Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 99 No superfluous

"Tu Ba, isn't that too strange?"

For Deng Xi's nonsense, almost no one, including Cuipan and the king of hell, can believe it.

It's just that even if they have the ability to pass the sky, they can't see the flaws in it. Not everyone doubts whether this "Tu Ba" is transformed by the abyss ghost master, but the problem is that as long as the ghost is introduced from the treasure, Tu Ba's name is still outstanding. For a ghost official, this is the iron evidence that his real body is still there.

In the cognition of these underworld gods, any kind of strange power singularity of transforming human form is just a blindfold, and it is useless in the face of the only ghost guide that can determine the existence of ghost officials.

The only problem is that some of the bully should know what he didn't know. Under the siege and interrogation of the four judges, he quickly showed timidity. Fortunately, Deng Xi's reaction was fast enough and immediately pretended to be stupid. On the pretext that he had been devoured part of his consciousness by the ghost owner of the abyss and hurt his memory.

And the abyss ghost master sucked people's brain marrow to seize divine knowledge, which happened to be a well-known thing, so after this interrogation of people and ghosts, he barely passed.

However, although Deng Xi's details were not found out, the four judges still jointly asked "Tu Ba" a charge of breaking into the forbidden place.

It was not until then that Deng Xi knew that normal ghost officials would only go to the Netherworld Collection Hall to test when they advanced to the realm of refining gods. At that time, they will be warned not to enter the forbidden place where the ghost owner of the abyss is imprisoned without authorization. At the same time, you will be given a special spell to stimulate the amulet to open the door of the next normal trial room.

And Deng Xi was sent for an accidental reason, so both the king of Yan Luo and Cui Jue actually forgot to tell him about it.

In view of Deng Xi's ignorance, although the crime of unauthorized entry into the prohibited place was confirmed by the "Tu Ba", the punishment was not serious. Because Deng Xi originally had a mission and needed to go back to the flying knife flint hell to explore the ghost killer who actually did not exist, the king of hell finally decided to let the "Tu Ba" go to the flying knife flint hell immediately.

"This is your opportunity to make contributions. It's up to you whether you can grasp it or not." Cui Jue said aside.

"Is it so urgent?" Deng Xi laughed in his heart.

The character he fabricated really aroused such a high degree of concern, which made him a little unexpected. I even guessed that the so-called statement of meritorious service is actually to find a reason for him to do this errand quickly.

However, Deng Xi can't help but be a little strange. If these hell judges are really in such a hurry to find out the truth, why would they rather wait for a month than consider another person to explore? You should know that if the month of the King of Hell is converted into the flimbstone hell, you don't know how many tens of thousands of years have passed. If the person you made up really exists, aren't you afraid of turning the hell upside down long ago?

Strangely, Deng Xi didn't have so much energy to worry about others. After showing his loyalty to the king of hell who still did not show his true face, he immediately went to the flying knife flint hell.

Seeing that the transmission array was in front of him, Deng Xi couldn't help but be slightly excited when he thought that he could immediately enter hell as a ghost official to find Qi Xiangyun's soul.

When the place arrived, the long team waiting to be imprisoned was still in sight. However, when a local ghost official "Buter" arrived, someone rushed forward immediately. The expression of excitement was as if he was looking forward to the stars and the moon finally arrived.

"Tu Ba, you almost killed our brothers in charge of the prison department with one sentence. It is said that we put people in, and several brothers have been tortured and tortured. Now that you're here, I have nothing else to say. You said that someone stole into hell, and you must find him for us, otherwise, hehe! Don't think of it!"

Den Xi is very able to understand the other party's mood at this moment, but he can only show sympathy. As for finding people, this is his purpose, but when they see themselves bringing out a sentenced ghost, I'm afraid there will be a bitter battle here. At that time, no one can sympathize with anyone.

Indifferently through a group of ghost officials in charge of the prison who looked at him angrily, Deng Xi did not hesitate to throw himself into the flithic hell.

As a ghost official, because he often has to go to hell to detain prisoners, every time before entering hell, the prison department will give the imprisoned ghost official a special charm to suspend the punishment of hell, so that they will not be accidentally injured when they enter hell to do things.

And this charm also has a different time limit according to the length of the errand.

Deng Xi's errand this time may take a lot of time to find an unknown enemy, so Deng Xi asked the warden for a charm with the longest suspension. Listen to the prisoner, this will suspend the heavenly punishment of hell for nearly three days.

"Three days?" Deng Xi couldn't help frowning slightly.

As one of the most famous hells in Yinsi Difu, the flying knife flint hell covers a vast area, and the number of prisoners as many as one million, isn't it a fate to find a specific person in just ten days?

"Do you still think three days are short?" The prisoner squinted at him.

Deng Xi curled his lips and said, "Three days? Not to mention looking for a person in this hell with millions of prisoners. Even if you find someone in the little hell, it's too late. Otherwise, if you give me 30 or 40 at a time, it will be almost enough.

The prison envoy smiled and said, "Joke, 30 or 40? The law of hell is strict, how can you be as arbitrary as you? If one person is sent to prison once, the punishment can only be suspended once. If you can't find anyone, just come back and ask Cui for it.

Deng Xi sneered in his heart, and the other party clearly said that he was looking for his trouble because he had harmed the prison director.

If you are really a bully, it's not impossible. If you can't find it at one time, you can look for it a few more times. Anyway, three days in hell were just a moment for Yan Jun and Cui to judge them.

But his problem is that he has always pretended to be, and if he appears again and again in front of the judge and the king of hate, there will be more chances of accidents. Even if the problem is not found, in case Yan Jun gets angry and punish him for two crimes and punishes him. It doesn't matter if he suffers, no one can save his mother's suffering in the world.

So he shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Lord prisoner, in this way, I probably won't have a chance to find the hidden murderer. At that time, it will be a small matter for me to be punished. Doesn't Yan Jun still have to find trouble with the prison envoy?

"Are you threatening me?" The prisoner shouted with one eye.

"The small one is just telling the truth." Deng Xi resisted and said, "Such a big event happened in hell. Yan Jun was extremely concerned and strictly ordered me to find out the truth. If I do something unfavorable and be punished by Yan Jun, the next first board will definitely be hit on the buttocks of the prison envoy. Such a simple truth, the prison envoy will not understand, right?

As soon as he said this, before the prison envoy could speak, all the officials in charge of the prison around jumped up and cursed Deng Xi. He is a small soul-holding messenger, how dare he be so presumptuous in front of the prison envoy.

Deng Xi looked around coldly and ignored the siege of these people. He just continued to say to the prison envoy, "Your Excellency, the little words are a little unpleasant, but every word is for the sake of adults and brothers. I know that the brothers in Sili suffered because of this matter and spread their resentment on my head. But I hope adults and brothers understand that it doesn't help to be angry. If we can't work together to find that mysterious person, everyone will not have a good life.

Hearing this, the prison envoy suddenly shouted, "Okay, don't quarrel."

As soon as this word came out, the noise around immediately quieted down.

"Tu Ba, you don't have to provoke me with words. To tell you the truth, I didn't mean to embarras you. It's really that this spell of suspending the punishment is about to run out. According to the file, a large number of prisoners have expired their sentences recently. If you are given an extra share, others will be useless. At that time, a large number of prisoners will be delayed, and I, the little prison director, will also be unlucky.

The prisoner said coldly.

Deng Xi was stunned when he heard the words and looked at the other party's expression. I'm afraid it was true. But in this way, how should I find the trace of Mrs. Qi?

"This woman has just been in prison. If she is about to expire, I have a good reason to directly adjust her file to find someone." Deng Xi sighed secretly.

But when he thought of this, his heart suddenly moved, and a special idea came up in an instant.

"The prison envoy." Deng Xi suppressed his excitement and pretended to be indifferent: "Actually, as long as we have the same goal, people always think of the way."

"Then just think about it." The prisoner snorted softly: "As long as you don't embarrass me, I'm not unreasonable."

Deng Xi nodded: "It's good to have this sentence as a prison envoy. In fact, even if the time cannot be extended, there are still some other ways.

"What can I do?"

When Deng Xi saw the other party's interest, he was secretly relieved: "I remember that when he met the strange man at that time, he seemed to be attached to other prisoners first, and then suddenly jumped out. When I killed my two brothers and retreated, it seemed that they continued to return to the same prisoner, but did not possess two closer prisoners nearby. Thinking about it, does this mean that he must parasitize on a specific ghost?

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" The prisoner narrowed his eyes in surprise: "Do you remember what kind of prisoner it was?"

Hearing this, Deng Xi almost couldn't help laughing and said secretly, "That's great. I don't need to bring it. I rolled my trouser legs into the ditch."