Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle String Moon

It's getting closer and closer... The rushing cars are the first to enter the range of 200 yards" and the rock-throwing trucks that have already been prepared have also come.

Boom Boom Boom---

Six catapults roared almost at the same time. These stone-throwing carts are not a piece of stone. Each stone-throwing truck is equipped with six stones the size of a grinding disc. When they are thrown out, they are scattered everywhere, but they are all facing a force. Such a stone is thrown from a distance of 200 yards, and even the heavy cavalry will be seriously injured.

The biggest disadvantage of the catapult is that the accuracy is not enough. For the first time, most of the stones were thrown on the wall. Let out bursts of roars. However, even if only a small part fell into the city, it still took the lives of seven or eight ordinary soldiers.

The double-free cavalry showed their strong side at this time. The stones of the catapult are the least threatening to them. In the mace or heavy axe in their hands, the huge stones will only be directly smashed by them.

Your sister! Zhou Weiqing cursed angrily in his heart, and his body shone blue and purple, but this time the arrow did not shoot at the fixed target, but into the air. Suddenly, with a series of thunder, a large amount of lightning fell from the sky, completely covering the six catar, and the Crecy soldiers responsible for loading around the catar suddenly fell down.

Thousands of thunderbolts.

The breaking power of this skill is not strong enough to destroy the catapult, but the electric Cresi soldiers can still do it if they can't take care of themselves. Zhou Weiqing had no choice but to slow down the attack of the catad in this way.

But after entering 200 yards, the Crecy army has begun to charge. No matter how strong the unparalleled archers are, there are only 200 people. In the face of thousands of people charging, they can only solve part of it. Seeing that the Cresi army had rushed to the city.

A ladder was carried over, and the crash car was advancing slowly but steadily in the back.

Zhou Weiqing felt the horror of the battlefield for the first time. No matter how strong his individual strength was, it was impossible to take into account the whole audience. He delayed the attack on the other side of the catapult, and the city car crashed forward. With thousands of thunders, the attack on the side of the crashed car was delayed, but the other side of the cattare began to load again. Taking a deep breath, the strong purple-black light surged wildly, and Zhou Weiqing shouted and flew up.

Ten days ago, the purple-black brilliance that once shocked the audience and instantly took away thousands of lives reappeared. When the huge six wings unfolded, the illusory brilliance emitted overwhelming terrible pressure. The Crecy soldiers below, who were rushing to Xianyue City, were stunned for a moment.

Then, regardless of any orders, these soldiers turned around and ran away, even ignoring their ladders and throwing them everywhere.

This is what Zhou Weiqing didn't expect. The deterrent power of the purgatory angel is so strong.

After entering the war, Zhou Weiqing showed a smile on his face for the first time, but the smile was full of murderousness.

This time, the Purgatory Angel has no sign of resurrection. Without the holy power, it is just a skill close to the god level. The strong dark breath burst out. Under the strong control of Zhou Weiqing's six divine awn array, this horror skill, one of his six six six-pointed star hexagonal skills, turned into a purple-black feather arrow completely attached to the prince.

Above the head, the illusory prison angel six wings suddenly waved the explosion on Zhou Weiqing's bow. In the harsh shrilling sound, the long arrow pointed straight to the side of the stone truck.

This time, no Cresiqiang seemed to stop him. They were also frightened when they saw the alchemy angel above Zhou Weiqing's head. After all, the refining angel used this time is similar to the movement of the last time. I don't care why the heavenly bow emperor who defends the city dares to take the risk to release this kind of strength skill. Those strong men of the Crecy army team run faster than anyone else, and in a blink of an eye, they have run to the end of the team Go.

It can be clearly seen that at this moment, all the troops attacked by the Cresi Kingdom have faded like a tide. Yes! Who is willing to bear the terrible power of heaven and earth?

Even Zhou Weiqing himself did not expect that his deterrence of the purgatory angel had reached such a powerful level. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel a little funny. There was no doubt that with the sudden withdrawal of the local army, the pressure of defending the city suddenly decreased.

Boom Butterfly——

The blasting effect attached to the Overlord's bow made the sound of violent explosion, and then six catapults were completely submerged by purple and black bubbles surging from the ground one by one. The terrible corrosiveness and breaking force engulfed the six huge catapults in an instant. There were also a few Crecy soldiers who fled a little slower and were swallowed up.

This time, it was the turn of the Cresi Kingdom to be sluggish. Of course, the power of Zhou Weiqing, a refinery angel, is not small, and the coverage is also quite large, otherwise it is impossible to devour six catapults at once. However, with the deep impression of the horrible scene that day, this time the purgatory ambassador is really a little witch, and the feeling of destruction brought by the resurrected purgatory angel did not reappear at all. At this time, the whole Crecy army had run 300 yards away.

This time made the unparalleled warriors on the top of the city very happy. A feather of arrows chased the enemy's farts, and the Crecy soldiers fell in pieces.

From the beginning of the battle to now, there have been at least more than 3,000 of more than 3,000 Cresi soldiers in front of the battle and will never see tomorrow's sun. However, the total number of casualties on the side of Tiangong Emperor's side is only dozens. I'm afraid that such a war damage ratio can only occur in the siege battle.

The Crecy people are not fools. They reacted immediately after a short period of dullness, yes! How can the side of Emperor Tiangong, which has received strong doubts, dare to release that horrible skill? Orders came one after another, and Crecy's army reluctantly turned around and rushed back in the direction of Xianyue City.

In such a retreat, at least a thousand more bodies were thrown down by the Crecy army before rushing to the city. The unparalleled archers are all sharpshooters, but why can't those heavy infantry shoot behind? What's more, there is also the heavy crossbow guarding the city. In just a while, it is enough for them to open and close three or four times. The loss of the rushing car has increased significantly, and now only a dozen are still in good condition.

However, the advantage of the Xianyue City side is over, and the siege begins. A ladder was set up towards the top of the city, and the arrows below swarmed up like flying.

Although the pressure on the city has weakened a lot without throwing stones, the enemy's attacks are still crazy.

The heavy infantry had completed their mission, and the siege was naturally not what they were good at. They simply retreated slowly and protected the other Cresi soldiers to rush to Xianyue City.

In the city, the ready-prepared rolling wood thunderstones were like a large number of hits, which also caused great losses to Crecy's soldiers. However, the soldiers are also excellent, not to mention that there are some strong men. Although there are double cavalry that keep pushing down a ladder, it is impossible to take care of the whole city wall after all.

And once the enemy rushes to the city, the arrows of the unparalleled archers will no longer have time to shoot out. The combat effectiveness of the unparalleled warriors is beyond doubtful. They were attacked by the enemy when the enemy paid a total of more than 4,000 people, which was still in the case that the other party had a large number of siege equipment.

They only have 700 people, and there are only 250 people fighting with Zhou Weiqing. With the main force of these two hundred and fifty people, they have killed more than ten times their opponents. They can definitely be proud of it.

However, the enemy attacked after all. At this time, the terrible fighting power of the two-free cavalry was exerted.

Fifty non-double cavalry have one person almost every nearly 100 meters on the top of the city, but once the enemy breaks through the lock and rushes to the head of the city, then what greets them is the devastating blow of the no-double cavalry.

In particular, the warriors of the mad warriors are more prominent at this time. In terms of breaking the bad power, perhaps they are a little worse than the Ugin warriors. After all, compared with the mace and the tomahawk, the destructive aspect is not so direct.

However, the length of the mace is beyond the reach of the tomahawk. In addition, these mad warriors who inherit the blood of the ancient Titans all have an amazing arm span. Even if they don't move under their feet, a pair of maces in their hands can take care of at least a dozen square meters. As long as the enemy barely climbed up the city and didn't wait to take any action, it was the terrible power to greet them.

From the bottom of the city, it was the most horrible. The Crecy soldiers clearly saw that their companions who had just climbed up the city were shot out of the city head like being hit by a car. They flew at least more than ten meters before they looked down. Some even turn into minced meat directly in the air.

No double cavalry stood on the head of the city, just like the god of war. With the continuous movement and the help of the unparalleled archers after changing their spears, they can barely defend the head of the city for a while. However, they no longer have the strength to attack the enemy outside the city.

Zhou Weiqing had also replaced his martial weapons when the enemy rushed to the top of the city. Although his overlord bow is powerful, it is most important not to be attacked by the enemy.

Get the Gemini Hercules hammer, coupled with his hateful ringless suit and the dragon and tiger on his back turn into wings. Where there are many enemies, Zhou Weiqing is there. Wherever they passed, there were countless killings. Even he didn't know how many people he had killed, and there was already blood in front of him.

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