Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 23 Demon Change 5

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Zhou Weiqing's skin surface pouted, spewing a faint blue gas from the pores. Obviously, the filtered impurities were discharged from it.

After Zusanli acupoint, the pure energy rushed to the Sanyinjiaocupoint, and the same situation appeared again. The wind force after secondary filtration suddenly made Zhou Weiqing's body more comfortable, but this force was too huge, and only a small part was absorbed by the two dead acupoint cyclones.

Zhou Weiqing gritted his teeth, and his mind urged it with all his strength. He used his original heavenly power to drive this heavenly power straight to the Yongquan point. Now he just wants to rush into the Yongquan cave and filter it again with the help of the Yongquan cave. If it doesn't work, it will run in the opposite direction and gradually absorb these wind forces.

Boom, the huge natural force hit the Yongquan point fiercely, but it was completely different from Zhou Weiqing's first attack on the shoulder well point, and the impact on the Yongquan point actually encountered great difficulties.

An indescribable sharp pain came from the soles of his feet at the same time. Zhou Weiqing only felt a stream of reverse blood rushing along his legs. Wow, he spewed out another mouthful of blood. This time, even the skin surface of his whole body overflowed with blood.

The impact was too fierce. Yongquan acupoint was forcibly washed away halfway. Zhou Weiqing didn't know what kind of problems the reopening of Yongquan acupoint would bring, but now he had to shoot the arrow on the string.

Come again. Zhou Weiqing's fierce strength broke out, and he took a deep breath again. The wind force, which became more violent because of the first wave of shock, launched a second charge under his control.

Boom--this time, Zhou Weiqing almost jumped up from the ground, from the beginning of his footsteps, to every inch of the skin of his legs, and the thick blood mist spewed out of the pores. It seems that the meridians of his legs have completely burst.

Zhou Weiqing only felt that his feet and feet seemed to have opened a big hole, and the huge natural power gushed out in an instant. The severe pain seemed to bring him back to the situation when he hit the shoulder well for the first time, but this time it was much more serious.

"It's not good." Shangguan Binger exclaimed and didn't care about anything else. Her figure flashed and changed back in front of Zhou Weiqing. When Zhou Weiqing launched the acupuncture point, she knew that this guy's goal was the foot heart of the spring hole. Both hands condensed magic and pressed on the Yongquan point of Zhou Weiqing's feet at the same time, trying to help him seal the broken dead point.

When the palms of the two people touched the palms of their hands, Shangguan Bing'er's whole body suddenly shook. She only felt that two extremely pure and rich wind forces suddenly rushed out of the spring point of Zhou Weiqing's feet. She wanted to stop them and blocked these two heavenly forces in his body, but she couldn't do it at These two heavenly forces rushed directly into her body and into her meridians.

Shangguan Binger snorted, and her whole body was shocked by a huge impact, but she refused to give up. She grabbed Zhou Weiqing's feet with both hands and refused to be shocked by this force.

It can be said that now both Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger are in extreme pain. At this time, the tiger skin magic lines that had disappeared from Zhou Weiqing's body appeared again.

The black word Wang quietly appeared from his forehead with a majestic breath. The Yongquan point in the center of Zhou Weiqing's right foot was almost closed by itself in an instant, and the cyclone formed in an instant. Although the left foot is a little slower, it is also in the process of slowly closing.

Feeling the change of Zhou Weiqing's body, Shangguan Bing'er was relieved, but her body had just suffered such a huge wind and heavenly impact, coupled with the previous fatigue, her eyes dark and fainted.

The spring point in the center of his left foot gradually closed, and Zhou Weiqing's pain gradually disappeared like the melting of ice and snow, while the heavenly power in his body was still violently restless. This time, without the injection of heavenly power, the four dead point cyclones he had already opened had been running rapidly, and the heavenly forces scattered in his The cyclone absorbs quickly.

Finally, the Yongquan point of the left foot was completely closed. When the cyclone also produced, an indescribable comfort suddenly spread to every corner of Zhou Weiqing's body.

The fifth dead point was opened. There is no doubt that Zhou Weiqing's natural power has also entered the fifth cultivation of the heavenly energy. More than that, after the five dead points ran at the same time, Zhou Weiqing found that his absorption speed of the power of the outside world had more than doubled.

With the completion of the cultivation of Yongquan acupoint, Zhou Weiqing also practiced all five death points in the first chapter of the upper and lower limbs. At this time, under the full operation of these five dead points, Zhou Weiqing only felt that the cyclone of the dead point was expanding rapidly. If each of the cyclone when the four After the opening of the five dead caves, these cyclones were constantly expanding. After a while, they actually expanded to every corner of the body. That is to say, the ten cyclones formed by the five dead points cover every part of his body.

Although the black and gray tiger skin magic pattern has not faded, it can also be seen from his skin that on the surface of the skin, a circle of milky white halo and the skin gradually combine with the skin. A layer of air mask that cannot be identified by the naked eye but does exist is formed on the surface of his skin. This layer of air mask is also a symbol of the first success of immortality.

From the perspective of the speed of cultivation, the magic but perverted cultivation method of immortality is indeed faster than any other skill, but it is definitely not so fast. It only takes more than two months for Zhou Weiqing to impact this key fifth point. However, by chance, he absorbed a large number of wind power from the outside world today and needed the support of this fifth hole. The helpless impact actually made him really successful. Although Zhou Weiqing is only a pearl of cultivation now, the completion of the first article of the immortal god kung fu also means that it has really embarked on this path of cultivation, and there is no possibility of turning back. At the same time, it also begins to get additional benefits from the immortal kung fu in a real sense. Of course, the later practice will be more difficult.

The five dead point cyclone constantly absorbs the power of heaven and earth from the outside world to supplement Zhou Weiqing himself. This time, there is no need for extra practice at all, and the fifth level of natural energy in his body has been completely filled. Shangguan Binger, who fell into a coma on his lap, was also at a loss. The wind force absorbed by Zhou Weiqing from those grassland Sirius was filtered by his immortal skills, and most of it was injected into her body, and some of what Zhou Weiqing could absorb was the energy from the last Sirius King. Although his devouring ability is strong, the devoured energy must be used immediately. Unless he devours a high level of power, there are very few that he can absorb. Perhaps, this is the balance of rules between heaven and earth.


The third update is coming. Please recommend tickets, collect, and click for members. Thank you all. I will continue to update three times tomorrow. I said in the book review to Tian'er today that tomorrow will be a little evil. Don't be overly surprised.