Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 23 Demon Change 3

In the distance, Bai Jiu, who finally rushed out of the encirclement, heard this majestic tiger roar. He couldn't help shivering and almost subconsciously peed his pants. "Fortunately, he ran fast. This tiger roar clearly smelled like a clan-level warcraft! Then Shangguan Bing'er is dead. It's a pity that she is such a beautiful girl.

The so-called tiger roaring mountain forest. In an instant, all the grassland Sirius on the ground trembled violently, and the blue light spewed out of the mouth of the living grassland Sirius. In an instant, they gathered to Zhou Weiqing's side like a hundred rivers and were swallowed up by him. Zhou Weiqing's bones caused by the strong gray-black airflow once again made a series of explosions. However, those prairie Sirius who dedicated their power to the wind were completely on the ground and died directly.

In the world of heavenly beasts, this ability is called sacrifice. These prairie Sirius couldn't stand the strong pressure caused by Zhou Weiqing's roar. Their minds completely collapsed, and they directly sacrificed their precious energy and died.

When Zhou Weiqing let out that roar, the Sirius King's limbs softened. Then, it did not hesitate at all, turned around and ran away. Unfortunately, it can't run away now. Zhou Weiqing, who had just devoured the energy of nearly a hundred grassland Sirius, how could he let it go?

The dark shadow did not have any brilliance in the night. The grassland Sirius King only felt that his body was tight, and all the twelve dark touches had fallen on it.

Even if it is out of the state of evil change, it is impossible to pull this kind of noble beast in front of him with Zhou Weiqing's one-zhu-level strength, but it is enough to prevent it from escaping.

Sirius King struggled desperately to break free from the shackles of his body. It did break free, but when it completely broke free, a pair of blood-red eyes had appeared in front of it.

Another wind shackle fell on the Sirius King, which had just devoured so much wind power. At this time, Zhou Weiqing's body had so much natural power, and the total amount had completely surpassed that of the Sirius King. Although he could only use one bead-level skills, it was enough at this time.

Sirius has just broken free from the touch of darkness, his body tightened, and its action has been stiff again. The moment before it broke free from the shackles of the wind, Zhou Weiqing's right palm has slapped it on the head fiercely.

The light of lightning flashes, which is the thunderstorm in the palm of the hand.

In the loud noise, the Sirius King suddenly screamed, and his whole body crackled, which was already covered with a layer of blue snake electricity.

This Sirius King is worthy of being a respected beast. Although it is in the breath of Zhou Weiqing, it is not easy to kill it. Suffering the palm thunderstorm with the strongest attack power in Zhou Weiqing's skills, the Sirius King is just paralyzed all over his body, and his mind is a little unclear for the time being. Under normal circumstances, even if it is out of the state of demon change, Zhou Weiqing still can't kill this noble beast.

However, Zhou Weiqing had that weird right leg, and the devil's right leg was already raised high when he slapped it, like a black axe.

In the process of cutting down, it was not the heel or the sole of the foot cut down. This time it was replaced by a toe, that is, the tip of his foot like a black hook.

With a soft sound, Zhou Weiqing's toes forcibly broke through the hard skull of the Sirius King. In the blood light collapsed, Zhou Weiqing's body turned back, and his hands supported the ground. The whole person had rushed up obliquely, and his right foot was also pulled out of the skull of the Sirius King. At the same time The blue light. When the blue light was swallowed up by Zhou Weiqing, the body of the Sirius King had also fallen to the ground.

Zhou Weiqing's body floated to the ground, but this time, he did not make a sound. I don't know if it was because he swallowed too much wind power, there was a faint layer of blue light in the black and gray light around his body.

A few minutes ago, there was still a wolf roar, but a few minutes later, it was already bloody. None of the prairie Sirius, including the Sirius King, is still alive.

Shangguan Bing'er had already stood up at this time and stared at all this in front of her, trembling from her soul. The demonic Zhou Weiqing was really terrible. In fact, from beginning to end, the power he released was not very strong, but his breath made the ordinary grassland Sirius dare not resist, and finally killed the Sirius King with his strange right leg with continuous restriction skills. I have completed everything that could not have been done.

Although she couldn't see the evil skills that Zhou Weiqing had, she understood that Zhou Weiqing supplemented himself with the help of the power of those ordinary grassland Sirius, otherwise it would be impossible to successfully kill the Sirius. How did he do it? Why can he borrow the power of the heavenly beast after killing the heavenly beast?

Just as Shangguan Binger was standing there, suddenly, the blood flashed, and the bright and dazzling but extremely strange blood-colored eyes had come to her, and a dark claw grabbed her directly.

It's over... Shangguan Binger only had this idea in her mind. She subconsciously closed her eyes. It's better to die in his hands than to die in a wolf kiss.

However, the pain did not come for a moment. Shangguan Bing'er only felt that her body was tight, and her whole body had been integrated into a generous and strong embrace, full of blood, evil and violence. Some excessive force made her bones sour, and the heavy breathing continued violently in her ear, but the force that made her irresistible did not take any further action.

After a moment of stagnation, Shangguan Bing'er came to his senses. Didn't he kill me? He didn't kill me? How is this possible? He was clearly in a state of demonic change just now! Otherwise, how could he kill those prairie Sirius?

Her face was close to his red luo's chest, his chest was cold, and a coldness kept pouring into her body, and the evil and violent smell kept flowing on him.

Opening her eyes, Shangguan Binger saw that the tiger skin magic lines on Zhou Weiqing's body were still fluctuating, but they were also slowly fading at the same time.

Is his demonization effect weakening? Is it because of me?

This discovery made Shangguan Binger overjoyed. She subconsciously raised her arms and ignored the pain of being held by him. She hugged Zhou Weiqing's waist tightly with her backhand and said word by word in a firm and crisp voice:

"Small, fat, wake up, pass, come..."

"Small, fat, wake up, pass, come..."

She kept repeating this sentence and hugged him with all her strength, bringing him warmth with the temperature of her body.


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