Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 66 The fat cat wants to be promoted! Medium

Just as Zhou Weiqing was seen by the crow, suddenly, he felt a trembling in his arms. Then, a low whine sound sounded, and the little white tiger fat cat leaped out of Zhou Weiqing's arms.

The fat cat is brought by Zhou Weiqing every day, and everyone has naturally seen it. In their eyes, although the fat cat is strange, after all, it is still small. No matter how you look at it, it is a young beast, so it doesn't care much.

As soon as the fat cat appeared, Zhou Weiqing found something wrong, because after jumping out, it fell directly on the horse's neck. The crystal clear hair of his whole body suddenly rose, and his body was also trembling violently. It seems to be suffering from some great pain. In particular, the dark blue lines on its body are more like living, shining with a strange brilliance.

Seeing the halo fluctuation of the dark blue pattern, Zhou Weiqing immediately thought of the scene of the tiger skin magic pattern on his body when the demon changed. However, the smell of the little white tiger fat cat was different from his demon when he changed. There was no evil smell, but a faint fragrance from it. Release it. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing could clearly hear a series of crackling sounds from the bones on its body.

"Roar--" A low roar sounded from the little fat cat's throat.

In the roar of the fat cat, the eight horses under Zhou Weiqing and others were all soft and collapsed to the ground. They didn't even make a sad cry, and white foam mixed with red and yellow blood had flowed out of their mouths.

Everyone was very good at it. Although they were shocked, they still jumped off the horse in time. For a moment, they were surprised and inexplicably. I don't know what's going on.

Zhou Weiqing hugged the fat cat in his arms, and his face was full of anxiety and concern. Although he usually teased the fat cat, the fat cat has been with him for more than two years, which can be said to be inseparable, and has saved him many times. Zhou Weiqing has already seen it as important as his relatives. At this time, the fat cat suddenly had such a change. How could he not be in a hurry?

As soon as Zhou Weiqing hugged it, he immediately found that the fat cat's eyes were closed at this time, and his body trembled very much. Although there was no energy emitted from its body surface, Zhou Weiqing could clearly feel that the fat cat's body contained extremely huge energy fluctuations after touching its body.

"Fat cat, fat cat, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me." Zhou Weiqing called eagerly.

Lin Tian's calm voice sounded, "Look at it, it looks like it's going to be promoted. Wei Qing, you are really a heavenly beast. It looks like a quite powerful beast. A roar can scare eight horses to death at the same time, which shows how powerful it will be when it grows up.

Zhou Weiqing looked at him for help, "So what should I do now?"

Lin Tian frowned slightly and said, "The heavenly beasts can only rely on their own strength. We human beings can't help. However, generally, when heavenly beasts are promoted, they will emit a special breath. At this time, because they are the weakest, they often cause the coveted of other heavenly beasts. Therefore, it will be guarded by the clan. Even we human beings can feel the breath of the heavenly beast when it ascends through some special items. It is not protected by the people now, so let's do it. Fortunately, although there are forests on both sides of the road, I haven't heard of any powerful heavenly beasts near the official road of the Zhongtian Empire. Let's go into the woods and find a suitable place for defense. This little guy's promotion should not take too long, and three days at most is enough.

Zhou Weiqing smiled bitterly and said, "I'm really sorry to waste everyone's time."

Zui Bao laughed and said, "It's okay. Time is still very rich. Moreover, if you little white tiger can have some combat effectiveness, maybe it will be useful in the Tianzhu Competition.

Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, "Can Tians and Beasts still participate in the Tianzhu Competition?"

Zui Bao said, "Have you never heard that there is a profession called Beast Control in the Beast Empire? Their own strength is not strong, but they can control the heavenly beasts to fight. Therefore, in the Tianzhu Competition, the Heavenly Beast is allowed to fight. However, after using the heavenly beast, I can't use any condensation and rubbing ability. Moreover, the number of heavenly beasts is limited to one. Those contestants of the Beast Empire can often easily enter the top four with the help of heavenly beasts. This is also the reason why the Beast Empire itself is powerful.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing didn't care much about controlling the beast, and the fat cat's body trembled more and more fiercely. The horses were dead, and there was no need to care about it. Everyone quickly entered the woods next to the official road. Soon, under the leadership of Lin Tianxuan, they found the location of a small hill in the woods.

"Crow, make a hole and let Wei Qing protect the little guy in it. We can be much easier just by guarding the hole. Lin Tian said to the crow.

As a captain, he is not only the strongest, but also deeply trusted by the partners of Tianzhu College. Even Ye Paopao, a person who is extremely proud in his heart, can't help but be impressed by his calmness and depth after spending the past few days with Lin Tian. Ye Pao once said to Zhou Weiqing in private that Lin Tianwei is absolutely strong no matter what he does. If he is on the battlefield, he will be an excellent commander. Unfortunately, he didn't study military. When listening to Ye Paopao praise Lin Tian, Zhou Weiqing gave him a silly smile.

The crow nodded, motioned everyone out of the way, and then watched her hands stretch out, two black lights flashed, and there was already an axe in each of her hands.

Seeing the crow's pair of board axes, Zhou Weiqing almost stared out his eyes. He finally understood what a board axe is, a tomahawk as huge as a door panel...

The crow's two axes are all black, emitting a strong cold atmosphere on it. The axe is six feet long, and the huge axe surface is more exaggerated than his Gemini Hercules hammer. The end of the axe handle is pointed cone-shaped, as thick as ordinary people's arms, that is, the crow's big hand can The axe is engraved with some strange totem patterns, which show a dark golden brilliance. When the pair of huge axes appeared in the hands of the crow, it was like a dark cloud covering the moon. With her figure, how tough it was.

"This, is this condensing equipment?" Ye Paopao asked with some stutter.

The crow smiled and said, "No, it's ancestral. Our pair of axes are called Wujin Tushen Axe. The left-hand axe weighs 612 catties, and the right-hand axe weighs 781 catties, a total of 1,393 catties. It is an artifact of the town, and it can't be used by non-Ujin people.

Ye Paopao, Zhou Weiqing and Shangguan Bing'er looked at each other in consterance. They finally understood why the crow could participate in this competition with three beads. Although the pair of giant axes in her hand are not condensation equipment, it is much tougher than ordinary condensation equipment. That's more than 1,000 catties!

Only the crow shouted loudly. On her right wrist, three pure-power ice jade beads had lit up. The super tomahawk, which added up more than a thousand catties, was like two straws in her hand, and her whole body danced like a whirlwind. The whole person was surrounded by a dark golden brilliance, and in the loud noise, he had already bumped into the hill bag.

When the crow waving the black gold butcher's axe collided with the hill bag, everyone clearly felt the violent trembling under their feet and the hill bag. Then, the rumbling sound sounded violently. The crow's whole body was cut into the mountain bag like a road machine.

Zhou Weiqing only felt a convulsion in his stomach. He had always thought that he should have no rivals in the three-bead level. Now looking at the crow's ability, he suddenly felt that he seemed to be invincible at the same level, which was not so reliable. If he really wants to fight against the crow, he is really not sure. Perhaps, it is possible to win after stimulating the evil changes.

"Her ability is just right for me." Lin Tian's voice sounded in Zhou Weiqing's ears.

Zhou Weiqing turned his head and looked at him in surprise. Lin Tianwei smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth. "No one who has resisted head-on will not understand how horrible her pair of black gold butcher axes are. The reason why she convinced me was that I could stop her attack. However, don't forget that she only has three beads of cultivation. If she reaches the same level as me, I may not be able to stop her attack. This girl is extremely tough. During the selection of the participants, no student in the college is willing to compete with her except me. She was the first to qualify. I can't tell how strong her ultimate strength is. However, the Ujin people are already born super warriors, and the crows are known as the best genius of the Ujin people for thousands of years. Just imagine it."

Zhou Weiqing swallowed a mouthful of saliva and muttered, "If she gets to the battlefield, she will be a meat grinder!"

At this moment, the rumbling sound had stopped. With a flash of her body, the crow had drilled out, and a cave two or five meters high and three meters wide had been cut out by her on the hill. Moreover, what's more frightening is that she didn't even have a little dirt on her body. Her face was not red and breathless, as if nothing had been done.

"Sister, I'm convinced of you." Zhou Weiqing stretched out his thumb at the crow, and then immediately dodged in with the little fat cat in his arms and entered the cave that had been cut out.

The power of the crow is so strong that in a short time, she actually cut out a cave more than ten meters deep.


Without saying anything, it broke out today. Now the distance between 3, 4 and 5 of the monthly ticket list is so close. Let's make a breakthrough. Ask for a monthly ticket. Directly update three chapters, and then open a single chapter. Come on. The first update.