's father, was overthrown, Concubine Ning even more wanted to go on the political stage. She would never allow her father's country to be stained by others.

"When will you give birth to a son for me?" King Rong sat down and held Ning Fei's cold hands. "Maybe you won't be so lonely after having a child."

"I don't want children." Ningfei looked at King Rong apologetically, "I don't want children until you give me the whole world."

"In case I can't give you the world until I'm 60, then it's too late for you to give birth." Rong Wang said with a smile, "In fact, there are many benefits to having a child. We can find the best magic master to teach him. What do you think?"

"Ye." Concubine Ning nodded, and King Rong held her in his arms.

"How about having twins? One man and one woman. King Rong said with a smile.

"Don't get an inch." That's what she said, but Ningfei's face was still full of happiness.

not far away, Concubine Xu and Concubine Ye, who had already been beaten into the cold palace, looked at King Rong holding Concubine Ning, and their hearts were full of resentment. But no matter how resentful they are, they have no choice, because for so many years, they have known that this woman who seemingly doesn't care about anything is actually more terrible and more powerful than anyone else in her heart. Therefore, all the two sympathetic people can do every day is curse secretly. Of course, they once thought about finding a famous wizard to curse, but they were discovered by King Rong, and that's why they were beaten into the cold palace.

"How do you think this thing has become like this?" Concubine Xu leaned against the wall and glanced at the king of Rong not far away from time to time.

"Who knows, that's probably what people have their own lives." Ye Fei said, "I'm afraid we will live like this for the rest of our lives. It's pitiful to think about it."

"Don't say that. It's better than the dead princess. At least we are still alive." Concubine Xu said, "We are unhappy, and it's much better than the days of ordinary people."

"That's true."

"Let's not talk about this, or let's go out today. Anyway, King Rong is too lazy to pay attention to us."


Two gorgeously dressed ladies sat in the sedan chair, which were Concubine Ye and Xu. Although he was beaten into the cold palace by King Rong, it was still different from ordinary people. The gorgeous sedan chair was carried by four sedan chairmen, and walking on the thick blue stone slab attracted many people to watch and stop. The two people sitting in the sedan chair enjoyed this satisfaction. Concubine Xu gently opened the curtain and then said to Concubine Ye, who didn't know what she was thinking, "Oh, I can't live a day of ordinary people."

"Don't say that. If we are really kicked out of the Rongwang Mansion one day, I guess we will live this kind of life."

"Raven's mouth, don't say such unlucky words, if King Rong kicks me out, I will die directly in front of him." Concubine Xu said.

"Didn't you say that it's better to die than to live?"

"That's just to say, you're serious." Xufei deliberately hit Ye Fei in the leg and said, "Why don't we go to the play?"

Listen to the play? What's so good to hear?

"So where are we going? You can't walk around in a sedan chair for a day.

"Let me think about it. Forget it, I can't think of any good place for a while, so I'd better listen to the play as you said." Ye Fei said a little absent-mindedly.

"I don't think you are absent-minded? What's on your mind?"

"Not really, I just feel a little uncomfortable recently." Ye Fei casually found an excuse to prevaricate. In fact, the reason why she was absent-minded was planning something. Escape from the King Rong Mansion because she knows that she will never be favored by King Rong in her life. It's better to leave than to do so. Perhaps in this way, King Rong will remember that a woman had left him, which is better than staying in the cold palace silently.

Of course, Concubine Ye is a smart woman. She has long paved the way for herself. Since she married into the Royal Palace, she has been preventing this day. The money she has accumulated over decades can also be said to be a great wealth. Even if she leaves, it is enough for him to live for a lifetime.

The most important thing is that her brother is a killer in the world, and now he has a wizard with seven tripods. Even if King Rong sends people to chase him, there is no problem. Thinking of this, Concubine Ye smiled unconsciously.

"What's wrong with you? For a while, he was absent-minded and giggled. Concubine Xu pushed Concubine Ye.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about what we're going to listen to today? By the way, let's go eat after listening to the play.

"Okay, okay, I heard that a new cook has come to Baoqing Pavilion. Many dignitaries go there for dinner. I don't know how it is compared with the cook in our royal palace." Concubine Xu echoed, "Oh, just for this point, I don't want to leave the royal palace. Do you think we still have that spare money to eat in Baoqing Pavilion? I'm afraid I've starved to death on the street.

Ye Fei smiled and did not answer.

Even if you leave the Rongwang Mansion, you will not sleep on the streets miserably, and you may be able to live a better life. In fact, from the bottom of her heart, Concubine Ye admired Concubine Ning, who can fascinate King Rong, because a woman must do that to succeed. Of course, Ye Fei is not sure whether the current Ning Fei is satisfied, because she knows that Ning Fei will never be willing to be as simple as becoming a princess.