Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 66 The fat cat wants to be promoted! Up

Because it is too rare to have the eyes of a variable stone or a stone cat, except for Lin Tianzhuo and Shangguan Binger, who know the truth, there is not too much doubt. Just think that the thunder attribute skill and the dark attribute skill are attached to Zhou Weiqing's long bow.

Some condensing scrolls made by master-level condensers are likely to have this ability, sacrificing inlay holes and branding a skill on the scroll. As a result, the condensation weapon itself has a strong power. But this skill will also consume a lot of natural power, and at the same time, it is immutable. It is far less flexible than inlaying beads. Of course, if the branding skills are powerful, it is another matter.

Zhou Weiqing's eight-person Feili team, led by captain Lin Tian, left Feili City, crossed Feili Lake by boat, and went straight to the east.

After Lin Tianshi's story, Zhou Weiqing and other talents had some intuitive understanding of the Tianzhu Competition. The Tianzhu Competition is held in Zhongtian City, the capital of the Zhongtian Empire.

The vast continent is extremely vast. There are dozens of countries on the mainland, and the strength of the country is also divided into six or nine, of which the two most powerful are the Zhongtian Empire and the Beast Empire.

The Beast Empire occupies the northern border of the whole continent, about nearly a quarter of the whole continent, while the Zhongtian Empire occupies the vast land in the center of the mainland, and most of them are the most suitable plains for cultivation, and the total area is larger than that of the Beast Empire. These two empires occupy almost four-sevenths of the whole continent. Even the Philippe Empire and the Patron Empire located in the west of the mainland add up, they are less than half the size of any of the two empires.

There are five second-class countries like the Philippe Empire on the vast continent. In addition to the Philippe Empire and the Patron Empire, there are also the Denton Empire in the south of the mainland, the Blancpain Empire and the Griffino Empire in the east of the mainland. These five second-class countries, together with Wanshou and Zhongtian, account for more than 90% of the whole continent. The other two or more small countries account for the remaining 10%. The Tiangong Empire where Zhou Weiqing is located is one of these small countries.

Therefore, the most important competition in the Tianzhu Competition is among the seven empires in the first two levels. Although there are occasional strong people in other small countries, it is difficult to shake the status of the seven empires.

In the last Tianzhu Competition, the performance of the Philippe Empire team was quite good, and finally won the fifth place, almost entering the top four positions. But discerning people can see that it is too difficult to advance to the top four. Among the five students sent by Philippe Tianzhu College this time, only Lin Tianshu participated in the competition three years ago.

After passing the Philippe Lake, Lin Tian made money and bought eight good horses, and everyone rode. According to Lin Tiancheng's plan, the earlier you arrive at Zhongtian City, the better. One is to be able to wait for work before the game. On the other, it is also possible to arrange tactics in advance when you arrive at Zhongtian City early.

Of the eight people, Zhou Weiqing, Shangguan Binger and the crow have never ridden a horse. In the past, when I was in the Skybow Camp, I used to take the luxury carriage when I went out on a mission. The first time they rode a horse, both of them felt very fresh. After all, they were Tianzhushi, and their physical ability was much better than that of ordinary people. Under the guidance of Lin Tianshi and others, they quickly mastered the secret of horse riding.

The only thing that is a little depressed is the crow. It took five days from leaving Philippe to entering the territory of the Zhongtian Empire, and she actually changed six horses, and on average, each horse can hold on for less than a day. The reason is very simple, because the weight of this "big beauty" is a little too strong. The tall horse was ridden by her all day, and she was about to foam at the mouth.

"Sister Raven, you are too tough. It's time to change horses again." Zhou Weiqing looked speechlessly at the crow stepping down the tall horse with white foam splashing in his gasping breath.

The crow snorted, "Isn't it just a little heavy? These little pony are really not strong.

Zhou Weiqing said curiously, "Although you are taller than me and the captain, you should not be much heavier than us. Why is the effect of riding a horse so obvious?

The crow glanced at him and said, "How much do you weigh?"

Zhou Weiqing thought for a moment and said, "It's less than 200 catties." He is 1.9 meters tall and weighs less than 200 pounds, which is very well-proportioned and strong. Among ordinary people, he can already be regarded as a big man.

The crow looked at Lin Tianshi again, "Captain, what about you?"

Lin Tian is strong and stronger than Zhou Weiqing. "I'm about 230 catties."

The crow smiled and said, "You two add up, not as heavy as me."

"Ah?" Everyone couldn't help but be shocked. Zhou Weiqing and Lin Tianwei added up, but they weighed more than 400 catties. Although the crow was tall, it didn't look like 400 catties!

The crow said proudly, "It's okay to tell you this secret. I'm a Ujin ethnic minority in the northern border of our Philippe Empire. Born with heavy bones, it is also a natural divine power. My weight is about 600 catties.

"I x." In addition to Shangguan Binger and the calm Lin Tianshi, several other people couldn't help swearing at the same time.

600 catties? Is this still a human?

Zui Bao muttered, "No wonder your strength is so terrible. It turns out that you are a Ujin. The Ujin people, that's the place known as the people of mad war! At its peak, there were more than 100,000 Ugin people, of which the 5,000 Wujin Tomahawk Legion, composed of young and middle-aged people, was invincible. It is as famous as the Barbarian Wolf Tooth Legion of the Beast Empire. He is the most powerful infantry soldier. But later, I didn't know why the number of Wujin people became smaller and smaller, and they gradually became powerful. But even so, once the Ujin people join the army, they will at least be awarded the position of squadron leader. On the battlefield, the Ujin people are like horrible chariots.

Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Binger were very curious, while the others were all born in the Philippe Empire. They knew a little about the Ujin people and nodded repeatedly.

Xiao Si said, "However, as far as I know, the warriors of the Ujin clan have only appeared at most body beads. I have never heard of the appearance of Tianzhushi in the Ujin people. Crow, you are the Master of Tianzhu!"

The crow's look suddenly became gloomy. "We Wujin are born with divine power, which can be said to be infinite power. Adult Ugin people, both men and women, weigh at least 500 pounds. And it has a strong defensive Wujin skin. On the battlefield, even our ordinary Wujin Axe warriors can defeat the ordinary royal pearl master. However, the breeding ability of our Ujin people has gradually developed problems. I don't know why, one day, we Ujin people can no longer have offspring when we unite with each other. In desperation, we can only marry ordinary people. But as you know, our weight is too amazing, even in the mother's body. Therefore, men in our clan cannot marry foreign countries, otherwise ordinary women will be directly crushed by the fetus and die when they are pregnant. Only we women have the possibility of marriage. However, you can also see what I look like. In the Wujin ethnic group, I am still the most beautiful woman. And among my other female people, the shortest one is also two meters tall. Who do you ordinary people want us? This is what makes our Ujin people more and more in decline. I came to Philippe City to be admitted to Tianzhu College this time, in fact, to find my fiance. My fiance, an asshole, ran away from home after seeing me. It is said that he came to Philippe City. I haven't found him yet.

"I am also a product of marriage. My mother is the contemporary Ugin patriarch, and my father is a barbarian chief of the Beast Empire. At that time, my father was in trouble until he was saved by his mother, and then they combined to get me. It is also because I am no longer a pure Ujin people that I have Tianzhu.

After listening to the crow's story, everyone couldn't help but feel a little heavy. This is a racial sadness!

Zhou Weiqing apologized and said, "I'm sorry, crow. I didn't know you were gifted and weighed so special."

The crow shook his head and said, "Nothing. Who made me so weird? By the way, Brother Zhou, your figure is also quite good, and the body beads are also powerful. Why don't you go to our Ugin people? You don't need to marry a wife, just leave some seeds for us.

Zhou Weiqing's body tilted and almost fell off the horse. He looked at the crow with a frightened face, "No! Sister, please let me go. How can I hold the weight of 600 catties with my small body!"

The crow looked at Zhou Weiqing's charming smile and said, "You can go up there."

At this time, except for Shangguan Bing'er's blush, everyone else couldn't help laughing. It is rare for Zhou Weiqing to suffer.

At this time, the eight of them rode their horses on the official road of the Zhongtian Empire. Although Zhou Weiqing, the first country on the mainland, does not have a comprehensive understanding, many things can be seen from this extremely broad officialdom.

Not to mention the heavenly bow, even if it is the official road of the Philippe Empire, the average width of 20 meters is quite good, but the official road of the Zhongtian Empire is at least 30 meters. The road is very wide, and there are neatly planted trees on both sides. This magnificent atmosphere is already very powerful.

Philippe City is located in the north of the central part of the Philippe Empire, and the Zhongtian City is also located in the north-central part of the Zhongtian Empire. The eastern border of the Philippe Empire borders the western border of the Zhongtian Empire, so the straight-line distance from Philippe to Zhongtian City is not too far. In the case of riding at full speed, it will take about ten days to arrive. By this time, they had walked nearly half the way.


Today's second update. Yesterday's YY activity was quite successful, and more than 2,000 book friends actually participated. This is a great honor for me. Then I sang a few sentences of tragedy, not only out of tune, but also forgot the words... This is so sad.

Our monthly ticket was caught up, and many book friends asked me to open a single ticket today. I'd better open the single chapter as little as possible, and it didn't break out. I'm embarrassed to open the single chapter.

Tomorrow, tomorrow's small explosion third update, release it in the morning, and then open a single chapter.

Brothers and sisters who have monthly tickets, please support our Tianzhu. I really don't want to lag behind!