Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 111 Under the Desperate Seal of Dark Solidification

Zhou Weiqing's eyes condensed. Hearing that his father and godfather were not dead, his mood was suddenly enlightened, and his mind became flexible. He said in a low voice, "As you said just now, I caused the turmoil of the royal family of the Philippe Empire. Now you can tell me."

Cai Cai nodded and said, "Not long ago, Ye Pao took the lead in rushing back to convey your performance in the Tianzhu Competition. There is no doubt that you who defeated the Baida Empire, defeated the Danton Empire, and won the final championship of the Tianzhu Competition are already imperial heroes. No one has ever had such a glory. Your Majesty is so happy that he will immediately grant you the title and give you the highest glory. You brought back the Tianzhu Order and won such honor for the empire. It can be said that your achievements are unprecedented. If you don't exist in the Philippe team this time, the result will be the same. However, because the Tiangong Empire was suddenly destroyed, it caused great trouble.

"You are the son of Marshal Zhou Buffalo of Tiangong Empire, and you have shown amazing talent in this Tianzhu Competition. If our Philippe Empire will give you a huge reward again, then your appeal will definitely reach a rather terrible level. After the destruction of the Tiangong Empire, our country has decided to defend its own territory and not to fight against the Baida Empire. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhou Weiqing's eyes gradually became cold, and he nodded slowly, "That is to say, the royal family of the Philippe Empire is afraid that I will enter the military after graduating from the college for revenge, which will have a negative impact on the Philippe Empire in the future, right?"

Cai Cai smiled bitterly and nod his head and said, "This is probably the case. For this matter, there was a great debate within the royal family. Some of them think that you have made such a great contribution to the empire, and the reward must be given to you. Others believe that if you continue to study in the college and learn more knowledge, so as to join our Philippe Empire, it will definitely bring future troubles. After all, you are not from our Philippe Empire.

Zhou Wei smiled lightly. He didn't care about this anymore. When he learned that his father was still alive, his mood had become cheerful again.

"It doesn't matter, Dean Caicai, please tell me the result. I can accept it."

Caicai said: "There are two final results. First, you officially announced your departure from the Tiangong Empire and the accession of the Philippe Empire. In this way, all the rewards will not be less, but you must leave the college and can't join the army in the future. If you graduate from our college and join the army, generally speaking, it is at least a squadron leader-level position. And the speed of promotion is the fastest. The second situation is that if you don't become a Chinese citizen, you will be rewarded with one million gold coins, and you will also be asked to leave the college.

Zhou Wei smiled lightly and said, "I'm only 17 years old this year. As for making the Philippe Empire so nervous? Allies, this is the ally of our Tiangong Empire.

Cai Cai lowered his head with some shame, "I'm sorry, Wei Qing. The empire also has the hardships of the empire. The offensive on the side of the Beast Empire is getting more and more fierce. We have no extra troops to counterattack the side of the Baida Empire. We can only hold on it. It is precisely because they are interested in this that they suddenly launched an offensive against your Tiansong Empire. In the Tianzhu Competition, you have created too many miracles, but you have also offended the Blood Red Prison. So..."

Zhou Weiqing stood up and said, "Dean, I see. You don't need to say anything more. I will leave the college. I will leave as soon as I say goodbye to my classmates. I will never give up my nationality, even if my country no longer exists. As for the million gold coins, it is not necessary. However, please tell the royal family of the Philippe Empire for me that from now on, our Tiansong Empire and the Philippe Empire are no longer allies.

After saying this, he pulled up and sat there as Doudou, who seemed to listen to the book of heaven, and turned around and walked out of the colorful office.

Cai Cai looked at Zhou Weiqing's back and couldn't help sighing. She didn't tell Zhou Weiqing. In fact, this was the best result she had won. Within the Philippe Empire, there was even a suggestion to ban Zhou Weiqing, or even kill him to eliminate future trouble.

Zhou Weiqing asked herself that she couldn't see through it. She didn't know how far he could go in the future. However, she was just a woman. Many of the decisions of the Philippe Empire were that she could do nothing. She could only see that such a talent with an unlimited future was abandoned by the empire for personal interests.

Abandon Zhou Weiqing. At present, there are quite a lot of benefits for the Philippe Empire. First of all, most of the hatred from the blood red prison can be resolved. Secondly, there is no need to worry about Zhou Weiqing's future impact on the Philippe Empire itself because of the rapid increase of the influence of the Philippe Empire. If Zhou Weiqing is just an ordinary Tianzhu master, maybe the Philippe Empire will not care, but he is not ordinary. As the only son of the marshal of the Tiangong Empire, there is no doubt that he will embark on the road of revenge.

What Zhou Weiqing didn't know was that the reason why the Philippe Empire decided to do so to him, Ye Paopao's father and the prime minister of the empire, played a considerable role. Because Ye Paopao has always followed Zhou Weiqing. He knows a lot about what Zhou Weiqing has done. It is he who gave Zhou Weiqing's threatening explanation to his father.

Yes, Ye Paopao admired Zhou Weiqing, but in the face of the interests of the country, coupled with his jealousy of Zhou Weiqing, he finally chose Zhou Weiqing's threat theory.

Caicai did not tell Zhou Weiqing these, hoping that he would not hate the Philippe Empire, and now it seems that this idea is undoubtedly naive.

Naturally, Caicai will not blame Zhou Weiqing for the decision made. Thinking differently, I'm afraid she is not as calm as Zhou Weiqing.

Out of the colorful office, Zhou Weiqing sneered at the corners of his mouth. Philippe Empire, what a Philippe Empire

On the way back, Zhou Weiqing was not disappointed, because on the way back, he had no hope for the Philippe Empire.

The Heavenly Bow Empire has been attacked by the allied forces of the Patek Empire and the Cresi Empire for so long. If they wanted to help the Heavenly Bow Empire, the Philippe Empire should have taken action long ago, but they did not have any intention of taking action.

What if there is no help from the Philippe Empire? Originally, Zhou Weiqing did not intend to stay at the Philippe Royal Military Academy. At this time, he was not in a low mood, but was very happy, because the palace of the Tiangong Empire was still there, his father was still there, his godfather was still there, and the hope of the Tiangong Empire was still there. At least, the Tiangong Empire and the 100-meter-diameter pure land are not ruled by the enemy, which is enough for Zhou Weiqing.

Pulling down the little confused downstairs, Zhou Weiqing went directly to the civilian class. Although he didn't say too much about the lottery, he could also guess that the Philippe Empire would no longer welcome himself. Naturally, the sooner he left, the better.

When Zhou Weiqing walked into Class 1 of the Civilian, he saw that in addition to the whole class and Minghua, there were two more people. One was Yun Li, who was introduced to the college by Zhou Weiqing, and the other was Zang Lang, who represented the senior civilian class.

As soon as they heard that Zhou Weiqing was back, both of them rushed here at the first time.

Zhou Weiqing asked Doudou to sit down in his original position first, and he walked up to the podium, as if he had not seen the Minghua sitting behind the podium.

Minghua was angry for a while, but she couldn't get out. She snorted, retreated aside, and stood side by side with Yun Li.

Zhou Weiqing walked behind the podium and looked at the pair of hot eyes below. Zhou Weiqing suddenly bowed slowly and bowed to the students below.

" Boss, what are you doing?" The students below were inexplicably stunned, and Kou Rui couldn't help shouting out. The students also got up one after another.

"Everyone sit down." Zhou Weiqing stood up straight again and shouted in a low voice.

What is prestige? At this time, Zhou Weiqing's prestige appeared. All the students who stood up sat down, and the classroom became quiet again.

Zhou Weiqing sighed slightly, "I bow to everyone because I want to say sorry to you. I'm afraid that what I promised you before can't continue. I'm about to leave the college to start another job. Therefore, I'm afraid I can't study with everyone anymore. I will leave a sum of money. If I save a little, it should be enough for everyone to expand and condense. I'm sorry."

"Big boss, are you leaving?" At this time, even Yan Zhexi was anxious, and the others looked even more shocked.

Zhou Weiqing nodded and said, "You must also know that my motherland, the Tiangong Empire, has now been occupied by the Baida Empire. The Philippe Empire refused to send troops to rescue, and at the same time, it also prohibited me from continuing to study in the college. So, I can only leave. I won't say anything else. No matter when, you are my good brothers. At least we have sat in this classroom together to study. Please don't forget what I said. Although we are civilians, our waist is still straight. I can't bear to part with you. I hope that one day in the future, I won't meet you on the battlefield. Zhe Xi, come here."

Yan Zhexi walked to Zhou Weiqing with some dullness.

Zhou Weiqing smiled, patted him on the shoulder and said, "It can be seen that in the past few months since I left, everyone is very convinced of you. After I leave, you are the monitor of our civilian class. Don't forget our tradition. Unity is strength. As long as everyone is united, no one can bully us. There are 10 million gold coins in this card, which I left for you. Although I can no longer make condensation scrolls for you, the things I promised should be completed as much as possible. I believe you will match this money perfectly with your friends.

As he spoke, Zhou Weiqing put a prepared card into Yan Zhexi's hand. After sweeping at the students of Civilian Class 1 again, he took a deep breath and turned around and was about to leave.


Tomorrow's third update, our recommended tickets are actually not much behind. We rushed to the first place, and next Monday's tenth update. Everyone smashed it up and there are monthly tickets. It's really uncomfortable to always go up and down. Let's rush up.

It will be updated on the third day tomorrow, and then the outbreak will be next Monday.

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