Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 152 Black Dragon King


The sound of the crisp and hairy teeth burst instantly exploded, and the whole row of long teeth in the mouth of the black dragon was smashed by the man's black spear in one fell swoop. The broken teeth scattered around, and the painful black dragon shook its head desperately in a burst of howls. Sometimes it waved into the air, making a whining sound, and sometimes hitting the sea, shocking a wave wall.

And the black scale people who are still in its mouth can only thrust a spear into its jaw and swing back and forth with it.

As for the Wuqi who had just launched a sneak attack, he saw that Deng Xi had broken the hiding and fell back to the top of his black dragon head, he immediately shouted angrily: "A human, you have ruined my good deeds. I want you to be buried at the bottom of the sea!"

Then, he shouted a few spells that Deng Xi couldn't understand. When the black dragons heard it, they all turned around and rushed towards his cruiser. For a moment, it was dark, like a mountain peak moving in the sea, which was terrible!

Deng Xi sneered: "With you beasts, do you also want to sink me?"

Having said that, he did not dare to be careless. The power of monsters that can grow to such a size must not be underestimated, let alone a large group.

"Five Yun Rotation, Haotian's Qi!"

In the loud chanting, he had already flown up, and the Haotian treasure mirror came out of his hand and hung upside down on his head.

After this period of research, he has mastered more methods than when he first got it. First of all, it is a treasure for cultivating true qi. According to its own power, it can inject true qi into it to create a different number of mirror shadows. All the behaviors and actions of these splits form a mirror image of themselves. They exercise their own skills and practice qi. They will also practice qi at the same time, and also have the same improvement effect.

When the split disappears, this effect will be superimposed on its own body. This is equivalent to increasing the speed of your work exponentially. With his current cultivation, he can create two mirror splits, that is, three times the speed. When his cultivation level continues to improve, he should be able to produce more splits.

In addition to the utility in practicing, its most important thing is its power in battle.

Before killing Qing Chengzi and Bo Yuntian, he had used one of the most basic functions, that is, to double his power and produce powerful beam killing.

But this only gives full play to the mystery of this treasure mirror. After he reached the second level of the refining realm, he finally figured it out. The real strength of this mirror is that it can reflect back any moves performed by the enemy with up to double power within the user's cultivation. Even if the enemy's cultivation exceeds itself, it can partially reflect, but it will lose its practical significance because of its lack of power.

This means that as long as the other party is not completely above his own cultivation, this treasure can almost make him invincible.

At this time, he sacrificed this treasure at the first time in order to quickly defeat the other party, and never let the other party have a chance to destroy his cruiser.

A cyan hot light was instantly stimulated between the sea and the sky under the storm. It was like a long sword of the fire god, surrounded by flame tongues, with Deng Xi as the center, swinging and surrounding it. Wherever it went, whether it was falling raindrops or splashing seawater, it immediately turned into white fog in the buzzing sound.

Even the dark clouds covering the four directions penetrated and tore apart the sky one after another when the beam of light passed by. So that the sun can shine again.

Although the armor of the black dragons that are jumping up are solid like steel, under the light, they are cut cleanly like candles that encounter steel knives in an instant.

However, there is no blood in the cracked place, and it only turns into a black-red coke in the scorching sound.


They didn't even have the support of howling, and they could only enter the sea one by one. In an instant, the huge thing fell and stirred up the surging waves, rushing up and pushing Deng Xi's sea cruiser to crumble. However, under the obstruction of Deng Xi's strong and true spirit, it has always appeared in the waves and is difficult to overthrow.

"How is this possible? My abyss dragon god!"

How has Uqi ever seen his monsters be destroyed in such pieces? His eyes were like fire and he howled loudly.

"Abyss Dragon God? Isn't your god too cheap? Isn't it just a big bug?" Deng Xi laughed.

At this time, the black dragon with another black scale man in his mouth was also smashed by a critical blow in the man's mouth after his neck was cut off by a beam, which broke the whole head and flew out.

Just hearing Deng Xi's laughter, he shouted, "Be careful, the Abyss Dragon God is not that simple!"

"It's not that simple?" Deng Xi frowned in surprise and looked back, but saw that the angry Wuzi suddenly turned his head down and plunged into the rolling sea with a bang.

"What does he want to do? You's not going to run away, are you?"

As soon as Deng Xi's words fell, with a bang, the crisp black scales had already jumped on his violently shaking deck with a black spear in his hand.

Because what the other party said just now was obviously helping himself, Deng Xi did not impose any obstruction on the other party during the landing process.

As soon as the man got off the boat, he pointed down to the sea with a spear and whispered in his puzzled female voice of Deng Xi: "Uqi is gathering the soul of the abyss dragon god to summon the real black dragon king. You are good at it, but you can never defeat the black dragon king. That is the ultimate summoning of our great witch. Go!"

Black Dragon King? Big witch?"

When Deng Xi heard these two names, he knew that he would not be a kind person to appear later. The power of the ultimate call of a family of wizards can be imagined.

However, it is not difficult for him to leave, but it is not so easy for dozens of feet of cruisers to leave quickly.

Just as he hesitated, a sound of chanting spells from unknown directions suddenly rose around and gathered directly from the sea and from the sky to Deng Xi. The strange words and tone of voice made Deng Xi feel uncomfortable. What's more troublesome than this is that the sea under the dark clouds and rain suddenly began to boil violently like the soup in the firewood.

Bubbles, waves, waves, waves, constantly splashing and beating. After a while, the boiling sea became slowly turning. An amazing whirlpool with a radius of more than 100 feet has been formed. It seems that there is a huge hole in the bottom of the sea, which continues to attract the current.

The whirlpool turns faster and faster, and the scope of influence is getting larger and larger. However, in more than ten breaths, the rapid whirlpool quickly sank down from the center. The centrifugal force formed by the rapids squeezed the sea water into four sides and became a closed water wall of 40 to 50 feet.

In front of this terrible wonder of the sea, the ordinary method of stability can no longer keep Deng Xi's frigate in its original state. After a while, it tilted down the steep water wall and slid towards the center of the deep whirlpool.

It is not only it, but also in front of it, the giant crocodile, which has been bruised all over, was also affected by this strong suction and went down the water.

"It's not good!"

Deng Xi and the black scale people shouted at the same time.

Then, Deng Xi eagerly rushed to the bottom of the frigate with a mountain-like palm condensed with true qi, with a strong wind that could turn over the river and the sea. Then, he did his best to shout, and used this huge palm to take the giant ship weighing more than a million catties out of the sea that was about to be swallowed. It was lifted in the giant mouth.

But before he lifted the boat off the surface, in an instant, he saw a huge gap in the center of the whirlpool below, and a strange black whirlwind roared out. As soon as the whirlwind rushed out of the bottom of the water, it immediately differentiated into huge mouth, nose, ears, eyes and long horns, and even thick scales were faintly visible, which turned out to be a tangible and non-quality dark air dragon. And its volume looks larger than all the previous abyss dragon gods combined.

With a bang, Deng Xi's cruiser was smashed to pieces in an instant under this violent collision. Only the small cabin that protected the crew was not broken with the support of a powerful magic weapon. However, the cabin was also hit out of the sea under the impact and shot into mid-air.

Deng Xi was furious, but at this point, he could only stretch out his invisible palm and continue to send the cabin ten thousand steps forward and throw it into the sea. At the same time, he was lucky to tell the crew in the cabin to sail immediately, try their best to leave the sea area, and then wait for his arrival.

And he himself turned to the Haotian treasure mirror and once again turned to the ferocious dragon that was flying up.

The halo flashed in the treasure mirror, and various runes faintly appeared. A little light began to gather from the surrounding runes to the center. In just a blink of an eye, an extremely bright blue-white spot flashed at the center point of the treasure mirror. Then, the light spot quickly spread to the whole mirror at a suffocating speed.


In the trembling sound, a beam of light, which was several times more powerful than any previous attack, like a divine sword, stabbed down and cut the head of the air dragon in a straight line.


In the water mist, the scorching beam of light directly penetrated the faucet, penetrated into the sea under the body, and burst into a wall of water. The tangible and unquality black faucet was evaporated from the beginning to the bottom, and a deep hole was evaporated when the light column was cut in.

Then, the violent expansion caused by the evaporation of temperament immediately exploded around, blowing up a small half of the huge and friendless dragon head. The huge wound pain made the whole body of the huge beast's painful body twist rapidly, hitting four sides desperately, and the surrounding sea flew into the sky and pounced on the dark and low clouds.