Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 46 Don't submit, I'll support you

Xiao Shi smiled and said, "Okay. Go back to your seat. The opening ceremony is about to begin. Zhou Weiqing did not say a word to directly compliment him, but every sentence will be invisibly praised secretly. Which teacher would not like such an excellent and well-behaved student?

Zhou Weiqing returned to his seat and stood there, and Xiao Shi also left with a group of teachers. Facing the eyes of the students around him with some contempt and admiration, he looked like nothing to do, "I want to be a monitor. Do you have any problem with me? What I said counts. When I graduate in the next four years, every student from our class will have complete body bead condensation equipment and Yizhu rubbing skills. If you want more help from me, you can practice hard and try to practice a few more beads for yourself. Again, I don't have any appeal to you. Four years later, we will go our separate ways.

Among the civilian freshmen, most of them are still a little cloudy and foggy. Is it so easy to hit Ding Chen? The college didn't even pursue it? Among these students, some smart people have seen Zhou Weiqing's extraordinary. This guy may be a madman, but he is a rational madman. No matter why he did it, at least it's good for everyone. In this case. Who would object to him being the monitor?

However, at this time, a discordant voice suddenly appeared, "If you want to be a monitor, have you got my permission?"

This voice is delicate and beautiful, with a strong charm, and everyone's eyes are almost subconsciously attracted.

Since he came to the auditorium, Zhou Weiqing, who had been engaged in wind and rain, always had a feeling that everything was under his control. However, when he saw the owner of the sound, his face changed and he became ugly.

Standing there, it is difficult to see the traces of yesterday's injury from her gorgeous face. Her face is red, bright, and her eyes are flowing, which is touching. But this is not the reason why Zhou Wei's color changed. The reason why his face became ugly was that at this time, Minghua was wearing a black robe, a black robe symbolizing the identity of a teacher. Looking at him, there was a little more joking in his eyes.

"Oh, why didn't our condenser talk? Aren't you going to be the monitor?"

Zhou Weiqing asked with a wry smile, "It won't be such a coincidence. You happen to be the head teacher of our class."

Minghua said with a soft smile, "I'm sorry, it's such a coincidence that I happen to be in the freshman civilian class. Hello, everyone. My name is Minghua. In the future. I am the head teacher of our civilian class. I hope everyone can learn military knowledge well and strive to become an excellent commander in the future.

When Zhou Weiqing saw Minghua's black teacher's robe, he realized that it was not good, but what he was most worried about still happened. No matter how cunning he is, he never thought that such a young Minghua would be a teacher rather than a student, and he was also a teacher in his own class. Will the life be better in the future? I just beat him up yesterday, and he was almost fatal.

In desperation, Zhou Weiqing could only sit down in dismay, thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

But who knows, Minghua's words turned around and smiled while attracting the attention of most students except Zhou Weiqing: "I saw Zhou Weiqing's performance just now. I think he is right. As a person, you must first have backbone and straighten your backbone. Regardless of whether his other actions just now are correct or not, at least he has done it to make our class more cohesive. Therefore, I think it is not impossible for him to temporarily replace the monitor. Of course, after the school opening ceremony, we will also hold a unified election to show justice.

After listening to her words, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help but be surprised. He wondered why Minghua didn't take the opportunity to suppress himself.

Minghua has gone straight to the front seat and found a seat to sit down. On the other side, when several classes of civilian students in the senior grade saw the appearance of Minghua, they seemed to see ghosts one by one.

Zang Lang's facial muscles twitched again and muttered to himself, "It seems that no nobleman can pull any of these civilian freshmen. With the flowers of the underworld and that perverted boy, I'm afraid the college will be lively in the future.

After the previous farce, the opening ceremony is finally about to begin. Zhou Weiqing suddenly saw that the dean Xiao Shi had stepped on the rostrum, and several people came in from the VIP lounge on the side of the side of the auditorium. With the death of Xiao, there are four in total.

What attracts Zhou Weiqing's attention most is the person sitting in the main seat. This man is slender and wears a black teacher's robe. What's different is that there are gold threads on her teacher's robe as decoration. Her long black hair is curled up and neatly combed behind her head with a gold ring. Her white and stunning face has a faint smile. A little up in the middle of the chest is a palm-sized national emblem of the Philippe Empire and a golden cross shield sword badge. The difference is that in the middle of such a golden badge, there is a dazzling starlight ruby.

Although the distance from the stage to the stage is not close, Zhou Weiqing can clearly feel the invisible grace and luxury. The nobility from the inside out is completely naturally displayed, which he has never seen in anyone. Even among the royal family of the Tiangong Empire, he has never seen anyone who can compare with the woman who looks only 26 or 7 years old in front of him.

In addition to this woman, Xiao died the youngest of the other three. The other two are gray-haired old people. Their black teacher's robes are also decorated with gold edges, but they lack the golden cross shield sword badge, and their majesty can only be the noble foil of the girl.

With the arrival of these people, the whole auditorium suddenly quieted down. Xiao Shi sat on the side of the seat and said in a low voice, "The opening ceremony begins now. Let's welcome the president of Caicai, Vice President Xing Tianyi and Vice President Zeng Xun, who will kick off our new school year."

Suddenly, the applause was thunderous, and I remembered it in an instant. The three deans sitting on the rostrum also got up at the same time and nodded slightly.

Dean? Is that beautiful girl really a dean? Although Zhou Weiqing had vaguely guessed something before, when the facts really appeared in front of him, he still couldn't believe it.

The Royal Military Academy of Philippe actually used such a young beauty as the dean. Although he agrees with this matter, it is obviously a little unreliable! Is there any mystery in this?

While Zhou Weiqing was extremely confused, Kou Rui's voice sounded in his ear, "Big boss, our dean is a great man. I have inquired about it. As the dean of our military academy, she relies on real talent and learning. Don't look at her superficial weakness, but in fact, she is a famous iron lady in the imperial military world, the deputy commander of the imperial army. This is because she is a woman. Moreover, the dean of Caicai is the only sister of His Majesty the Emperor of the Philippe Empire today. She is thirty-five years old this year, but she is still unmarried. It is said that she and General Ming Yu, the imperial god, are a couple, but I don't know why there has been no results for so many years.

After listening to Kou Rui's words, Zhou Weiqing couldn't help laughing. You are really in-a- inquire!"

Kou Rui laughed and said, "When I was studying in the Middle Military Academy, I originally preferred intelligence. War is based on intelligence and reconnaissance, and excellent intelligence is the magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said, "If I can be a general in the future, then you will be my intelligence officer."

They chatted in a low voice below. The opening ceremony has officially begun. In fact, the so-called opening ceremony is the speeches of several college leaders, summarizing the achievements of the college and the outlook for the coming year. After listening to a few words, Zhou Weiqing was already a little drowsy. During the whole school opening ceremony, the only thing he remembered was that the voice of the dean Caicai was very beautiful. However, Shangguan Binger, who sat next to him, listened very seriously. This time, she cherished being admitted to the Philippe Royal Military Academy very much. With the memory of being tied up when she was a battalion commander, it made her extremely eager for military knowledge.

Just when the opening ceremony of the Philippe Royal Military Academy was held here, not far from the college, the Philippe Empire Tuoyin Palace welcomed a special guest.

A woman stood in front of the Tuoyin Palace and silently stared at the tall building in front of her. Although she only stood there, there seemed to be a special atmosphere around her body, which could attract the attention of all the creatures around her. It is a breath that can thaw the spring breeze and make people unable to produce any evil thoughts. It seems that just looking at her is like facing the bright sunshine.

This woman covered her face with a veil, and she couldn't tell how old she was. But she has a unique white hair. It's not the white hair without any luster after being old. Every white hair seems to have life, shining with a shiny luster, as if it were made of white jade. On both sides of her forehead, there is a long dark blue hair, which adds a little more vividness to her original white body.

Her eyes are dark purple, and her eyes are soft but still touching, as if all the brilliance between heaven and earth has been absorbed by her alone. The slender body did not have the smell of fireworks in the world. He walked slowly and stepped on the steps of the Tuoyin Palace.

As soon as she stepped on the steps of the Tuoyin Palace, she was immediately noticed by the golden armor guards, but they all hesitated for a moment before they separated the four people to welcome them. At this moment, they all have a strange feeling in their hearts. It's a joke to check the fate of this white-haired woman. This one must be Tianzhu Master.

Before they could speak, the white-haired woman had revealed her right hand. The slender five fingers were crystal clear, and a faint white halo shone. On her white and slender wrist, six pure ice beads surrounded by ice mist had quietly emerged.

The pupils of the golden armored warriors suddenly contracted, and they said respectfully, "Dear Master Tianzun, please come in."

The white-haired woman just nodded slightly and didn't say anything. It seemed that she just stepped out and walked over the four golden armor guards into the Tuoyin Palace.


Continue to ask for monthly tickets. There have been two updates in the past few days. Don't worry. Yesterday, I discussed with some book friends that at the end of the month or the beginning of next month, there will be an untilled outbreak... Khan, I feel a little guilty now.

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