Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 204 Bloody Battle Under the String Moon

The most magnificent thing in any war is the white-edged battle. If you enter the white-edged battle at a glance, it is an endless situation. What's more, today's Crecy's army spent such a huge price to rush to the city. If it can't make any achievements, then once it retreats and wants to rush up next time, won't it consume so much? Therefore, the commander of Crecy behind has died and must conquer Xianyue City today at all costs.

In the war, the combat effectiveness shown by Zhou Weiqing is absolutely horrible. No one will believe that what he has done is what a six-bead cultivation can do.

It can be said that the whole frontal domain wall defends one-third of the range by Zhou Weiqing alone. The Gemini Hercules hammer in his hands is like a fort, and a large number of thunder beads keep spewing out, and wherever he passes, he will definitely be able to bombard an enemy.

With the six unique arrays, Zhou Weiqing was able to maintain such an output for a long time, but the Crecy people would not give him such an opportunity. More than a dozen figures rushed to the city like a speeding speed, aiming at Zhou Weiqing alone. They can all see the importance of Zhou Weiqing in the Tiansong Empire. As long as Zhou Weiqing can be killed, there will be no more suspense about the outcome of this war. Even if you can't kill him for a while, at least you can't let him pour the attack on ordinary soldiers.

When more than a dozen figures appeared on the head of the domain, the reason for the sudden increase in the defense of the front of the string moon domain was very simple. It was not only the Cresi people who participated in the siege. The division of the Baida Empire finally began to attack after rushing to the domain with the Cresi people as cannon fodder.

Although the division of the Baida Empire has also lost heavy cavalry and a large number of heavy infantry, their infantry combat effectiveness is still far unmatched by those Crecy soldiers.

Even the most ordinary light infantry, these soldiers from the Baida Empire also have full-running leather armor and heads, and even a small leather shield tied to their left wrist, which greatly strengthens their ability to survive on the battlefield. Moreover, the generals of the Baida Empire are all the status of the imperial bead division. The squadron leader and above "at least the body bead division with more than two beads. If you are a battalion commander or above, you must be a Tianzhu Division.

Under the leadership of these strong men, the pressure on the Unparalleled Division can be imagined.

First of all, the speed of consumption of those recruits has suddenly increased, although the recruits are also a little red-eyed under Zhou Weiqing's series of encouragements. "They have no way out. However, after all, they are new recruits. How many battles can they have on the battlefield? In the face of the enemy's crazy attack, these recruits are often the fastest to die.

The total number of recruits on the front domain wall is only 1,000. Under such circumstances, they face the tide of enemies, and the number of casualties has soared wildly. Only some recruits who follow the unparalleled soldiers are relatively safe.

At this time, the combat effectiveness of the unparalleled warriors was finally fully presented in the eyes of the enemy.

Two hundred unparalleled archers turned into melee fighters. Shortly after the bloody battle began, they began to thank the former chief instructor Shangguan Feier from the bottom of their hearts. It was Shangguan Fei'er's almost cruel spur, and now they have such strong melee skills. Every unparalleled warrior wears titanium alloy armor. This kind of armor is light but extremely strong, and ordinary arrows and knives can't be injured at all. Now the unparalleled warriors have a lot of worries. What's more, each of them is a royal pearl master. The one who can enter the first brigade is at least the four-bead master. Even if their natural power has been consumed a lot in the use of the condensation bow and condensation wings just now. But as royal pearls, their physical fitness is far from comparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

The spear swallowed in the hands of the unparalleled warriors, stabbed, picked, split and pulled. All kinds of concise but extremely effective skills were used from their hands. Even the soldiers of the Baida Empire were not a good match. Almost every time they take action, the unparalleled warriors can hit at least one enemy, and a large number of enemy troops were taken down by them.

The battle of the white blade began only a quarter of an hour. All the unparalleled warriors, including the non-double cavalry, were stained with blood, but they did not have any casualties. You even have to take care to protect the recruits around you. It is their strong performance that the current string moon domain can not be broken for the time being.

Zhou Weiqing is undoubtedly under the greatest pressure. Lin Tianmeng and Xiaoyan were sent by him to support them on both sides just now. More than a dozen Tianzhu masters from the Baida Empire have surrounded him in the domain.

This is a war, not a competition. As soon as these Tianzhu masters appeared, they launched a crazy attack on Zhou Weiqing.


The crying hammer smashed a Baida Empire Tianzhu Master into meat mud, but Zhou Weiqing also suffered attacks from two enemies at the same time.

With the wings behind his back, Zhou Weiqing's speed is surprisingly fast, but two of these Tianzhu masters from the Baida Empire are eight-bead cultivation, and the remaining dozen people are at least four-bead cultivation and a few six- or seven-bead cultivation. The overall strength is not weak. Zhou Weiqing was bombarded by the two relatively weak four-bead Tianzhu masters and forcibly killed a six-bead top Tianzun of the same level as himself.

At this time, Zhou Weiqing's strong physical fitness shows the actual combat effect.

The attack of the two four-bead Tianzhu Master fell on Zhou Weiqing. They only felt that Zhou Weiqing's body was like a piece of tough rubber. Not only did they remove a lot of strength at the moment of the attack, but there was also a strong rebound.

Moreover, Zhou Weiqing's body is surrounded by thunder and lightning, and a large number of thunder beads are constantly spit out on the Gemini Hercules hammer for ranged attacks, which makes these strong men of the Baida Empire overwhelmed. Only then did he manage to maintain the situation. However, Zhou Weiqing was also trapped by the other party. Well, it is impossible to intervene in the battle in the field again.

More and more enemies rushed to the head of the field, and the accumulation of a large number of corpses has even made there no more places to stand on the city. The soldiers of the Patt Empire and the Crecy Empire who rushed up later even had to clean up the bodies of their dead companions before there was room to continue fighting. The degree of tragedy also exceeded the expectations of both sides. Zhou Weiqing did not expect that the attack of the Crecy Empire would be so resolute. There was no intention of trial at all. If it was not successful, it would be benevolent. Fifty thousand troops were all suppressed. Although Zhou Weiqing is only talking head-on, he can fully imagine the attack intensity of the other three sides.

At this time, there is no point in regret. Only fighting desperately, there is no possibility of retreating. Everyone has been killed. Either you die or I die.

And the side of the Crecy Empire never expected that such a small number of soldiers in the Skybow Empire would bring them such huge casualties. It is different from any previous uprising within the Tiangong Empire. The terrible combat effectiveness of the unparalleled warriors brought them too many casualties.

The battle lasted from the early morning to noon, and the city was full of blood.

The unparalleled warriors are still bumping, but even the titanium armor has been broken in many places, and no unparalleled warrior's stomach can be complete. Although the casualties of the Warriors are not large, there are fewer and fewer recruits around them.

Of course, the number of casualties of the enemy is even greater. No unparalleled warrior knows how many people they have killed. All they can see in front of them is a piece of blood red.

Although the unparalleled warriors have the most sophisticated equipment and they are all royal pearl masters, they are also human beings, not machines. They will also feel tired, and the natural power in the body will be exhausted. Even with the strong physical strength of the mad warriors and Ujin warriors, it is extremely difficult to wave the weapons in their hands at this time. Fortunately, they have such a thick stomach. Even if they are allowed to attack by the enemy, it is impossible to break it in a short time. Otherwise, death would have appeared long ago.

The enemies around Zhou Weiqing also stabbed seven, all of whom were the strongest of the Tianzhu masters from the Baida Empire. Everyone else died under the Gemini Hercules hammer. It is the extreme that Zhou Weiqing can achieve such a situation with his six-bead level cultivation. The continuous combat ability of the Six Gods is indeed very strong, but even so, the continuous consumption of the whole morning has brought Zhou Weiqing's body to the limit.

The dragon and tiger change can no longer be sustained, and the wounds can be seen everywhere in places that are not protected without hatred. If it hadn't been for his strong physique after the fusion of the dark demon evil god tiger and the dragon, the fear dog would have fallen long ago. You can't fall down, you can't fall down. At this time, Zhou Weiqing completely relies on willpower to support his body. He can't show any skills, and he is fighting completely with the power brought to him by the ringless running. He knew very well that if he had fallen at this time, the war would have been completed. The whole army will be destroyed.

He has long seen that unparalleled warriors have been injured, but these unparalleled warriors from military ruffian have a strong ability to survive on the battlefield, protecting each other, and the unparalleled warriors who have been seriously injured are gathered together as much as possible. Zhou Weiqing doesn't know if there are dead people, but less than one-third of the unparalleled warriors who are still fighting.

The warriors of the mad warriors and the Ugins, even rely on their weight to push the enemy into the city, and even have no dog power to pick up weapons.

A war has reached such a tragic level, which can be described as a meat grinder.

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