Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 229 Breakthrough, Twenty-seventh

Chapter 229 Breakthrough, Chapter 27 (Part 2)

Zhou Weiqing and Tianer sat down directly on the ground. They crossed their knees and put their hands against each other. The whirlpool of the Great Holy Force quietly established and began to operate.

The previous blow of the female dragon did a lot of damage to Zhou Weiqing. His tough meridians were shaken and damaged in many places. Fortunately, the presence of the great vortex of the great holy power had decompulsed most of the fire energy. Otherwise, his body would have been destroyed long ago.

At this time, the two of them sat cross-legged to each other to practice. The first problem that Zhou Weiqing had to solve was to recuperate himself. At the same time, he mobilized the remaining holy power to restore his body to normal.

The three Shangguan sisters also sat down next to them. There was a female dragon. Unless the space crack it said appeared again, there was no danger here.

Zhou Weiqing's body has the blood of the dragon and the dark demon evil god tiger. His self-healing ability is strong, and he is absolutely not inferior to the dragon clan. Soon, his meridians have been repaired. And the whirlpool of the 26 dead holes in the body is also running rapidly. Under the action of the great holy power vortex, Zhou Weiqing gradually collected the holy power scattered in his body and included it into his small holy power vortex.

Although the holy power is powerful, it is impossible to win in the face of absolute power. Just like before, the holy power in his body was almost shaken by the huge fireball. Fortunately, it was scattered in his body, and the characteristics of the holy power are completely based on protecting the host. At this time, under the mobilization of Zhou Weiqing, The holy power of color slowly converged into Dantian like a stream in his body, and Zhou Weiqing also began to calculate the total amount of his holy forces.

After entering the light and shadow space, even if the holy power swallowed by Zhou Weiqing did not have 3,000 drops, it is estimated to be almost the same. Those fire dragons transformed by the fire spirit are definitely a great tonic, but the two battles in succession have also greatly consumed his holy power. At this time, the remaining quantity is not too much.

Even so, it is much better than when he and Tianer came here. Although there were only more than 500 drops of holy power gathered in Zhou Weiqing Dantian in the end, because of the previous process, some of the holy power has been integrated into Zhou Weiqing's dead point cyclone, so the benefits he got are not small at all.

The strong natural power fluctuated in his body. Zhou Weiqing was surprised to find that his natural power cultivation seemed to have made another great breakthrough, and the twenty-seventh death hole was a little ready to move.

You know, he just broke through the twenty-sixth death pit not long ago, and it took less than ten days to make a breakthrough now. It's incredible.

Obviously, this is the effect of demon devouring. Demon devouring not only helps the vortex of the great holy power to transform the holy power, but also the strong natural power that filtered into his body also greatly enhances Zhou Weiqing's natural power, and with the existence of holy power, he does not need to worry about any sequelae at all It is completely pure strength.

Isn't this too fast? While Zhou Weiqing was surprised, he couldn't help but be very satisfied. The twenty-seventh death point is also the last part of the third stage of his immortality. Although he is still a six-bead cultivation after breaking through this death point, the third stage of the immortality is completed, which can also make his overall strength further. The recovery speed of heavenly power soared again, and the immortality will also enter the next realm. Doubt is a good thing.

In fact, Zhou Weiqing's breakthrough is very normal. The fire dragon transformed by the fire spirit is the purest fire element, so the pure fire attribute energy is enough to compare with the fire energy in the dragon's body. Zhou Weiqing relies on a large number of injections of holy power to make his evil spirits devour The fruit has been greatly improved, and all the fire dragons have been transformed into holy power, and these holy power have also been temporarily added to his natural power. Under the moisture of the holy power, the natural power will naturally produce a large qualitative change. Breaking through the twenty-seventh weight is a natural situation.

It can be said that Zhou Weiqing is completely blessed by misfortune, and the most powerful skill of devouring this evil attribute is constantly showing its greatness.

Just like Zhou Weiqing's hateful ringless suit, the higher the cultivation, the greater its effect.

Tianer naturally felt the change of Zhou Weiqing's body. At the same time, Zhou Weiqing had slowly injected the holy power in his body into Tianer's body to help her regulate her body.

However, this time, some changes have taken place in the practice between Zhou Weiqing and Tianer. They found that under the effect of the great holy power whirlpool, the small holy power whirlpool in their respective bodies was also pulled and rotated, and the more than 500 drops of holy power were no longer evenly distributed in the two of them, but on A cycle is formed between them, which communicates with each other through the vortex of three holy forces and shuttles between their bodies. Not only is it slowly restoring their sacred power, but it is also improving their bodies.

There is only one reason for this situation, that is, because of the improvement of their total holy power before.

When the holy power breaks through a hundred drops, the relationship between themselves and the holy power has changed, and the same is true when there are three hundred drops. Previously, the holy power in Zhou Weiqing's body had exceeded 2,000 drops at most, and it was normal for it to change again.

The three Shangguan sisters can clearly see that Zhou Weiqing and Tianer's bodies have gradually turned silvery white in their continuous cultivation, and the energy elements in the air have obviously become stronger. Moreover, the breath of holy power released from them makes them feel extremely comfortable, including the mother dragon. Feeling.

The three Shangguan sisters were also blessed. They immediately began to practice and felt the breath of the holy power. The natural power in their bodies obviously became much more active than usual.

The mother dragon looked at Zhou Weiqing and Tianer, and her eyes were also full of surprise. Originally, she didn't have much hope about whether Tian'er could resurrect her husband. After all, the gap in strength and cultivation is too big.

The resurrection of the Holy Spirit Tiger is still well understood. Generally speaking, only if the person who uses the resurrection skill exceeds that of the resurrected, the probability of success is greater. But Tian'er's current cultivation is just seven beads, but her husband is a real god-level strongman. The probability of success of this resurrection can be imagined. But it hopes to try it anyway. Even if there is only a chance, it is unwilling to give up!

At this moment, I feel the breath of holy power released by Zhou Weiqing and Tianer, and think of Zhou Weiqing who had resisted her attack before, and the mother dragon's heart gradually became hot. Maybe they really have a chance to resurrect their husband successfully!

If the black energy that attacked her and her husband was full of destruction and destruction, then the two young human beings in front of them at this moment are full of creative energy.

If they can succeed, they will definitely succeed. The female dragon crawled there, slowly closing her eyes and praying for them.

Since her husband's death, this is the first time she has calmed down. The strong sense of fatigue made her gradually fall into a deep sleep.

Although her injury has already healed, the madness these days also has a huge load on her body. She did not resist the deep sleep at this time, because sleep is the best way for the dragon to recover. She knows that when resurrecting her husband, she may need to do her own efforts to keep herself at the peak as much as possible, and the chance of her husband's resurrection can be greater.

The speed of time lapse is always very fast, especially in the process of cultivation.

I don't know how many times the Shangguan three sisters have woken up. Every time they eat and drink some food and drink water, they enter the state of cultivation again.

Bathed in the light of the Holy Power, their cultivation speed can be said to be thousands of miles a day, which is much faster than in the place where various attribute elements are extremely strong in Haomiao Palace. In particular, the three girls have the holy power injected by Zhou Weiqing as an introduction, so the ability to accept the holy power light is stronger. It makes their cultivation continue to progress in a high-speed and stable process. No one will give up in exchange for such an opportunity.

Zhou Weiqing and Tianer have completely entered a mysterious state. They don't need to eat or drink at all, and they don't know the time of the outside world.

The silver-white holy power infiltrated every corner of their bodies. As early as the first day of cultivation, Zhou Weiqing's heavenly power had successfully broken through the twenty-seven dead hole and successfully helped his cultivation go further. But that's not enough. Under the circulation of the holy power, the holy power in their bodies is constantly increasing, which is much faster than the previous absorption of energy in the air. It was not until the total sum of the sacred power in their bodies exceeded 1,000 drops that the growth rate began to slow down.

Unlike before, the meridians in Zhou Weiqing and Tianer now emit a faint layer of silver white. Their bodies have undergone earth-shaking changes under the transformation of the Holy Power, and their natural strength cultivation is also constantly improving in the process of cultivating the Holy Power.

The power of heaven and earth in the light and shadow space is much stronger than that outside. This is the place where the dragon lives, and it is also the core space of the whole Tianzhu Island. The strong earth power of heaven and earth on Tianzhu Island is formed by it. It is through a special powerful magic array that the outside heaven and earth forces are sucked Only then can it continue to exist. Therefore, there is no need to worry about sucking the power of heaven and earth when practicing here.

When they came in, they took food and drink for 30 days, and Zhou Weiqing and Tianer didn't eat or drink, which was enough for them to stay here for a long time. What's more, they are nourished by the power of heaven and earth in the process of cultivation. Even the three Shangguan sisters only need a small amount of food every day.


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