Tongtian Ghost Emperor

Chapter 329 Pull out the spell

In the face of the increasingly powerful pressure of Deng Xi's consciousness, the lock spirit jellyfish is becoming more and more unbearable, and the body trembling has reached the extreme.


It suddenly made a sharp and harsh cry, which quickly spread to the whole coral forest along the dense sea.

In an instant, as if they had been summoned, hundreds of large and small lock jellyfish suddenly gushed out from the secret corners of the coral bush. They hissed and rotated to the coral cave where Deng Xi was, and soon gathered densely.

Then, I don't know which one issued a mark order, and these flocks of lock jellyfish rushed down and rushed into Deng Xi's mind. When they poured in, their bodies immediately melted into invisible, and then merged with each other to condense into a stronger giant lock jellyfish. Deng Xi's counterattack was suppressed again.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Lingyue was even more angry, but she had a strong cultivation, but because Deng Xi's body was difficult to fully bear, she could only input power one by one, hoping that Deng Xi could break through the spiritual fate earlier.

In this way, the competition between the two sides forms a strange tug-of-war. Whenever Qiu Lingyue enters a wave of true qi into Deng Xi's pot, the lock jellyfish summons more of its kind again to strengthen itself.

In a moment, there were as many as thousands of locked jellyfish gathered, and it was difficult for them to squeeze into Deng Xi's brain, only covering him. Gradually, the monster gathered by countless small jellyfish seemed to become a huge transparent soft cocoon, wrapping Deng Xi layer by layer.

The intersection of internal and external pressure has caused Deng Xi's real body to be gradually deformed and lose its original appearance. And the split in his pot has completely vaporized and turned into a light energy body with a strong aura.

Qiu Lingyue knew that he had reached the last moment and whether he could break the pressure given to him by the outside world.

So his eyes were slightly closed, and his breath condensed a line, and the last upper power that broke the spiritual realm penetrated into Deng Xi's spiritual consciousness.

"There's only so much I can do. Try your best!"


Dun Xi's virtual spirit body suddenly had a terrible explosion, which expanded sharply like a new star explosion. In an instant, it expanded a hundred miles away.

"Receivate the spirit! Take your life and return to life!"

In the last shout of Qiu Lingyue, Deng Xi's spirit awakened in an instant, his mind turned sharply, and began to gather his spirit body that had been completely relieved.


When his body was recompressed from hundreds of miles away, the terrible high temperature and high pressure suddenly burst out a dazzling tiny ball of light at the center point. In the middle of the photosphere, when the white light and shadow gradually faded, Deng Xi's vigorous figure finally appeared again.

fiercely, his eyes are brilliant! The breath is like the sea! Vast and boundless!

This is the surging power of spiritual destiny.

And almost at the same time, the layers of cocoon clothes wrapped around his real body were also cracked out by a terrible force in an instant. From inside and outside his body, he rushed out at the same time.

However, the tenacity of this monster is amazing. Even if it is unable to stop Deng Xi from grabbing his body, it still releases countless touch wires and grabbing it in Deng Xi's body, as if to grab the last life-saving straw.

Huanjian, something that was originally invisible andzhiant emerged in his mind due to the upgrading of Deng Xi's spiritual body, as if it was a strange rune. The thousands of touch threads of the locked spirit jellyfish seemed to suddenly find some treasure and grabbed it up. As a result, it was actually pulled into In my own body.

Then, the strange monster, which had lost its jellyfish shape, began to hiss and twitch in pain. Thousands of tentacles were waved in this convulsion, like a strong whip, beating in the surrounding coral jungle.


Countless huge coral stone pillars were cut off and collapsed one after another, and even the trapped human souls inside suffered. There are also a large number of strange worms living in coral pillars, chirping and fleeing around.


Deng Xi's real body reached out and sucked the huge jellyfish to his hand and was about to smash it into the universe pot. But suddenly, the monster's body had a huge shock, as if it had been burned by the flames and withered rapidly. In just a dozen breaths, it shrank from a giant monster several feet to a black carbon-shaped object less than three inches in size.

"What's going on? Could it be that this is..."

"Yes, this is the result of the spell that Cang Zhenglan, the old fox planted in your body. Once it is forcibly removed before the time limit, it will turn the person who took it out into coke and lose its soul. Even if it's me who does it, even if I don't coke it directly, I'm afraid I will suffer great harm.

Qiu Lingyue, who had just been released from the devouring universe pot, said expressionlessly.

Deng Xi listened and was shocked: "What's going on? Did you know its characteristics for a long time?

"Yes." Qiu Lingyue lowered her head and smiled bitterly: "When you let go of my ban and let me help you carry it, I can see it."

"That is to say. If I hadn't been lucky, I would have been caught by this monster. You won't help me take it out, will you? You won't even tell me, will you?" Deng Xi tilted his head and looked into her eyes.

"Uh..." Qiu Lingyue's eyes wandered in an instant, and then bit her lip awkwardly: "If I said no, would you believe it?"

Deng Xi took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly: "Of course I won't believe it. Although you promised to help me, I didn't make that extravagant hope if you didn't risk your life to help me. After all, everyone is just helping each other or taking advantage of each other.

With that, he didn't look at Qiu Lingyue's reaction. He directly got up and swam to the passage in front of him. At the same time, he whispered, "Let's go. There is such a big movement here. The jellyfish will soon find that we don't have time to waste."

Qiu Lingyue looked at his back in a while and muttered to herself, "But not necessarily."

Then he flew up.

Although Deng Xi's boundary energy continues to strengthen due to the improvement of the cultivation realm, it is still strongly compressed to the control range of only a dozen feet near the star soul realm, so Qiu Lingyue must often stay around Deng Xi, otherwise she will lose her ability to use her skills.

At this time, two people can be said to be interdependent, and no one can leave anyone.

Originally, Deng Xi wanted to find Chang Feng first, but soon found that the coral world was so vast that he could not find any trace of the other party at all. In desperation, he had to go to his wives first. After all, Chang Feng was in the coral world, and there was not much danger for the time being.

In order to prevent a head-on collision with those huge tentacles, Deng Xi did not dare to enter the ground from the huge cave that could enter and exit the huge tentacles, but found another small cave from afar. In this underwater world full of coral and stone pillars, this kind of cave is as many as cow hair.

Think about how huge the cave underground is. No matter where you go down, you are probably not at risk of finding a location.

Throughout the whole process, Qiu Lingyue didn't say anything, didn't ask or say anything, but just followed him closely. During this period, he also encountered some scattered small jellyfish groups. The elder did not need to talk about Deng Heedo. His powerful cultivation showed that he could hardly see any action, so he directly bombarded these things into debris. Deng Xi did not have to worry at all, just moved to devour the universe pot.

So the two cooperated tacitly and killed all the way. After sliding for nearly a thousand miles, they finally saw the dazzling white light in front of them.

"It's here."

After Deng Xi spoke softly to Qiu Lingyue, he quietly came forward, leaned over the lime wall at the entrance of the cave, and looked into the vast and boundless cave.

After thinking about it, Qiu Lingyue also came to Deng Xi's side and almost leaned her head forward close to him.

"Oh my God! So big!"

She shouted softly almost at the first time.

Deng Xi smiled bitterly and did not answer. For this terrible jellyfish, whoever saw it for the first time, he would be shocked and unable to suppress it. If he hadn't pretended to be dead at that time, he would not been much smaller than her reaction.

"No wonder, no wonder the whole fairy rock world was almost eaten by it. The monsters in the world are so horrible. What kind of scene will that world be like?

With that, Qiu Lingyue actually showed an expression of infinite longing. It can be seen that she has been yearning for soaring to the upper world for many years.

Deng Xi did not have time to pay attention to her sigh. At this time, the most important thing for him is to find the whereabouts of Shen Ning and others as soon as possible. After so long, his heart has become more and more weak. Where has this huge ancient mythical beast taken them and whether it has had irreparable consequences?

These thoughts kept penetrating into his mind and were automatically ignored by him, because he really didn't want to and dare to touch this terrible idea.

Seeing Deng Xi's ready-moving appearance, Qiu Lingyue suddenly smiled: "So anxious wife? What a good man, but are you going to rush up like this? That thing is really terrible. As long as you move it casually, it can make your bones empty.

"Do you think I don't know?" Deng Xi gritted his teeth hard: "But I have no choice. Let's go to the head of that thing. My wives should be there if they are still there.

Hearing the bitterness and despair in his last sentence, Qiu Lingyue couldn't help but be a little moved: "Well, since I promised you, let's go crazy with you, a good man. If you can fight to the death with this powerful mythical beast from the upper world like your predecessors, you will not live in vain.

Before she finished her hot-blooded words, suddenly, someone not far behind her shouted harshly, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"