Stealing time

foot ban

Shang Yu and I were in his house. When I unfolded the extremely thrilling two paintings in front of him, he did not hide his surprise.

"Why did you take two paintings?" He frowned slightly, and his slender fingers gently touched the picture of Hibiscus Brocade Chicken Picture, but he really couldn't put it down.

I said, "Cousin, don't just look at "Hibiscus Jinji Picture" which is a masterpiece of Emperor Huizong. The reputation of the "Lone Bird Picture" of the eight mountain people will never be lower than it in the future." We are used to the commensurate of cousins. At first, we called them like this when we played Lin Fengchi and Lin Qian when they were children. Later, even if we didn't play them, we also called each other that way. Originally, it was a little funny, but now it has become a serious name between the two of us.

He looked up at me and said, "So, you brought it out by the way if you like it?" There seemed to be blame in his eyes. This will increase the danger!"

Look, what you said is the same as a werewolf! Why do my partners blame me for being rich?

I raised my eyebrows. Focus on the painting.

The brocade chicken drawn on the Picture of Hibiscus Brocade Chicken flew on the sparse branches of the hibiscus flower, turned around and looked up at a pair of colorful butterflies dancing. The painter is skilled with the pen, the double hooks are meticulous in color, and the space is naturally divided.

Shang Yu looked very carefully. As he looked at it, he sighed, "This painting is beautiful, and the expression is compelling. Especially the look of the brocade chicken, the hair feathers of the whole body are bright and beautiful, and the song is wonderful, all of which are vivid. The hibiscus branches and leaves are inclined and delicate. Each leaf is not heavy, and each has its own posture, and the light weight is high and low, which is thought-provoking. Wonderful, wonderful!"

The first time I heard him adjust his schoolbag, I couldn't help but feel novel.

In the past, he was a calculating businessman in front of me. Unexpectedly, he was a typical Confucian student when he brought up his schoolbag. No wonder his strong businessman temperament is also difficult to hide his elegance. It turns out that he really has the potential to be a talent of this era.

His evaluation of this painting is meticulous and important. He is really an artist of painting.

No wonder it's so easy for him to play the role of Lin Fengchi, who is proud of his talent. It turns out that he is not only superb in piano, but also has profound calligraphy and painting skills!

"However, the painting style of this painting is very different from the rough, simple and unpretentious painting style of Huizong himself." Shang Yu pondered for a moment and talked to himself again. I suspect that this painting was made by the painter of his royal painting academy, but he named it.

I looked at him with admiration, and this statement is also common among later experts. Many experts believe that only the "Four Birds" volume of the Nelson Museum of Art, the "Willow Crow" of the Shanghai Museum, and the "Autumn Evening of the Pond" of the National Palace Museum in Taipei were written by him, and the rest were written by the painters of the Academy.

I said, "It's very possible. However, this does not affect the value of this painting. It is still a rare treasure.

Shang Yu agreed. He looked sideways at another painting, looked at it for a long time, and said, "Look at the date of the signature. This painting was made three years ago. The author is from this dynasty and has no reputation. However, this painting stands alone in the water, with white eyes facing the blue sky, unruly, and dry with a pen, which seems to have a feeling of desolation. At this point, it can be called everyone!"

I laughed, an insider is an insider! After thinking about it, the author should have died a year ago, and it should be okay to say his origin now. So, I said, "Cousin, guess the original surname of the author of this painting, Bidashanren?"

Shang Yu pondered for a moment and said with a smile, "This cousin can't guess. I have to ask my cousin for advice!"

I smiled proudly. If I hadn't come from future generations, how could I have known him so much? At this moment, I deeply understand the superiority of being a time traveler.

I said, "The surname of Budashan people is Zhu Mingyu. He is the ninth grandson of Zhu Quan, the former king of Jiangning in the Ming Dynasty, and the real royal clan. At the time of the Ming Dynasty, he was just approaching the year of the weak crown, from the noble royal clan to the destruction of the country and the destruction of his family and the remnants of the previous dynasty chased by the court, which can be said to have fallen to be a thousand feet. This man later became a monk in order to avoid the pursuit of the court, and even pretended to be crazy and dumb, which was no less miserable.

Shang Yu sighed, "No wonder the meaning of this painting is desolate and lonely. It turns out that the painter's encounter is so miserable that his mood is the same!"

I nodded and continued, "He mocked the court for being unyielding, and even his signature was extremely unusual. What do you think of his words 'Eight Mountain People'?

Shang Yu looked at it and said, "I just found that his words are connected. At first glance, it looks like 'crying' or 'laughing'."

Therefore, later generations have the name of "crying, laughing, eight mountain people".

I laughed and said, "Cousin's eyes are like a torch! This person's painting will be a peerless treasure in the future. This painting must not be sold at a low price. If there is no suitable buyer, the cousin may as well stay by himself. It is also wise to pass it on as an heirloom to future generations!"

It reminds me that the eight mountain people are known as "Van Gogh of the East" in later generations, and his works have caused a great response in the global painting world in Japan. It is never too much to be called a family heirloom.

Shang Yu smiled and said, "Although my cousin is a woman, she has a lot of appreciation for calligraphy and painting treasures, and she has a wide range of knowledge. Who does she learn from?"

Who did you learn from?

I sighed, remembered the modern personnel, and said quietly, "My master's name is Werewolf. He is no more in this world!"

Shang Yu looked at my expression, sighed gently, hugged me in his arms and patted me.

Why did the atmosphere suddenly become heavy?

I gently broke free from his arms and said with a smile, "Cousin must tell future generations that this man will be a master in three hundred years. Don't desecre his masterpiece!"

Three hundred years later, the most famous paintings of Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian were all influenced by him. Isn't he a master of a generation?

Shang Yu knew that I wanted to lead the topic to ease, so he also smiled and said, "Cousin Jin Yu's good words, my cousin has been taught!" With that, he bowed to me.

I finished another business, and I was in a relaxed mood, and I slept well in the past two days. I'm an idle person. When I have enough sleep, I always think about how to run out. Anyway, I'm the biggest in the house. No one cares about me. I'm very free. Only the housekeeper Qin annoys me with some trivial things in the house from time to time, which makes me a little unhappy.

Since I gave him an idea about the epidemic, he has often come to ask me for my ideas. I think he (to be continued, if you want to know what's going on, please log in., more chapters, support the author, support the genuine reading!)

c This is being lazy, and the things you are too lazy to solve are pushed to me under the banner of not daring to make a decision. If I can push it, I will rudely push it back to him. If I can't push it off, I'll just solve it. Anyway, there is nothing too difficult to solve.

Qin Daoran even wanted to hand over the accounts in the house to me, but I sternly refused. I'm a thief, not a housekeeper!

However, the accounts in the house are an important thing. Qin Daoran gave it to me. Is there any instruction from my ninth master here? I'm curious about this question, but it's not convenient to ask the housekeeper.

No matter so much, I have refused anyway!

Since I was almost bullied when I went shopping as a little beggar, I stopped pretended to be a little beggar, and I was really afraid that I would be recognized by him again. When he went back, he found that he had lost his jade pendant. He must suspect that it was me. If he saw me again, he would not be polite.

It would be miserable if I really fell into his hands, so I didn't dare to pretend to be a little beggar when I went out.

It's not convenient to go out as a woman these years, so I usually dress up as a young master. There was no accident. After all, an identifiable man dares not bully ordinary people.

A free life is good. I just came back from the outside, sat in my yard, and looked up at a group of pigeons flying through the sky with a whistle. It seems that my life is also very free now! Eat whenever you want, sleep whenever you want, go out whenever you want, and do whatever you want...

My time-traveling compatriots don't seem to be as free as I am. They either have to worry about their livelihood or be locked in a golden bird cage without freedom. Unfortunately, my freedom is only limited to the period of time when the ninth brother is not in the house.

Alas, if the ninth brother never comes back, won't my life always be so free?

Crime, sin! How can I have this idea of occupying the magpie's nest?

Ninth Brother, I'm sorry, I don't want to occupy your house and become a mountain king! However, can you come back a few days late, no, a few months, no, no, a few years?

Well, to be honest, can you not come back? Or, you can live in another hospital and give this house to me?

Infinite YY...

"Master Liu, Master Jiu has a letter."

It was Xiao He who interrupted my daydream.

A letter from the ninth master? It's really mindless. As soon as I remember the letter, it will come! But he only wrote to the housekeeper before and never wrote to me. I, Liu Chuntao, am illiterate.

I took the letter from Xiao He's hand and opened it. I smiled. The ninth brother's letter was indeed specially "written" to me.

There are two pictures on two pages of letter paper.

In the first picture, there was a fat and cute little pig, and the little pig's face also drew a smiling expression with cartoon drawing. The little pig spit out his lovely tongue and narrowed his eyes into a crack.

This reminds me of the cartoon of Tom and Jerry that I drew for him. He learned quickly!

In the picture, there is also a man holding a pair of chopsticks and salivate at the piglet. Looking at the man's face, he is very obedient. It is the nine master of my family, who is usually majestic, but at this time, he looks like he is drooling!

I remember what he said before he left. He asked me to gain more weight and wait for him to come back to eat.

This painting, the meaning of this painting, is it really that?

Is this what the high-sounding prince wants to express?!

Whew, I blushed!

I, Liu Chuntao, have always been famous for being thick-skinned, but I didn't expect that I blush today! It seems that he made me blush more than once. Why am I so bad when I touch him?

Looking at Xiao He, who was poking his head around me, I quickly folded the picture.

I can't understand the second picture. There was still a little pig on the painting. Its four hooves were immersed in a basin of water, still smiling, and its little tail circled up, as if shaking leisurely.

What does this painting mean? What is the message it wants to convey? The first painting is very implication. I believe this one also has implication, but what is the implication?

I thought about it all afternoon, but I was puzzled. I have to put it aside first.

In the evening, Xiaohe called me foot washing water. I soaked my feet in warm water, which was very comfortable. I closed my eyes.

Xiao He said, "Master, your feet are so beautiful! It's small and white and tender. What people say 'slim jade feet' refers to the master's feet, right?

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the comfortable feeling on my feet. After listening to Xiaohe's words, my heart was shocked!

"Xiao He, what did you just say?" I suddenly opened my eyes and asked.

Xiao He was shocked and thought he had said something wrong and looked at me.

I hurriedly said, "Xiao He, don't be afraid. I'm just asking you what you just said? You seem to have said a word!"

Xiao He relaxed his expression and said, "I just said that the master's feet are beautiful, which is what they call 'slim jade feet'."

Good-looking feet are delicate jade feet, feet are feet, and pig's feet are also feet. In the picture, the four feet of the pig are immersed in water, and the feet are immersed in the water. The first two words are read in reverse as "soaked feet". This "immersion" is a homonym for "forbidden foot"!

Ah! I see. He wants me to be on foot! He, he didn't allow me to leave the house!!!

I was hit seven inches!

Is it that I was too diligent to go out of the house these days, which caused the dissatisfaction of my men? It seems that my every move in the house is under the eyes of my man!

As soon as I was proud of my freedom these days, I received a foot ban from others. The two of us are really telepathic!

55555... I'm mourning for my lost freedom.

It seems that whether I am free or not depends not on whether the ninth master is in the house, but on how much he is willing to give.

A while ago, he gave me the greatest freedom, and now he announces that he will take it back.

The first painting was still talking to me, and the second painting gave me a foot ban.


It suddenly occurred to me that the ninth master gave me a foot ban. Why didn't he simply tell the housekeeper Qin in the letter, and then let him inform me and supervise me by the way? It took so much effort to draw this picture for me. If I don't understand it, won't his foot ban be invalid?

Is he trying to save face for me in front of everyone?

Does Housekeeper Qin know about the ban? If he doesn't know, isn't there no one to supervise him? In that case, isn't it up to me to decide whether to abide by it or not?

However, after all, since he can know that I have been out to work these days, he will definitely know if I don't comply with the ban. Once this person who will be rewarded will come back, won't I have a good life?

After weighing it, I decided to be a gentle little daughter-in-law.

But how to spend the whole day in the house? Do you really want to gain weight and wait for him to eat?

Once again, I feel like a white pig with a red silk on a plate.