The world is chess

Chapter 148 Everyone is the same

Most of the people of Lu are brave and good at fighting, and they are not very interested in the culture in the south. Listening to the play is one of them. Therefore, many actors will not choose to go to the State of Lu, but prefer to go to the State of Qi or the State of Southern Xia, especially in the State of Southern Xia. The actor's status is relatively good.

So in Lu, only those dignitaries generally go to listen to the play. Of course, there are some tacit reasons for each other. Most of the actors are handsome and beautiful, so many times the actors who sell their skills often become concubines of dignitaries or other places.

Singyuelou is the most famous theater in the capital of Lu. Most of the actors here come from Nanxia. They not only sing well, but also dance. Of course, ordinary people are absolutely reluctant to spend a tael or two of silver to listen to the play.

The carriage slowly stopped in front of the singing moon building and got off the carriage. Under the guidance of the dwarf, Ye Fei and Xufei entered a semi-open room with an excellent view on the second floor. The best Biluochun and some snacks were also put on the table one after another. After greeting, the child left very interestingly.

"It seems that the play hasn't started yet. Let's come early." Ye Fei picked up the pleasant Biluochun, took a sip, and then frowned and said, "Why is this tea so soft?"

Concubine Xu said with a smile, "You don't understand. The tea in Nanxia is not as good as that in Lu, but it's good if you are used to it."

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of research on this." Ye Fei put down the teacup. She didn't like the warm and mellow tea in Nanxia.

"Actually... I want to discuss something with you."

"What's the matter?"

"You are still hiding it from me now. Have you planned to leave Rongwang Mansion for a long time?" Xufei looked at Concubine Ye, who was suddenly stunned, and her eyes were full of smiles, "You don't have to hide it from me. In fact, I have known it for a long time."


"If I hadn't been heartless for so many years, do you think King Rong can rest assured that we should be so fooled? Don't say secret words in front of celebrities. If you really plan to leave the Rongwang Mansion, you can get me a share.

"Don't you want to leave the Royal Palace?"

"That's just saying. I don't want to die in the royal palace. To tell you the truth, I have a sister who is an official of Nanxia, so I'm going to go to Nanxia after leaving the Rongwang Mansion.

Although Ye Fei's face was calm, she was still a little shocked. She didn't expect that she could hide for so many years. It seems that the city government is really deep enough: "In this case, we two sisters should be of the same heart."

"Ha ha, that's natural. Since we are all of our own people, I can't help telling you one thing. Our emperor has raised a large number of dead men. If we leave rashly, we will definitely die.

"Dead man?"

"Yes, I heard that they are all wizards with Jiuding witchcraft. I have thought that we must have a perfect way to avoid those dead when we leave the Rongwang Mansion. Concubine Xu glanced downstairs and saw that the play had not yet begun. Then she said, "I have figured out a way. The first day of May is the Queen's birthday, so we will leave at that time."

Ye Fei wondered, "Why take advantage of the Queen's birthday?"

"Ha ha, only when Lu Guo is in chaos can we take the opportunity to escape. Don't worry, I have arranged it."

"Ye." Ye Fei did not continue to ask. It seems that it is not as simple as coming out to listen to the play today. So what about Ningfei? Does this thoughtful woman have any other plans?

The play wearing a gorgeous red costume and painted with oil on its face slowly appeared. A song "Lanxiang" tells about ancient and modern events. In the low singing of the play, both of them fell into memories...

Royal Palace.

After King Rong was summoned to the palace, Concubine Ning also changed her dress and walked on the snowy road of the gambling city. Behind her were two maids and several guards, but Lianzhen followed her like a shadow in a place where people could not see. This is why no matter how powerful assassins Ye and Xufei sent to assassinate Ning, they returned in the end. Because no one can defeat Lian Zhen, especially if he already has a strong spell, it can almost be said that the person who can defeat him will not have more than one hand.

After walking for about half an hour, Concubine Ning stopped in a small restaurant.

"Long time no see." Shen Wuli ordered a few small dishes, and then asked housekeeper Xu to cook the pot of Lausanne wine brought from the Centennial Bureau of Qi.

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time." After sitting down, Concubine Ning looked around. Although the restaurant was not big, it was still elegant. "It is the Queen's birthday at the beginning of May. I guess the two of them should create chaos and take the opportunity to leave Lu at that time."

"Haha... Sure enough, he is thoughtful and is about to catch up with Queen Renchen." Shen Wuli said, "What are you going to do?"

"Let them go."

"Well? Do you want to catch big fish with a long line or what to say?

Ningfei picked up a piece of beef and said, "Of course, it's a long line to catch big fish. Although Ye Fei's brother is only a killer of the next seven magic power, he has the Yuanzhu that all people who learn witchcraft dream of. As for Concubine Xu, her real identity is the sister of the former emperor of Nanxia. Judging from the situation, Nanxia should also try to rescue this member with royal blood. After all, Concubine Xu's family is very large.

"So we must take this opportunity to get Yuanzhu and reach an alliance with Nanxia, so you are going to let Ye Fei die?"

"That's right." There was no expression on Ningfei's face, not even a trace of waves.

At this time, Butler Xu put the newly cooked Lausanne on the table and could smell the intoxicating aroma of the wine from afar. Shen Wuli poured a glass for himself: "Ah, I still like the Lausanne wine of the Centennial Bureau. The knives here are like burning in reading materials."

"It's cold here." Ningfei said, "Mr. Shen, in fact, I'm curious about one thing."

"There are too many curious people these days. Tell me, what are you curious about?"

"Why don't you get old?"

Indeed, as Ning Fei said, Shen's unreasonable appearance has hardly changed over the years, as if she would not grow old. Not only that, Shen Wuli did not learn witchcraft or spells, which would not be old and indeed suspicious. Shen Wuxiang said leisurely for a long time, "I don't know what's going on. Maybe I'm older than others."

"Is this also the reason?"

"Hehe, I really don't know." Shen Wuli looked back at housekeeper Xu and asked, "Housekeeper Xu, am I really not getting old?"

"I don't know." Butler Xu said three words coldly and then ignored Shen Wuli's almost idiotic question.

In fact, Shen Wuli found that he had not aged ten years ago. He doesn't know how this happened, but his father seemed to be the same in his memory. Maybe it's because of my father that I won't be old.

"Alas." Shen Wuli sighed.

"Does my question bother you?"

"No, I'm just thinking about the heavy snow for so many years, and it's difficult to do business."

"If even you find it difficult to do business in this world, I'm afraid others will find it difficult to reach the sky. This Lausanne wine tastes really good. I really want to go back to Qi and drink another glass of wine.

"If you want to drink it, I'll let someone bring it."

Concubine Ning smiled and put down her glass and said, "That's different. The feeling of drinking in your hometown is different from drinking wine in your hometown."

"Yes, it feels different."

The two chatted like this, and housekeeper Xu stood like that.

For Ningfei, Shen unreasonable is a force that can support her own power, while for Shen unreasonable, it is completely out of boredom, so she wants to find something to do. Of course, perhaps no one knows that what he wants is so luxurious that even God can't satisfy him. So he can only play in the world as a businessman.

"It's getting late. It's time for me to go back." Ning Fei stood up and was about to leave, but she was stopped by Shen. "What else is the matter?"

"Do you remember your brother?"

"Brother? Are you talking about Qi Yu?

Shen nodded and said, "If you want to have the whole world, then you must eradicate him."


"There is no reason, you will understand what I said later."

"Okay, I wrote down your words."