Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 23 Demon Change 4

The heavy gasp gradually calmed down, Zhou Weiqing's body gradually warmed up, and his arms around Shangguan Bing'er gradually relaxed a little.

Suddenly, Shangguan Bing'er's body stiffened. She only felt the position of her lower abdomen. It seemed that there was a very hard and straight thing tightly there, and she jumped.

After a short surprise, she has realized what it is, but she doesn't dare to move now, because she doesn't know if Zhou Xiaopang has been freed from the demon change.

Her body began to get hot. She hugged Zhou Weiqing's hands and grabbed the muscles behind him, and her whole body was also trembling slightly.

She was a little afraid that he would suddenly become a beast. What happened on the first night could never be erased from her mind. What would I do if she did that again? Shangguan Bing'er found that she had no answer to this question at all.

What Shangguan Binger can't see is that Zhou Weiqing is blinking his eyes at this time, and his face looks very strange.

In fact, when Zhou Weiqing fell into the evil change, his mind was completely unconscious for a very short time. Everything from the outside gradually reflected in his mind, and when he began to kill, he had already woken up. But at that time, he couldn't control his body. Seeing that he kept killing and devouring, the gray light of the roulette in front of him continued to shine. While understanding the mystery of the evil attribute, he tried to control his body.

Until the last killing of the Sirius King, the moment his body flew out, he finally regained part of the control of his body from the killing instinct, so he did not hesitate to rush to Shangguan Binger, hugged her, and quickly recovered his body with the help of Shangguan Binger's breath on himself. Full control.

Therefore, Zhou Weiqing has been awake for a while. In order to help him reply quickly, Shangguan Binger kept hugting him hard. The two bodies were close together. Coupled with such friction, it was strange that he did not respond. At this time, he only felt that his lower body was constantly rubbing on Shangguan Bing'er's smooth and soft lower abdomen. The pleasure was coming, and he felt a little uncontrollable. But at this time, he was really reluctant to let go of the person in his arms. It was not easy to get such a close hug! And it's rare that I'm awake this time.

Just when Zhou Weiqing was in conflict, suddenly, his body trembled violently. He only felt that the heavenly power in his body, which was still calm for a moment, was suddenly ignited like a volcanic eruption. The gray-black airflow around his body disappeared, but the blue light suddenly became extremely strong, and the restlessness in his body suddenly made his internal organs seem to turn over.

With a wow, Zhou Weiqing spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the firmness below quickly weakened. He quickly loosened his hand holding Shangguan Binger, took a step back and sat down.

"Xiao Pang, what's wrong with you?" Shangguan Bing'er was naturally shocked. He was fine just now. He was... Is it a side effect of demon change?

Zhou Weiqing quickly waved his hand to Shangguan Bing'er, "I want to rush to the acupuncture point." After reluctantly saying these four words, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated on his mind.

Obviously, the sudden change in his body was caused by the previous devouring too much grassland Sirius wind. Although his own natural power also has wind attributes, people and heavenly beasts are different after all. Even if he has the huge energy of the black bead, he suddenly devours so much wind natural power, which is not what he can bear now. Previously, the huge energy generated by the demon change has been suppressing this power and even forcibly converting it into its own use, but at this time, the demon change effect disappears, and it can't suppress this power immediately.

The external wind force is incompatible with Zhou Weiqing's own force. Although his four dead hole cyclones are constantly filtering these forces into himself, the effect is still not enough. Therefore, the solution he can think of is to guide this foreign force to rush the acupuncture point. If another dead acupuncture point can be opened, the physical condition will naturally be better.

The devouring skill brought by the black bead to Zhou Weiqing can only be aimed at heavenly beasts in this world, which is ineffective for human beings. This is also the reason why Shangguan Binger didn't feel it at all when he made the tiger roar before. But phagocytosis is also limited. The stronger its strength, the stronger the endurance, and the more energy it can digest when swallowing. Zhou Weiqing's current strength is still very weak, but in the state of demon change, he only has an instinctive desire to kill, and naturally absorbs external forces regardless of everything. At this time, there are too many wind and natural power in his body. If he does not deal with it in time, there will be problems immediately. If you don't do it well, you will even explode and die.

"I will protect the law for you." As soon as Shangguan Binger heard that Zhou Weiqing was going to rush to death at this time, she immediately floated behind him without hesitation. At this time, the most important thing is to rescue Zhou Weiqing, and she didn't care whether there would be a heavenly beast coming here again.

Zhou Weiqing's mind moved, and the restless wind power in his body and his own power had gone crazy downward under his urging. He found that his original natural power had risen a lot after the end of the demon change. Obviously, it was the transformation of those wind-based natural forces, but the problem now is that there are too many wind-based natural forces, and he will rebel before he digests.

Zhou Weiqing's own natural power is very pure, but the wind power of the coyote he absorbed is very mixed. Different coyote's cultivations are different. The dozens of energies mixed together is extremely complicated, especially the one finally absorbed from the Sirius King, which relies on his own strong left rush. He suffered unspeakably by bumping to the right.

The heavenly power went down. Zhou Weiqing only felt that the meridians of his legs could break at any time. In a blink of an eye, the mixed wind power and his own heavenly power had rushed to the position of Zusanli point. Zusanli Cave ran rapidly, and Zhou Weiqing injected two strands of energy into it according to the magic of immortality. Sure enough, the heavenly power accelerated and continued to rush down.

The human body is a magical world. The same practice will be practiced by different people, and the effect will be different. What's more, the immortal skill practiced by Zhou Weiqing at this time can be said to be unique, and he can only try it.

It turned out that luck was on his side. When the mixed wind force in the body rushed into the foot three miles, the cyclone rotation speed of the foot three miles point suddenly increased to more than three times the previous peak. Those mixed wind forces rushed over, but it seemed to have passed through the sieve, which was obviously much pure. .


Today's second update is coming, and there will be a third update at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. I would like to ask my brothers and sisters for your recommendation and support. Thank you.

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