Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 153 Black Dragon Moves

Deng Xi waved his hand and was very sure that this thing looked powerful, but it still seemed to be a paper tiger.

However, when he removed the beam of light of the Haotian treasure mirror again and cut it to other parts of the Black Dragon King, a harsh spell echoed between the sea and the sky in an instant. The strange vocabulary, the paused tone, the sound of thunder and lightning, and the torrential tide formed a strange scene.

The dark dragon, who was still struggling desperately, immediately settled down as soon as he heard the sound of the spell. Even the body was torn by the beam of light of Haotianbao Mirror, as if he didn't feel it at all.

Then, its huge body began to rotate slowly. As the speed became faster and faster, the flowing body formed a huge tornado that connected the sea. The dark clouds above and the sea below were sucked into by the tornado at the same time, making its scope larger and wider, like an infinite huge wall that leads to the sea, rushing down to Deng Xi.

"Run, idiot!" On the sea below, after the black scale man shouted, he was swept into the storm and lost his trace.

Deng Xi already knew that it was not good, but although his figure was fast, the strong suction formed by the rapidly rotating storm made him unable to move. After only ten breaths, he was swept into the rapid storm.

Deng Xi, who was swept by this supreme natural force, could no longer fix his figure by true qi, but after a moment, he was involuntarily blown into it for a long time. Then it fell into rapid rotation and roll.

In shock, he stimulated Zhenqi several times and tried various ways to get out of this tornado hell, but the huge power gap made him unable to change his situation at all.

This is simply the power of heaven and earth! In front of it, Deng Xi is like an ant in front of an elephant.


In the whirlwind, the rotating and flying water flow, driven by the strong wind, is like a sharp blade, constantly cutting back and forth on Deng Xi's body. If it hadn't been for his strong body protection, it would have been broken into pieces of flesh and blood.

Although he has weak water magic power to protect his body, he is not afraid of the fragmentation of his body. But this is a violent tornado, rushing into the sea. Once his body is cut and broken, he will be immediately taken away by the wind and walk to the depths of the sea. He was not sure whether he would be able to retrieve those broken bodies at that time.

"The final summoning of the family is really not for fun!"

Dun Xi has never seen this spell that can use the whole sea and sky as an attack weapon, which is an eye-opener this time.

The price of opening an eye is an inevitable disaster.

Haotianbao Mirror is still radiating a continuous beam of light beside him, but at this moment, the scope of the storm has already reached an unimaginable scale, and those hot lights are meaningless in this huge storm of sea and sky. It can only occasionally burn a few small white steam balls, which is useless.

And then, he found that the matter had not yet come to an end. In the rapid whirlwind, he only heard a thunderbolt. A bright white lightning had shot from an unknown direction in an instant and passed by Deng Xi's nearby. Although it did not hit him directly, the huge energy was generated when it passed through. A paralyzed strange force instantly penetrated Deng Xi's whole body.

"Ah!" His whole body was shocked, and in an instant, all his true qi seemed to be out of control and boiled in his meridians.

At this time, his body protection suddenly leaked out, and the water sword formed by countless raging storms immediately broke through his defensive atmosphere and quickly cut hundreds of wounds on his body. As soon as the blood splashed out, it dissipated in an instant.

Deng Xi was shocked when he saw this. If it goes on like this, he will immediately be smashed to pieces. And his anger is out of control, and he doesn't even have a chance to perform weak water magic power!

Fortunately, the lightning power only lasted for a moment, and his control of Zhenqi was restored, so Zhenqi puffed and protected his body again. As soon as the weak water magic power turned, the broken wounds quickly healed without leaving any scars.

Fortunately, Deng Xi wanted to breathe a long sigh of relief, but before he could breathe out his breath, his crisis came again.

K! Ka! Ka!

Three flashes of lightning came. And the last one even hit him directly in the head. In an instant, he lost consciousness and fainted.

Before that moment, he seemed to faintly hear Wu Qi's last cry in common language: "King of Black Dragon, thundering the world!"


The golden light suddenly appeared, and Deng Xi's spiritual platform was immediately clear. He knew that, as many times before, the Three Realms was protecting his divine consciousness.

But when he woke up this time, he found that his situation might be the most sinister ever. Because he was shocked to find that he had only one head left, which was placed on the stone platform of a huge altar. Around it is a colorful underwater world.

Colorful corals are like rockery, and the long seaweed slowly shakes back and forth with the water waves. The brightly colored small fish continue to swim through it, looking leisurely and comfortable. Looking up, the light in the sky did not shine. It should be on the very deep seabed, and the hazy light around it was emitted by some strange creatures densely on huge rocks.

Looking further further, some burly humanoid creatures with spears are wandering around this altar. It seems that they should be black-scaly warriors without scales. Most of their faces and limbs are not much different from human beings. The only difference is that their eyes appear smaller. It may be because they live in the ocean, the light is dim, and they don't need much use of vision.

He has long heard that the sense of smell and hearing are the most sensitive senses of the Wulin people.

The black scales live in the sea, and naturally they don't need any clothes. When they are not fighting, only the key private places are covered by decorations made of colorful scales of fish.

After watching the surrounding environment, he began to care about his situation: "Am I cut off my head by the black scales, or have I been crushed and only picked up one head?"

For Deng Xi, in fact, as long as his spiritual knowledge is still there, he will have a chance to turn over. So he was not very worried about the scene. In particular, he found that his head had not been banned by any spells or suppressed by using instruments.

It is estimated that the black scale people thought they were dead, so they had no more precautions. Indeed, how many people will think that someone can survive with only one head?

At this moment, he can even decompose his head and incarnate to find his body and treasure. Restore your real body. The most important thing now is to get back the vast universe pot and storage bag. As for the body, as long as there are living things around him, he can take his flesh and blood to reshape himself.

And this is the bottom of the sea, surrounded by a group of fish. Are you afraid that there are no living things?

Just as he was about to abscond, he suddenly heard a sharp voice drill down the water into his ear, making him temporarily give up his plan to abscondite.

"Big wizard, are you too heavy this time? Although Uti disobeyed and fled, he would not die. What should we give to the abyss demon now?

While talking, two ebony people swam out from behind a huge coral. Both of them are huge, two heads taller than ordinary human beings. The person swimming in front of him, looking at his figure and expression, was obviously the great wizard Wuqi who stunned himself with the secret of black scales.

"Dead?" Deng Xi frowned secretly. Needless to ask, the so-called Uti should be the black scale people involved in the storm with him. Hearing this, she seemed to be sacrificed to an abyss demon. She probably didn't want to, so she fought with the great wizard. As a result, she was killed together because of herself.

Although he did not know this person and was not related to her, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed at the thought of dying because of him.

In a moment, she shouted at the last minute, "Run, fool!" It came to his mind again.

"The result of this matter is not my intention. If it hadn't been for this human suddenly coming out to make trouble, with the little power of Uti, how could I need to use the ancient secret art of black dragon moving the sky?"

In the sound of hatred, the two people in front of them had already walked up to the altar and came to themselves. Deng Xi had the intention to listen to more inside information, so he immediately closed his eyes and continued to pretend to be dead.

How did the two think that Deng Xi was still alive? After looking down at him, he continued to talk.

I only heard Wuqi say, "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry too much. I have my own solution to this matter."

"Oh?" Hearing this, the black scale king couldn't help but be surprised and quickly asked, "What's the way?"

"Use the soul exchange secret method to inject another person's consciousness into Uti's brain and create another Uti." Wu Qi said confidently.

The black scale king's eyebrows instantly showed, with an admiring smile: "The secret method of changing the soul? Big wizard, how can you even find the secret method that has been lost for so long?

Uqi laughed and said, "Yes, this is the painstaking efforts I have spent decades to find it from the seabed grave valley recently. King, are you relieved now?"

King Wu scale nodded and blew out several bubbles, but then he stopped and frowned: "But whose soul should I exchange? If you don't have the same mind as Uti, you can see it at a glance. And who is willing to change the clan with such strong thoughts as her?

Uqi smiled indifferently and shook his head: "Among the people, it is really not easy to choose, but why must it be a people of the people?"

As soon as this word came out, the black scale king's mouth became a circle: "You mean, with human beings?"

"That's what I said, don't we have ready-made ones?"

After saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.