Heavenly Pearl Change

Chapter 230 Seven beads, lower rank upper

Hao Mio Palace.

The two brothers Shangguan Tianyang and Tianyue sat opposite each other, and their faces looked a little gloomy.

"Brother, it's been more than 20 days. Why haven't they come out yet?" Shangguan Tianyue obviously couldn't calm down.

Shangguan Tianyang shook his head and said with a wry smile, "How can I know what's going on inside?" We can't get in, so we have to continue to wait.

Shangguan Tianyue said anxiously, "Do you want us to stop another group of people from entering?"

Shangguan Tianyang said, "No. If even they can't do it, who can do it for young people under the age of 30? If something happens to them, the others will only die if they go in. Tianyue, calm down, care is chaotic, you know, now the light and shadow space has calmed down, and there is no more restlessness, which is good news for us. Moreover, Zhou Weiqing and the five of them carry light and shadow gems. With their cultivation, as long as they are transmitted as soon as they meet the dragon, there will be no great danger.

Shangguan Tianyue sighed and said, "How can I not worry? All three of my daughters were abducted by Zhou Weiqing. I really don't know what's good about this boy. Cher, Phil and Binger all have to go in and accompany him. Well, I don't know if it's right or wrong for us to let him go in and help this time.

Shangguan Tianyang said helplessly, "It's too late to say this now. After all, he has a good relationship with the dragon and has the best chance to help us solve this crisis. Don't worry, auspicious people have their own natural appearance, and Zhou Weiqing's boy is not a bad face. Didn't you see that his companions left on the island are not in a hurry at all? I left the island a few days ago.

Shangguan Tianyue nodded and said, "I can only wait any longer. Brother, I'll go to see Xian'er first. I hid the fact that the three daughters entered the light and shadow space before. She has been messing with me these two days."

Shangguan Tianyang couldn't help smiling and said, "You, you, have been romantic for half of your life. After all, you still can't escape the palm of the fairy. Go quickly. Tell your sister-in-law that they will be fine. The calm of the light and shadow space can explain a lot of problems.

Although he said so, how could Shangguan Tianyang be sure? If they are really fine, why don't they come out?


Zhongtian Empire, official.

Five tough devil horses are running wildly. On the horse's back, at the front is the tallest horse. The other people were naturally crows, Xixi, Yunli, and the little confused people who followed Yunli down the mountain again.

Yun Li was finally recognized by the three masters. On Tianzhu Island, the three masters instructed him for ten days. If it hadn't been for Zhou Weiqing who left a letter to them before entering the light and shadow space, I'm afraid they would not have left Tianzhu Island so early.

What Zhou Weiqing said in his letter is very simple. If he has entered the light and shadow space for more than 15 days and has not come out, let them return to the Heavenly Bow Empire and obey Ming Yu's deployment.

The Tiansong Empire is in the most important stage of development, and there is a lack of strong people. Who knows when the Crecy Empire will launch an attack?

Moreover, Zhou Weiqing also played a trick. He gave most of the money to Yunli and asked him and everyone to take it back. The more than 100 million gold coins he promised Shangguan Tianyang have not been given yet. Now it's all taken away. When he comes out of the light and shadow space, he doesn't have any money even if he wants to.

It's not that Zhou Weiqing is reluctant to pay the bride price, but there are priorities. The Tiangong Empire basically doesn't have much income now, and he needs this money too much. Therefore, after thinking about it, he decided to take back more than 200 million gold coins to support the Tiangong Empire. Construction. As for the problem of marriage, it can't be solved in a while. If he doesn't save his parents, how can he be in the mood to get married! At that time, the Tiangong Empire was restored, and he just prepared a new bride price to send it.

When Zhou Weiqing wrote this letter, he did not know that Tianzhu Island had encountered such a huge crisis, otherwise he would not have worried about the bride price at all. If you can help Tianzhu Island solve this problem of life and death, what is more than 100 million gold coins?


String Moon City. The conference hall of the city's main office.

Ming Yu sat in the main seat, and below are the generals of the Tiangong Empire. Zhou Weiqing is not here. At present, everything in the military aspects of the Tiangong Empire is under his command. The internal affairs are the responsibility of Wei Feng, the former deputy commander of the Wushuang Battalion.

Ming Yu can sit steadily in the position of commander-in-chief, relying on the support of Zhou Weiqing, but also on his absolute strength.

At the beginning, the generals of the Wushuang Division were somewhat unconvinced with him, but with the passage of time, Ming Yu arranged step by step to make them admire what he had done to form the Tiangong Imperial Army.

The Jade Army God is the Jade Army God. In just half a year, the army of the Tiangong Empire has completely changed its appearance.

Originally, the actual combat effectiveness of the Tiangong Empire was only the Wushuang Division, but now, the Tiangong Empire has a 60,000 army, and it is a 60,000 army with combat effectiveness.

In the past, when he was in the Philippe Empire, because of all kinds of constraints, Ming Yu's military genius could not fully exert himself, but Zhou Weiqing gave him a stage. Here, he got the most direct support. Even when Zhou Weiqing was there, he would fully support his decision. As the saying goes, there is no need for suspects, and there is no doubt about using people. Zhou Weiqing's own ability to control the army is insufficient, but his way of the imperial man is the essence.

Under the leadership of Ming Yu, the Tiangong Empire has now collected more than a dozen scattered troops belonging to the Tiangong Empire, and also established the current team through conscription.

After the number of troops reached 60,000, Mingyu did not continue to expand, because this is the limit that the Tiangong Empire can control at present. If it continues to expand, the economy will not be enough to support it. In the next few months, the soldiers experienced hell-style training. However, a series of reward and punishment systems make them have no complaints.

Ming Yu's reward and punishment system only followed Zhou Weiqing's original part of the Unparalleled Division, which was put into the army through his improvement. After all, Zhou Weiqing's original way of reward and punishment is really too luxurious. It's okay for an unparalleled division. If the army does this in the future, I'm afraid the Tiangong Empire will be directly dragged down.

The current unparalleled division was completely scattered by Ming Yu. Of all six divisions, each division has a separate unparalleled battalion, composed of 800 unparalleled archers, and is equipped with a non-double cavalry battalion of 500 people. The combat strength of the six divisions is evenly distributed.

The two-person cavalry was originally two thousand official soldiers and two thousand reserve soldiers, but now it is scattered, and 3,000 people have been directly divided. And Mingyu himself also set up a guard camp. This division is composed of his original guard battalion, 1,000 non-double cavalry, and 500 snow bucksards. Although it is a battalion, there are as many as 2,500 people.

So far, the army system of the Tiangong Empire has finally been established, stationed in all parts of the north of the Tiangong Empire, connecting the existing territories of the Tiangong Empire.

At the same time, Mingyu recruited 3,000 soldiers in each city separately. After simple training, he devoted himself to the guarding of each city and the daily work of maintaining order. And a large number of talents are promoted. With the cooperation of Wei Feng, the current Tiangong Empire can be said to be highly centralized in military and government. Have the ability to welcome a big war at any time.

"Marshal, a new batch of materials of the Philippe Empire has arrived, and a batch of ordnance from the Zhongtian Empire has also arrived." Wei Feng stood on the left side of the first place and rowed on the other side.

Ming Yu smiled and said, "Zhongtian and Feili have spared no effort to support us."

Wei Feng smiled and said, "The messengers of the Philippe Empire also asked us when we wanted the Crecy Empire to launch an anti-attack."

Ming Yu said indifferently, "Tell them, it's still the same sentence, as soon as possible."

As soon as he said this, the generals couldn't help laughing. The Philippe Empire asked more than once when the Tiangong Empire would send troops to attack the Cresi Empire. Every time Ming Yu answered them these two words.

Since the Tiansong Empire gained a firm foothold, the materials sent by the Philippe Empire have increased a lot. For the Philippe Empire, the threat of the south makes it difficult for them to sleep and eat. The Crecy Empire is nothing, but the Patron Empire is a big trouble. What's more, judging from the current situation on the mainland, the Patron Empire and the Denton Empire in the south have a clear trend of alliance. Maybe they dare not touch the giant of the Zhongtian Empire easily, but since they dare to fight against the Griffin Empire, how can they not dare to target the Philippe Empire? There is an empire of beasts in the north, and if there is another problem in the south, then it will be a disaster for the Philippe Empire.

Wei Feng said with a little worry, "Marshal, we always answer like this. Will the Philippe Empire cut off its resource support for us?"

Ming Yu shook his head and said, "As long as they are not fools, they will never do it. Even if we don't attack the Cresi Empire, it is still the southern barrier of the Philippe Empire. At least for now, the stronger we are, the more beneficial we are to the Philippe Empire. Therefore, they will definitely support us well. If I am the head of the Philippe Empire, then I can't wait for the Heavenly Bow Empire not to attack. Defense is always easier than attack. They will also worry that we will be swallowed up by the Baida Empire in the attack. Therefore, we don't move, just to strengthen our strength and train troops. There will be no dissatisfaction on the side of the Philippe Empire. However, from the recent continuous material support from the Zhongtian Empire, we can see that the form of the south is probably not very good.

His eyes turned to Kou Rui, and Ming Yu asked, "What's the movement of Crecy?"

He has been following Mingyu for a period of time. Now Kou Rui seems to be much more capable than before, and has taken off the youth of the student era. In terms of scouting, he is indeed talented and has been affirmed by Ming Yu.