Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 47 Mysterious White-haired Girl On

It was not until the white-haired woman disappeared that the golden armor guards gradually cleared up.

"Can you tell her age?"

"I can't see it. God's superior! I haven't seen such a powerful Tianzhu Master come to our Tuoyin Palace for rubbing. Why didn't she go directly to the Beast Empire to find the right seal of the heavenly beast?

"God knows. I guess that the will of this superior Tianzun should be a bright attribute. She is as eye-catching as the sun.

After the white-haired woman walked into the Tuoyin Palace, she did not stop at all and walked directly into the door of the space attribute Tuoyin. Every step she stepped out, it seemed that she would naturally float out more than ten meters, as if there was no entity, and in an instant she had come to the place of Tuoyin grading.

When the two Tuoyin Palace imperial bead masters guarding here just stood up to ask her what level of heavenly beast she was, the white-haired woman waved her left hand gently, and a faint white light flashed, and the bodies of the two imperial bead masters had quietly fell on the seat. With a flash of white light, her body had been immersed in it for a short time, but she was imprisoned in the corridor of the only king-level heavenly beast Silver Emperor Heavenly Falcon.

Almost the next moment, she has come to the Silver Emperor Falcon.

It seemed that she felt her breath. The silver emperor baquid, who was in the forced seal, suddenly looked up. When it saw the white-haired woman, it couldn't help screaming. The silver-white feathers all over her body suddenly rose, and the white pupils showed an extremely excited brilliance.

The white-haired woman raised her left hand, and the thick milky white halo flowed out, quietly sweeping the silver Falcon. When the milky light came into contact with the silver emperor's forehead and the black mark on the wings, the silver emperor Falcon suddenly trembled violently.

Suddenly, the milky white light suddenly turned into gold, and the three black marks suddenly melted like ice and snow in the golden light.

The silver emperor saru's whole body was shaken, his wings suddenly opened, and the extremely horrible momentum broke out in an instant. In the harsh sound of metal breaking, the chain on its body had been broken inch by inch. A fierce roar that had suppressed for a long time suddenly sounded sharply from its mouth.

In the face of all this happening in front of her, the white-haired woman did not have any emotional fluctuations in her purple eyes. She flicked the middle finger of her left hand, and a golden light had quietly fell on the forehead of the silver emperor falcan. Suddenly, the body of the Silver Emperor Falcon was shrouded in a thick layer of golden light, and the horrible smell it released also produced a geometric multiple enhancement effect in an instant. The eyes that were still a little weak suddenly became fierce, and there was a golden mark on its forehead.

The white-haired woman finally opened her mouth. Her voice was very soft and pleasant, soft and touching, but there was no mood swing.

"Save you from the sea of suffering. In the future, you will belong to the snow god. Come with me."

The Silver Emperor Heavenly Falcon nodded repeatedly, and the harsh roar suddenly stopped. This powerful king-level heavenly beast, which was originally full of anger, had become extremely obedient. As soon as its wings were spread, it had fallen on the shoulders of the white-haired woman. In the faint white light, the white-haired woman had already floated up and turned into a thick white light and went out of the Tuoyin Palace.

At the moment when the Silver Emperor Heavenly Falcon roared fiercely, the whole Tuoyin Palace was shaken, and more than a dozen extremely powerful breaths suddenly burst out, all coming this way.

When they arrived, they happened to see a mass of white light flying out of the Tuoyin Palace. Suddenly, more than a dozen powerful owners quickly surrounded in extreme anger.

A long roar full of violence sounded, the silver light flashed, and the harsh tearing sound seemed to devour the whole Tuoyin Palace. In the shining light, it was already dark around. The next moment, the silver light and the white light were released at the same time. When the darkness that blocked all attacks quietly disappeared. The original white and silver figures have disappeared.

When a group of strong people in the Tuoyin Palace came to the stone room where the Silver Emperor Falcon was imprisoned before, they saw a line of beautiful golden words left on the wall.

"Can king-level heavenly beasts be enslaved? It has returned to the embrace of the Snow God Mountain, and if it is coveted again, it will be destroyed.

After reading these words, all the strong men of Tuoyin Palace couldn't help shivering and said with one voice, "Snow-God-Mountain-."

Philippe Royal Military Academy.

"Little fat, wake up. The opening ceremony is over. Shangguan Binger gently pushed Zhou Weiqing beside him.

"Ah? Is it over? Well, the teachers' speeches are so deafening. Zhou Weiqing said it before he opened his eyes. The students around him who saw this guy sleeping drooling twitched in their hearts.

Zhou Weiqing opened his eyes and saw that several college leaders on the rostrum had disappeared, and the students also stood up and left one after another.

"Are you deaf and deaf?" The joking voice of Minghua came to Zhou Weiqing's ears, which made him completely sober up. "The civilian class one belongs, come back to the classroom with me."

With the order of Minghua, a group of students followed her out of the auditorium.

Minghua looked at Zhou Weiqing intentionally or unintentionally. The two looked at each other. Zhou Weiqing's eyebrows moved, while Minghua had a touching smile. It was not clear that they had just experienced a big war yesterday.

The classroom of Class 1 is also on the first floor of the main teaching building, and it is not far from the auditorium.

There are 40 seats in the classroom, but it is more than enough for the 29 students to sit. The two in the class are Ma Qun and Zhou Weiqing, who are tall and naturally sit in the back. Originally, Zhou Weiqing wanted Shangguan Binger to sit with him, but Shangguan Binger didn't agree with what he said. The reason was very simple. If you sat with you, you would inevitably do something. Can you study hard?

Minghua stood on the podium above. At this time, the smile on her face was restrained, but she looked like a teacher. However, she was so seductive that the male student looked at her without any simple eyes. For the first time, they felt that it was actually a kind of happiness in the civilian class. At least those noble classes may not have beautiful women at the level of Minghua as teachers.

Minghua said, "Hin everyone, my name is Minghua. I will be your head teacher in the next four years. I don't want to say anything else. In terms of talent, the civilian students in our class are much better than those noble students. In any assessment of the college in the future, we naturally have only one goal, that is, the first. The course will start tomorrow. This is the schedule. Let's distribute it. As soon as she turned over her wrist, a pile of paper had already appeared in her hands. Obviously, she was also a space treasure such as a storage necklace. The schedule was handed over to the students in the front row and distributed.

Zhou Weiqing sat in the back. Naturally, he finally received the schedule. When he took it in his hand, he couldn't help but have a headache. The main courses were mainland history class, mainland geography class, intelligence class, war case analysis class, tactical class, personal military literacy class, sand table use class, and war model There are more than ten kinds of courses and so on. There are two classes in the morning and afternoon every day. It didn't end until almost evening in the afternoon. There is only one day off a week. The curriculum can be said to be quite tight. For Zhou Weiqing, who has never been to a junior military academy, his eyes are completely dark.

Minghua saw that the course schedule had been sent out and continued: "Don't be late for class or leave early. There will be a test of academic performance every month, and there will be an assessment at the end of the year. Those who cannot pass the year-end assessment will be directly dropped out of school. In the afternoon, you can go to the Academic Affairs Office to collect your textbooks. If you have any questions in the future, you can come and ask me. I mainly teach three courses: intelligence, war case analysis, and personal military literacy.

As soon as Ma Qun, who was sitting next to Zhou Weiqing heard this, he immediately said excitedly, "Teacher, can I have a practical competition with you in the personal military literacy course? If there is any physical contact or something, the teacher won't blame us.

Minghua smiled, and there was obviously a little evil in her smile. "Of course not. However, if you compete with me, I won't show mercy. Your name is Ma Qun, right? I heard that you are a pure defensive Tianzhu master.

The horse group immediately straightened up, "Yes, teacher. My heavenly power has been cultivated to the seventh level of heaven's energy, and I'm about to advance to the realm of two beads.

Minghua nodded and said, "Very good. There will be a personal military literacy class tomorrow. I don't mind having a practical competition with you.

Ma Qun was overjoyed. Although Minghua is a teacher, this is a military academy. He doesn't think that Minghua, a delicate beauty, will be much stronger than him. Even if she is stronger, it doesn't matter. He is very confident in his defense. It's also a pleasure to be beaten by this beautiful teacher a few times If you accidentally touch it, oh, no, if you meet the teacher, you will make a lot of money.

Zhou Weiqing looked at Ma Qun with some pity. Of course, he would not remind him. To compete with Minghua, I'm afraid this boy will have a lot of enlightenment.

Minghua's eyes shifted from Ma Qun to Zhou Weiqing. "Just now, when I was in the college auditorium, Zhou Weiqing said that he would be the monitor of our class and provide all the students in our class with the funds and condensation scrolls needed for rubbing. I'm very happy to have such a selfless student in our class. Do you have any comments on Zhou Weiqing's position as monitor?

There is no doubt that the full vote passed. Zhou Weiqing looked at Minghua and couldn't help showing some pride.

At this time, Minghua did not show her personality when she fought with Zhou Weiqing yesterday, just like a normal teacher. "In this case, Zhou Weiqing will be the monitor of our class from now on. Kou Rui, I have read your entrance examination paper. In the analysis of war cases, your way of fighting to collect intelligence and harass multiple parties is very innovative. I believe you must have some achievements in this area. It's up to you to collect the rubbing and condensation information that the whole class needs, and then give it to the monitor.


Hey hey, guess who the white-haired girl is. It's almost the end of the month. Please check your monthly ticket warehouse to see if there is any fish missing the net. If you don't vote, it will be wasted. If there is, throw it over. Thank you very much.

Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets.