Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 111 Dark Solidification Desperate Seal

Standing outside the circle and looking at Zhou Weiqing, Minghua was a little dazed. After a few months of not seeing him, Zhou Weiqing seemed to be a little higher. Compared with before, his face was a little less smiling, but his eyes were a little more melancholy. He is still the same as before, but for a woman like Minghua, who is already like a mature peach, Zhou Weiqing is more attractive than before.

"Is everyone all right?" Zhou Weiqing hugged Kou Rui's shoulder and felt the enthusiasm of his classmates. There was finally a smile on his face. At least, the efforts he had made were not in vain. After a few months, the classmates did not forget his existence.

Kou Rui laughed and said, "Big, we are so good. Now our civilian class is walking across the whole college, and those senior nobles dare not offend us. We are a whole. If anyone dares to touch the hair of our brothers and sisters, we will do it together and beat him. This is what you taught us. Unity is strength.

Yan Zhexi also squeezed in front of Zhou Weiqing, "Stramp, you're finally back. Everyone has lived up to your hopes. Now, there are 29 students in our class. In addition to you and your sister-in-law, the remaining 27 people, whether they are Tianzhu Master, Body Pearl Master or Italian Pearl Master, have all of their cultivations to more than the level of two beads. Among them, 11 of them have at least one condensation equipment. The three Italian pearl masters have printed a skill. The scrolls and gold coins you left have not been spent yet. I will return them to you later.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Weiqing said, "Well, everyone will go back to the classroom and wait for me first. I just came back and I'm going to meet the dean of Caicai. I have something to say to you later."

Kou Rui smiled and said, "Okay, no problem. We'll all wait for you back to go back to class, even if we want to go to the toilet."

Yan Zhexi shouted, "The first class of the common people has all of them. Turn back and go back to work."

The neat upright sound sounded. Under the leadership of Yan Zhexi and Kou Rui, everyone went back to the civilian class, but Zhou Weiqing clearly saw that every student in the civilian class had a burning brilliance in his eyes.

No one has forgotten me, but unfortunately, I have to leave.

Zhou Weiqing sighed in his heart. He believed that if he was given another two years, he would be able to make these civilian students completely return to the Tiangong Empire with him. With such a team, it is not too difficult for the Tiangong Empire to become strong in the future. Unfortunately, everything came too suddenly.

Putting aside his thoughts, Zhou Weiqing happened to see Minghua. Minghua nodded to him, "You're back. I've heard that you are brilliant in the Tianzhu Competition this time.

Zhou Wei smiled lightly and said, "Let's talk about it later. I'll see the dean first." After saying that, he picked up Doudou and walked straight upstairs.

Looking at his leaving figure, Minghua woke up. It seemed that I was the teacher, but his tone just now was like telling a little maid. This guy seems to be more arrogant than before.

When he came to the door of Caicai's office, Zhou Weiqing raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Come in." The sound of color picking is still the kind of noble and a little lazy smell, which sounds very comfortable, but it gives people a feeling of looking up.

Zhou Weiqing pushed the door with Doudou and walked in.

Cai Cai was looking at something in front of her big desk, frowning slightly, as if she was thinking about something. She is still so beautiful, still so noble and elegant, as if she will never be stained with the secular atmosphere.

"What's the matter?" Cai Cai asked without raising his head.

"Dean Caicai, I'm back." Zhou Weiqing said.

"Huh?" Cai Cai subconsciously raised her head. When she saw that Zhou Weiqing appeared in front of her, she suddenly showed a trace of surprise.

"You're finally back. Do you know that recently, the entire royal family of the Philippe Empire has been in turmoil because of you? Looking at him, Cai Cai's face showed an indescribable complex look.

"I'm turbulent because of me?" Zhou Weiqing was stunned for a moment, "Where does this start?"

Cai Cai sighed, came out from behind the desk, pointed to the sofa next to him, and motioned Zhou Weiqing to sit down.

Doudou's eyes standing next to Zhou Weiqing stared at Caicai for a moment. Seeing her coming out from behind the desk, he immediately praised, "Sister, you are so beautiful"

Cai Cai laughed and said, "Sister? Wei Qing, you haven't introduced it to me yet. Who is this one?

Zhou Weiqing said, "This is my friend Doudou, who came back with me. Dean Caicai, how's it going on with the Tiangong Empire? He almost couldn't wait to ask the question he wanted to know most.

When asked this question, Zhou Weiqing's heart was actually trembling. At the beginning, Shangguan Xueer told him that the last situation was that Tiangong City was besieged. So far, so many days have passed. What should have happened must have happened. Although he had expected a lot of things in his heart, he still had some hope in his heart before it was confirmed.

Cai Cai watched Zhou Weiqing and was silent.

Looking at her eyes, Zhou Weiqing's heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He knew that the worst had happened.

Cai Cai sighed and said, "Your father and the emperor of the Tiangong Empire had a chance to escape. If they broke through the siege at the first time, the siege of the Baida Empire and the Crecy Empire had not been completely completed. However, they did not choose to break through, but coexist with Tiangong City.

Zhou Weiqing only felt dark in front of his eyes, and he sat on the sofa with his teeth gurgling. Hold your fists tightly.

Cai Cai said, "Wei Qing, listen to me and finish your words. Things didn't go to the worst.

"Huh?" Hearing what she said, Zhou Weiqing immediately widened his eyes.

Cai Cai said, "The Tiangong City has been captured, and the Tiangong Empire has been completely fallen, but your father and the emperor of the Tiangong Empire are still alive, at least they are still alive for the time being."

"Are you telling the truth? Are they captured?"? Zhou Weiqing was overjoyed. Looking at Caicai, his eyes became extremely eager.

Cai Cai shook his head and said, "No, they were not captured. With your father's rather broken character, how can he be captured? When the palace was about to be captured, your father used his life to launch the most powerful skill he had, the dark sacrifice skill. Perhaps because of the pressure from the outside world, at that moment, Marshal Zhou buffalo broke through to the realm of Jiuzhu. It really made him complete the most difficult of the dark sacrifice skills, the desperate seal of dark solidification.

The desperate seal of dark solidification? A big question mark suddenly appeared in Zhou Weiqing's heart, because he had never heard of the existence of this skill.

Cai Cai explained: "The so-called death seal of dark solidification is the highest-end existence of dark sacrifice skills. Even if it is performed by the heavenly king-level strong, it may not be able to succeed. With your father's cultivation, the probability of success at that time was only 20% at most. Maybe it was God's blessing, or maybe it was caused by your father's obsession in his heart that he really succeeded.

"With the desperate seal of dark solidification, your father has formed an absolute seal within 100 meters in diameter of the main body of the palace of the Heavenly Bow Empire. The effect of this seal is absolutely true. Within 100 meters in diameter, everything will solidify, including time, space, and even life. And it lasts for ten years.

"Once this seal is successful, there are only two ways to break it. The first is to forcibly break the seal with ten times the power of the user. In that case, everything in it will be gone and gone. Another way is to wait. Ten years later, the seal will be lifted by itself. At that time, all the creatures in the seal before will be in an absolutely weak state, and they must have the recovery skills of sacred attributes to help them restore their vitality. That is to say, with this skill, your father left the last hope and dignity for the Tiangong Empire. I express my sincere admiration for your father.

After listening to Cai Cai's words, the hope in Zhou Weiqing's heart also burned. At least his father and godfather were not dead yet. His father was there, and his mother must be in the seal. No matter what, they are still alive. And my father also bought ten years for himself.

Ten years, ten years, it sounds very long, but for Zhou Weiqing, it is very short. In ten years, he must have enough strength to counterattack the Tiangong City and re-occupy it, and have the help of Tianzhushi with sacred attributes to save his father and godfather.

"Dean Caicai, is there anyone in the Baida Empire who can destroy this seal?" Zhou Weiqing asked nervously.

Cai Cai shook his head and said, "No. At that time, your father's cultivation had been promoted to nine beads. If he wanted to have ten times his strength, he had to at least reach the peak of the Heavenly King level, or even the Heavenly Emperor level. Moreover, when breaking this seal, the breaker will have to bear a huge counterattack. Not to mention that there is no such master in the Baida Empire, even if there is, it will never take action easily. For the Baida Empire, it is not a big deal that there are 100 meters in diameter in the palace of the Tiansong Empire that is not ruled by it. Anyway, you only need to wait for ten years, and your father will die. Why do they have to invite masters to take risks?

Hearing what she said, Zhou Weiqing was greatly relieved. Looking at Caicai, his eyes reappeared the same brilliance as before. "Thank you, Dean Caicai. This is the best news I've got in recent days."

Cai Cai shook his head and said, "You don't have to thank me. I'm afraid you will hate me later. I'm sorry, Wei Qing, although I'm the princess of the Philippe Empire, I can't help you.


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