Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 98 Two Broken

While talking, the three crescent-shaped magic weapons soared into the air at the same time and flew to the top of the heads of the three of them in three arcs. Then their tails converged at one point in the air, connected into a three-page fan, and then began to rotate rapidly.

"Ceal the magic sky net, let it go!"

With Huang Hao's shrill edict, a faint blue light immediately shot out of the rapidly rotating wheel surface, like a huge cage, surrounded from all directions.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Deng Xi immediately moved his mind, turned his anger, and his body flattened to the side like lightning.

However, it is not surprising that this magic weapon is not that simple. The blue light it released immediately deflected with the shift of Deng Xi's position, always moving Deng Xi to the center of their encirclement. And their speed is so fast that with Deng Xi's cultivation at this moment, they can't get rid of their tracking.

Seeing this scene, the Xingyue sisters couldn't help but be stunned, but they didn't dare to shout loudly for fear of affecting Deng Xi's mind.

Deng Xi dodged several times in a row, but he couldn't shake off these blue light chases. Instead, over time, they have been chased behind.

"Ceal Magic Skynet, collect!"

As soon as this edict came out, the blue lights crossed from all directions and completely wrapped Deng Xi in the middle. Then, they began to tighten quickly. With just a sound, they had completely tightened and tied Deng Xi firmly in it.

The whole process looks like a lot, but in fact it only lasts two or three breaths. The efficiency of this magic weapon is so horrible!

"Hahahaha..." Huang Hao laughed and said, "I told you to stop and struggle to resist. Can Yan Jun's magic weapon be resisted by your current cultivation? Do you think you are still the ghost owner of the abyss before reincarnation?

"Not necessarily."

After Huang Hao finished speaking, Deng Xi said coldly.

Huang Hao smiled and said, "What? They are all tied up by us. What else do you want? Do you still want to kill us from the air? Unfortunately, your skills can't penetrate this skynet at all. Why don't you accept your fate and stay here indefinitely?"

"Oh? Really?" Deng Xi said, "I have never admitted my fate in my life."

Before the words fell, a wave of violent true air began to oppress the three palace guards, and in this wave-like aura, there seemed to be an illusory figure emerging in it.

When Huang Hao and the three saw each other, their eyes were suddenly shocked, and Huang Hao shouted incredulously, "How can this be possible? How can you release your power in Fengmo Tianwang?

At this moment, Deng Xi's senses have extended to the illusory humanoid approaching Huang Hao. While controlling the man's hand to condense a blade flying sword, he smiled faintly and said, "I don't know much about this. Maybe it's because I'm not the ghost master of the abyss at all."

"What did you say?"

The three guards screamed almost at the same time.


Den Xi did not intend to give them an explanation. What he gave was a real sharp blade that could cut off everything.

With a flash of black light, the three guards looked down at their waists almost at the same time, because from that position, a kind of pain was spreading rapidly.

Deng Xi's cultivation level is already higher than theirs, and the true spirit of the natural realm of Wanfa has a half-level advantage. In addition, the three have been stunned by Deng Xi's claim that they are not the ghost owner of the abyss, so they have almost no reaction to this sword. They can only let Deng Xi forcibly cut off their protective spirit and then take him Everything is two from the waist and abdomen.


The three slowly fell to the ground in this stunned state.

The scarlet plasma immediately burst out, and the viscera in the ghost also rolled out, infecting the skeletons under his feet.

Until this, the three finally reacted and let out a weak scream at the same time.


"One month, just one month, is the deadline given to me by the king of Yan Luo very accurate?"

When Deng Xi teleported from the hall of the abyss ghost master, he couldn't help taking a long breath.

At this time, the Xingyue sisters have returned to the storage bag, and he will also go back to report to the king of Yan as a bully.

Passing by the moaning and wriggling grievances, Deng Xi quickly came to the entrance of the Hidden Hall. This time, he didn't need to think about how to open the door. From afar, he saw two rows of ghost officials guarding the door, as if waiting for him. Or, waiting for those guards.

Of course, the future is more likely. Because they themselves are palace guards, and as a small soul-retaining messenger as Tu Ba, it would be too grand for the king of Yan to send a palace guards to welcome him.

And when these guards just saw the appearance of "Tu Ba", they all showed a shocked look on their faces. But this expression only lasted for a moment. Then, they turned back to their gloomy and awe-inswe-insed look.

"Tu Ba, why did you come out? What about Huang Hao and the others? One of the guards asked in a low voice.

Deng Xi heard this and knew that Huang Hao should also be familiar with Tu Ba, so he should pay attention to some words. He has been exposed in it once, and if he leaks it again this time, he will really be doomed.

So he quickly collected his restrained aura again, leaving only the six layers of cultivation skills outside. Then his face was bitter and a sad expression said, "They, they have all been killed by the ghost owner of the abyss."

"Kill?" Hearing this, the man couldn't help opening his eyes and staring at Deng Xi with an incredible gaze: "They hold the magic sky net, but can they isolate all the skills of the prisoners, how can they be killed?"

Deng Xi knew that it was difficult to believe it, so compared with the saying when he reported the flying knife and firestone hell at that time, he tried his best to say, "I don't know this, but at that time, the abyss ghost master seemed to have made an external incarnation. As soon as his real body was bound, the outside incarnation suddenly rushed out and took Huang Hao and they killed it."

"Is that so?" The guard thought for a moment, but asked with a puzzled face, "In this case, how can you escape?"

Deng Xi didn't want to think about it, so he immediately said, "Because the three guards, they didn't agree with the monster and fought fiercely. As a result, both of them were defeated and died."

"What? Are they all dead? Do you think the ghost owner of the abyss is dead? The guard's eyes were about to fall out: "This matter is not small. Let's go and go to see Yan Jun."