Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 328 Impact on Spiritual Destiny

Deng Xi nodded with a wry smile: "No, I have nothing to guarantee you. This can be said to be a gamble, the same for you and me. If I want to borrow your power, I must use my boundary energy to unlock the ban on your power, which means that I am also risking the risk of being retaliated by you at any time.

However, this gambling is the best choice for both of us. Because if you choose not to gamble, you will definitely lose, and if you choose to gamble, there is still a glimmer of life.

Listening to his words, Qiu Lingyue has almost been moved. For more than half a year, she has seen Deng Xi, Shen Ning and others with her own eyes, and her deep affection has emerged from each other's smiles. Although she has never been in love with others, she can also imagine what kind of crazy actions Deng Xi would do if something happened to these women.

Although she also has hatred for Deng Xi, it is not so deep that she is willing to fight to death. In addition, for a period of time, the two have actually got along well, and it will not inspire her to make crazy actions.

The most important thing is that, as Deng Xi pointed out, she can't let go of her desire to return to the fairy rock world for revenge. As long as there is a chance, she will also trample Cang Zhenglan's head under her feet and crush it into meat mud. And it seems that only Deng Xi can bring her this hope.

So compared with the two, she actually has no choice.

"I still want a promise. No matter what can be guaranteed, I want you to say it yourself." Qiu Lingyue looked into his eyes fixedly.

When he heard this, Deng Xiton felt a wild heartbeat, which meant that the other party had actually agreed.

"What kind of commitment do you want?" He stabilized his voice and said word by word.

"As long as you can leave the star soul heaven and take me back, so that I can fight to the death with Cang Zhenglan. As long as you promise, I will also promise you that from now on, I will never be your enemy. And do your best to help you deal with the enemies in the Star Soul Heaven, help you improve your cultivation level, and help you remove the charm of Cang Zhenglan if it may exist.

Deng Xi was overjoyed when he heard the words. It seemed that the depressed elder did not hesitate to revenge. He promised more than he expected, so he immediately nodded and said, "I promise you."

Who knew that as soon as he said this, the other party immediately frowned: "Promise so quickly? Is it true?"

Deng Xi was slightly stunned. The other party actually valued his promise so much. He spoke quickly, but he seemed to be insincere.

"Of course it's sincere. This is a promise I made for my wife. It's a man's promise." He said seriously.

For a moment, Qiu Lingyue's eyes seemed to have something unnatural, and then curled her lips and said, "Okay, I have to trust you." Then her voice lowered, as if to say to herself, "It's really happy to be your woman."

The deal in the world in the pot has been negotiated, but the trouble in reality is not so easy to solve.

Due to the existence of the lock spirit jellyfish, Deng Xi can only penetrate a very subtle wisp of soul from the Three Worlds. With such a little soul, he can't manipulate his body, and he can't give Qiu Lingyue from the pot enough boundary space to let her play her powerful cultivation.

So, the first thing he needs to do at this moment is to take back his body.

In the face of the powerful power of the lock jellyfish, his own skills are obviously not enough. After discussing with Qiu Lingyue, he lifted the seal of the great elder and restored her amazing heavenly cultivation. By injecting a powerful true qi beyond the realm into the split body of Deng Xi's pot, it is passed on to the real body in order to compete with this lock jellyfish.

And when his seal was lifted and the terrible power recovered, Qiu Lingyue's heart was about to jump out. An idea flashed quickly from her heart. If you attack Deng Xi at this time, there is no need to kill him. As long as you confuse him with the secret world of reading the soul, you can do whatever you want. Yixue has been humiliated and hated repeatedly before.

But this idea only existed for a moment. After seeing Deng Xi's deep concern for her wife, she instantly threw the idea out of the sky.

"Receal God! Don't be angry!"

Qiu Lingyue shouted crisply, stretched out her fingers and bounced repeatedly. More than a dozen times condensed the magnificent true spirit of supreme power, and quickly shot into Deng Xi's whole body meridians.

In an instant, Deng Xi felt as if his body was about to burst. This energy beyond several realms is injected in such a short time. How can he have time to transport and absorb it?

Fortunately, Qiu Lingyue has obviously estimated this result. While injecting a large amount of true qi, a gentle and tough force was also input and began to mix and operate those true qi in his body. At the fastest speed, his spiritual body can fully assimilate and absorb these energies, and for those that cannot be absorbed for the time being, they are also restrained and suppressed at the same time to prevent the pulse from being too strong and squeezing his body.

At the same time, as the counterpart of the split in the pot, Deng Xi's real body was also trembling sharply at this time, and the boiling true air kept rushing out. Although it made the spiked creature that was being absorbed overjoyed, it also made the lock jellyfish coiled in Deng Xi's brain restless.

The stronger and stronger fluctuation of true qi constantly stimulated this strange and fierce creature. After a while, it felt as if it could not suppress the situation.

And its coping method is to immediately start rapid body division and growth, differentiate more contacts, insert more veins into Deng Xi's brain, and try to control him more completely.

This move is really effective. Although Deng Xi continued to penetrate some of his consciousness, he still could not break through the blockade of the Lock Spirit Jellyfish. This thing is simply a horrible monster created to control the minds of others. Not to mention the cultivation of breaking the heavenly realm, even the master of spiritual destiny may not be able to get rid of its entanglement.

Seeing that the first wave of shock was unsuccessful, Qiu Lingyue felt annoyed. It's really strange that you can't deal with a small alien monster.

"Hear with it, I'll add something awesome for you!"

Before the words fell, Qiu Lingyue had already flown up and floated in the air like a gorgeous peach blossom. While rotating quickly, he pointed out and wrote symbols in the air. It only took a few breaths to build a delicate and magical octagonal array around Deng Xi. In this array On a cardinal's position, there are countless strange runes, shining and full of aura.

And in this formation, Deng Xi only felt that every inch of the muscle skin membrane of the whole person was intensified and trembling at this moment. Like drops of water dripping on a hot pot, they shake and split, producing a terrible and powerful energy.

It seems to be attracting each other with some mysterious forces in the distance, rearranging the structure of their own matter in continuous resonance.

"What?" Qiu Lingyue was surprised to see this: "Your body has such a state so soon? Are you going to advance again? And still cross such a huge gap between breaking the sky and the spiritual realm?

Deng Xi has long been unable to say that his body has been completely deconstructed at this moment, and this deconstruction is completely different from the corpse of weak water magic. The small deconstruction of each body is greedily absorbing the powerful energy imposed by the outside world.

After a while, their characteristics changed again, no longer simply absorbing the true qi injected by Qiu Lingyue from the outside world, but began to form an extremely powerful attraction to Deng Xi's soul. It's like tearing Deng Xi's soul apart and absorbing it.

"Spirits and bodies dissolve each other and return to destiny. As long as the divine consciousness and body are completely integrated and assimilated, they can turn their lives into days and obtain tens of thousands of years of longevity. Deng Xi, you are so lucky!"

Qiu Lingyue shouted an uneasiness, but at the same time, she had no choice but to push Deng Xi's cultivation realm with all her strength to the spiritual destiny.