Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 294 Be a prince

Deng Xi's injury was so similar that even He Zhixin didn't see it. However, this is the first time that his weak water magic power is not used to repair the body, but to destroy the body.

And he also had to pretend to be extremely serious, otherwise, the problem of Meng Sansi's regression would not be easy to explain.

Therefore, he did not even hesitate to break his spiritual body, the sea of air was broken, and the meridians of his whole body were broken inch by inch. For the vast majority of people, this is almost equivalent to being useless.

This situation makes He Zhixin have an abnormal headache. He did not dare to report this result directly to Meng Ganlin. First, he was afraid of taking the blame for the poor protection, and he was more afraid to let him know that he could not stop this. It is said that it would cause great harm to the whole Daoxian League.

Hiding this is actually the most important thing for He Zhixin at this moment, even more important than Meng Sansi's life.

Therefore, on the one hand, he asked Zhao Chengmin and Chai Jiang to strictly order the few disciples of the First Taoist League not to talk about the process of this battle. On the other hand, a lot of healing elixir was stuffed into Deng Xi's stomach like a free muddy grass.

Then he found several of his disciples in the later period of the destruction of heaven and injected a large amount of true qi into Deng Xi's body day and night to help him carry out his qi and regulate his spiritual body. Later, he even did not hesitate to take part in the battle to help him open up the realm of heaven and man with his unique skills.

Originally, Deng Xi hadn't planned to pretend for so long. He was ready to be a doctor for a few days, so he accepted it. Who knew that Uncle He was so enthusiastic that he was a little embarrassed. He had to push the boat along the water, accept these elixirs one by one by one, and accept He Zhixin's help very cooperatively and run himself with all his strength. The true qi launched an impact on the real breaking of the sky.

Obviously, the elixir he swallowed this time is absolutely dozens of times and hundreds of times stronger than Meng Sansi's greedy elixir, and He Zhixin, who has a strong spiritual cultivation, is even more treatment that Meng Sansi has never enjoyed.

For a moment, Deng Xi felt as if he had been immersed in a pool of warm and pure lake water, and his whole body was comfortable and indescribable. A huge stream of true qi like a waterfall of the Milky Way kept pouring into his body in a way of enlightenment, and there were more wonderful powers, like invisible hands, which directly guided those true qi to the critical points of his whole body, beating and bombarded again and shaking.

Thousands of times of purification, countless times of guidance, unconsciously, Deng Xi gradually felt that those magnificent true qi had been closely combined with every subdivision particle of his body in his body and became a part of his spiritual body.

And in combination with these magnificent and true body particles, the faintly existing small worlds seem to have expanded several times in an instant. From there, some energy completely different from the fairy rock world is surging darkly. However, because He Zhixin's true qi is still running in his body, he dares not release these energies so as not to arouse the suspicion of the other party.

The last breakthrough opened the subtle world for the first time, allowing him to draw energy similar to the boundary. This time, these subtle worlds continue to expand, does it mean that the boundary energy that can be extracted from it is greater?

Deng Xi has just started using this powerful and strange power, and he knows nothing about its essence. At this time, he saw that it could be further strengthened through practice, and a strong expectation immediately filled his heart.

"A kind of energy that can weaken the enemy's skill level. If you can figure out its secret and master it freely, isn't it more domineering than simply upgrading?"

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Think twice, restrain your mind, and don't be distracted!"

He Zhixin gave a shout, which shocked his whole body on the spot and hurriedly withdrew his mind.

At this time, a large amount of true qi in his body has undergone a complete change under the burning of He Zhixin's three fireworks wheel. They quickly contracted to the Dantian gas sea and began to squeeze and deform. Gorgeous runes quickly rotated there and transformed, and each change a new pair of runes, which condensed Zhenqi changed its shape once, faintly, as if it were a towering invisible mountain, breaking through from the tightly wrapped air membrane.

"Spirit Sea God Platform, born through the sky!"


This mountain suddenly broke through the surrounding package and suddenly appeared in his sea of air, just like the sunrise of the sea of clouds, the divine light, and the glory of the world! Layer by layer, a wave of vast energy spewed out of this divine platform, rushing into all directions, filling his spiritual body, and then breaking out. In the surrounding vast space, a illusory world, heaven and earth, stars, mountains, rivers, all of which seemed to be illusory and looming.

He couldn't help but feel excited. He immediately flew up, jumped into a hundred feet high, and gathered his mind in this spiritual sea platform.

In a faint time, he could see the vast clouds and weather in this spiritual platform, which is the epitome of these surrounding scenes.

As soon as his consciousness moved, those scenery changed, and the breath turned, and the universe was transformed, and the mountains and rivers were reversed. Every point of his urging of this spiritual sea platform will cause endless changes. And these changes are also immediately reflected in the surrounding real world. That feeling is as if you are the master of the world. It can move the world and power everything.

At this time, his heart was surging and his joy was boundless. He knew that at this moment, he had truly reached the realm of breaking the sky and harmonized with this fairy rock world.

According to He Zhixue, this divine platform can be directly connected to heaven and earth and absorb the aura of the whole fairy rock world. After having it, the speed of cultivation will be more than 100 times faster than before. Moreover, as it absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and increases in scale, the cultivation speed of practitioners will continue to double.

Therefore, compared with the monks who have the spiritual sea platform, the gap in power is fundamentally different. Only then did Deng Xi really understand why Meng Sansi was so shocked when he saw that he could resist his tricks. Because that's completely unreasonable.

At the same time, he really realized how horrible the boundary energy stimulated from his body particles was. It can forcibly pull two opponents who are not at the same level to fight on the same level.

Huo Ran, a rainbow flew up, but He Zhixin flew to his side.

"Thank you, Uncle He, in order to help my little nephew recover his skills. Uncle is really hard-working. Deng Xi quickly learned Meng Sansi's tone and saluted He Zhixin repeatedly.

He Zhixin looked relieved: "Oh, think twice, thank you. Your seventh uncle is my master, and I will definitely help you."

Deng Xi has heard that the college specially recruited Meng Sansi into the inner court. He knew very well that this must be the direct order given by Meng Ganlin, and I'm afraid there are other important things that he doesn't know. Otherwise, no matter how kind this He Daduxue is, he will not be willing to waste so many skills and elixir to help him improve his cultivation.

"Anyway, Uncle He is so grateful that he must think twice about it."

"Ah?" He Zhi's news was shocked and quickly said, "No, no need. It's good to be grateful in your heart. Don't let your seventh uncle know about this, er... It's better not to tell anyone, just concentrate on practicing in the college.

Deng Xi was surprised and secretly thought, "It's interesting that he has done such a big thing. If he changes others, it's too late to show his achievements to Meng Ganlin. Why is there any reason why he doesn't want to let people know? Is there anything wrong with this?

He was puzzled, but he couldn't show it on his face, so he just nodded and responded.

Soon, the news that Meng Sansi handed over a thousand elixir and entered the inner courtyard spread among the disciples of the outer court. This is not a strange thing. Meng Sansi's return elixir has long been out. In order to continue to plunder resources, he stayed in the position of Chudao League.

Now the vitality of the first Taoist League has been greatly damaged, and more than half of the disciples have died. It is also normal for Meng Sansi to have no intention to stay.

And this incident brought another important result, which is the dissolution of the Chudao League. The only powerful Hang Chufeng was not only seriously injured, but also expelled from Avenue College. Others who have * will die, or they are not strong enough to suppress their feet. Naturally, no one can carry this flag anymore.

This result immediately relieved all the new disciples of the outer court. Because there is finally no need to pay tribute to anyone, the time for them to enter the inner courtyard to study will be greatly advanced.

Therefore, Tengyu, who sacrificed magnificently for bringing this result, immediately became a hero in the hearts of everyone.

Although the college banned people from mentioning those who participated in the fierce battle, a large number of people led by Fang Yitong secretly built a cemetery for "Tengyu" on Tianshi Mountain, which was cleaned on the 15th day of the first lunar month.

And I don't know when, a true or false news began to spread among these disciples, saying that when someone was worshipping, he saw Tengyu appear. For a moment, everyone was overjoyed and thought that Tengyu was not dead.

However, when everyone traced that the source of this news came from Fang Yitong, everyone's hearts were half cold, because they thought that he missed Tengyu too much and had an illusion in their hearts.

As for Deng Xi himself, under the skin of Meng Sansi, Enron became a regular student of Avenue College.

And, for natural reasons, he did not worship ordinary tutors like other disciples. Instead, it was directly accepted by the governor He Zhixin.

This naturally makes countless people jealous. Because of the status and strength of the mentor, it determines the resources that disciples can use.

In the whole Avenue College, in addition to the famous director, but actually the three elders of the Fairy League, the one who really holds the power of the college is He Zhixin. The demon-free realm he controls is the most resourced monster space in the whole Avenue College and the most powerful monster space to challenge monsters.

Countless of the best disciples were able to get a chance to enter the trial after a round of victory. However, Deng Xi, as his personal disciple, can go in and out at will without any restrictions.

Such a good thing, even Deng Xi himself, has produced some unreal feelings.

"Is it really bitter and sweet? After working so long, can you finally be a prince and enjoy the shade of your ancestors? It's still the remnants of other people's ancestors. For a moment, he couldn't help but be grateful to Meng Sansi.