Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 295 Four Family

But soon, Deng Xi knew that even the princeling party was not so easy. Because Meng Sansi is not the only prince in the world. It's not even two or three, but a lot.

There are one of the four major families in Xianyan world. The Lin family is one, the Meng family is one, and there are two families, namely the Qiu family and the Long family. Except for the Lin family, which relies entirely on the family's tradition and overall strength based on the Daoxian League, the other three families have made their fortune because of someone in the position of the elder of the Xian League.

Among them, the elder of the Qiu family, named Qiu Lingyue, is a female elder who has been a big elder for thousands of years.

The Long family is more special. He is not an indigenous monk in the fairy rock world, but flew up from the human world. Because he married the daughter of the Long family, he became the spokesperson of the Long family. As soon as the man's name was heard, Deng Xi was stunned at that time.

"Feng Yutang? Isn't that a coincidence?"

Calculation, Feng Yutang's soaring to heaven is a thousand years of time, and this person can change from a soaring monk to one of the three elders who oppress the whole fairy rock world in such a short time. The speed of cultivation and promotion is also amazing.

When Deng Xi, the fake prince, finished the morning class of the Holy School where all members gathered for the first time, he quickly distinguished all kinds of princes from major families.

Because the Qiu family has the longest time and the deepest foundation, there are more than a dozen children of the family with status in Avenue College. Among them, Qiu Minghui, the eldest grandson of the current head of the family, whose cultivation has reached the late stage of breaking the sky, is like the core of all the children of the Qiu family.

And there are as many as hundreds of other family members around the Princes of the Qiu family.

Due to the short time of development and the growth of the Long family, only three children of the clan are among them. However, the power of this family is not inferior to that of the Qiu family. The three children of the Long family, Long Keqin, Long Keli and Long Keyi, are not weaker than Qiu Minghui. In addition, Feng Yutang's new elder was soon ahead of the immortal alliance, so the number of ordinary disciples attached to him was even more than that of the Qiu family.

Only the princes of the Meng family are thin. The disciples of the previous generations have already graduated and joined the Daoxian League, but there is no direct son in this generation, and only two distant cousins who are more estranged than Meng Sansi are among them.

As women, they naturally have no desire to form a party for personal gain, so the Meng family's previous weight among the students of Avenue College is not as heavy as that of the Lin family. If it weren't for the relationship between He Zhixin and Meng Ganlin, the Meng family would have no sense of existence in the college.

"It's no wonder that his seventh uncle is so eager to recruit Meng Sansi. This scene is too bleak.

On the other hand, Meng Sansi is not in a hurry to enter the inner courtyard to practice, and may not deliberately avoid these powerful forces. Fortunately, he has the idea of living a few more days in his own land.

At the end of the morning class, Deng Xi casually confused with the two distant cousins of the Meng family and was preparing to return to his spiritual mansion to practice behind closed doors. But only two people were blocked in front of them.

On the left side are the three cousins of the Long family, with fierce momentum. On the other hand, there is the gentle and polite Qiu Minghui. They each have a group of people behind them, representing their respective spheres of influence.

"It's rare. I finally saw the people of the Meng family coming up. Can I have fun playing with their prestige in the Chudao League?" Long Keqin smiled gloomyly.

Deng Xi shook his head secretly. Unexpectedly, it was difficult to learn such a simple thing all the way. This was only the first day I entered the inner courtyard, and I met someone looking for trouble.

At this moment, what he wants to do is to make good use of his identity as Meng Sansi, get enough cultivation resources, and improve his cultivation as soon as possible. At the same time, find the truth of the inexplicable charm on your body and completely solve it.

Therefore, in the face of this wrong scene, Deng Xi could only shake his head secretly. He was not Meng Sansi at all, but criticized other people's skins, but led the matter of the person who was covered to him.

"Thank you for Brother Long's concern. My brother has indeed stayed in the outer courtyard enough and is ready to come in and practice."

He said faintly and wanted to turn around and leave. The other party came for Meng Sansi. Deng Xi did not intend to suffer for others and fought with others in vain. Instead, he wasted his time. His limit is only three years, and now it has been nearly two months.

"What?" The three members of the Long family were obviously a little surprised by Deng Xi's reaction. They had heard about what Meng Sansi had done in the Chudao League for a long time, and they thought he was a berewardable master, but who knew that he had such a good temper. If you are ready, you don't need a word.

For a long time, Long Keqin snorted coldly and smiled:

"It turns out that the guy who claims to be the best heir of the Meng family's generation is such a thing."

"Yes, with such a product, you can also get the right to enter the demon-free realm, which is more convenient than killing us. It's really annoying." Long Keyi also lost the opportunity to be demoted.

Deng Xi smiled and his heart was bright. It turns out that the other party is still worried about this matter.

"What should I do? Haven't several brothers got the opportunity to enter the realm of heaven without demons? If you are dissatisfied, let go and have a try. Let's see who hunts the most monsters.

Dun Xi didn't want to entangle with him too much, so he simply put a long line and let the other party wait slowly. There is still nearly a month before the public opening of this demon-free world. During this period, I am also very clean. If he really wins or loses at that time, it has nothing to do with him. He is not going to participate in the struggle between these princes.

"It's up to you?" Long Keqin sneered and said, "Do you think you can compete with us by relying on a few elixirs provided by others to break through the sky?"

Deng Xi smiled bitterly: "Otherwise, what else does Brother Long want?"

Long Keqin said, "Have you ever heard of the hunting and gambling game?"

"Hunting and gambling game?"

"It seems that you don't know." Long Keqin smiled and said, "This is a gambling competition that every new disciple who enters the inner court must participate in. We and Qiu Minghui will each go into the chaotic underground palace with you to see who can kill the incarnation of the chaotic demon king and bring out its chaotic essence. If you win, you will start your own business in the future, and no one will care about you. But if one of our two sides wins, you must join the winner and play for ten years. In ten years, you need to pay enough cultivation materials as required.

"Ten years? Who set this rule? Why haven't I heard of it? Deng Xi frowned and said that when he entered the inner courtyard, he had inquired with Chai Jiang and did not hear that there were rules among his disciples that forced people to confess like the Chu Dao League.

"This is what everyone has just decided." Qiu Minghui came forward at this time and said with a slight smile.

Deng Xi suddenly understood and suddenly laughed: "After a long time, this is for me. It's to see that I can enter the demon-free realm, my eyes are red, and I want to get more share of it, right?

And Long Qiu and the two of them gritted their teeth secretly when they heard the words, and finally Long Keqin took the lead and said, "What? Can you stop talking so much nonsense? Do you dare or not? If you don't dare, we will have a way to deal with you in the future. Don't say that we didn't warn you in advance.

Deng Xi frowned suddenly, and then secretly observed the cultivation of the two. Although it was obviously higher than his early stage of breaking the sky at this time, he never reached the spiritual realm. Can such a power gap be greater than the gap between Meng Sansi and his own cultivation in the battle of Tianshishan that day? Can you be afraid of these people in front of you if you can kill a master with a higher level of cultivation?

He didn't want to get along with the two princes, but now he has no other way.

Then he sneered gently: "Dare, of course, but your conditions are obviously unfair. If I lose, I will help you work for ten years, and if I win, how can there be no benefit at all?"

"What do you want?" Long Keqin frowned.

Deng Xi curled his lips and smiled: "I want you two to give up your clan power at the same time and come and follow me."